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Posts posted by Borgbunny

  1. Welcome back from the holidays, people!! Hope everyone had a merry Christmas, and a safe and only partially sober New Years!!


    But the Empire never rests, and, so, neither do we. The Motivators are looking for mature players, new to the game or returning, subscriber or free to play, experienced raiders or folks leveling for the stories. We have Vent, a website, and all the usual in game perks. More importantly, we have a great group of casual players who enjoy end game content. Come check us out, and, if you like what you see, consider joining us.


    Good luck, and good hunting, in the new year!

  2. Hello, Iarian. Feel free to have a look at the Hyperspace Motivators, if you like. We have all the usual perks (guild bank, vent, a website, etc.), and you will often find us hanging out in vent while we go about our gaming day. We don't have attendance requirements, we don't require you to participate in vent, and we don't have gear/skill/subscription requirements.


    What we do have are friendly, helpful people, and a desire to play the game. We do have an Imperial Guild (Ilum Swim Team), but we mostly focus Republic. If you're curious, feel free to have a look at the website.


    We hope to hear from you, wish you good luck and good hunting.

  3. Oh yes, people, I am BACK!! And i want you!! To join our guild. Whatever else you were thinking there, well, you should just stop thinking that right now. You know who I mean.


    The Hyperspace Motivators are recruiting, people, and we welcome casual players of all levels, and subscription tiers. We are a mature group, with all the usual perks, and you can check us out at the clubhouse. We like to do all kinds of things in this game (space, pvp, raid, level, raid, kill for peace, raid, maraud, carouse, and also raid). We don't have any requirements, beyond having a good time playing the game, so come check us out and see for yourself.


    We hope to hear from you, and wish everyone good luck, and good hunting.

  4. And after a long recruiting break, and the most recent turkey based holiday, we are back in the recruiting saddle!! We continue to pursue the things that make this game so much fun, including leveling alts, some pvp, and raiding on Oricon. We aren't the biggest guild by any stretch, but we have a stable group of consistent players, and we have all the usual perks. If you are looking for a home on the Republic side then check us out at the website.


    We do have an Imperial Guild, the Ilum Swim Team, but it's mostly a place to park alts. As ever, good luck and good hunting.

  5. It's that time, fellow citizens, to bump this thread yet again.


    That's right, the Hyperspace Motivators are still in the market for mature, friendly people to come and blow stuff up with us. We are progressing through S&V Hard Mode and are now 3 of 7 with Thrashers latest beating. We look forward to knocking down more Hard Modes still, as we move on to Dread Fortress and Dread Palace. We have a fairly brisk Vent channel, with a number of subjects under discussion (some of which are not for younger ears). Plus the usual guild bank, Exp and Valor boosts, and a bunch of helpful folks to do stuff.


    Come look us over at our website, and if you like what you see you can drop us an app. Until then, good luck and good hunting.

  6. Hey, Rat...If you are still looking, I invite you to check out the Hyperspace Motivators, at our website. Laid back bunch, serious when called for, and never otherwise. If you like what you see, consider putting in an app, or you can grab any of us that are on if you have any questions. We run a pretty active vent, as well, if you'd like to chat.


    Our Imperial guild <Ilum Swim Team> is mostly for Alts, and leveling, but almost all of us have capped toons on that side for running stuff.


    Either way, good luck in your search, and hope to hear from you.

  7. This is an Imperial Faction run. You must be level 50 minimum in order to use the Alpha Wave inhibitor. The Inhibitor is available from classic comms vendors in the daily areas, a kind soul who has crafted them for fun and profit, from the GTM (sometimes), and from crafting them yourselves. Please don't be PvP flagged, so as to prevent griefing. Gear should probably be Rakata level (58) minimum, but being level 55 will mitigate some of that.


    Tank -

    Tank -

    Tank -

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    Heals -

    Heals -

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    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -


    See you guys on Saturday.

  8. I'm back, so let's do this.


    This is a Republic Faction run. You must be level 50 minimum in order to use the Alpha Wave inhibitor. The Inhibitor is available from classic comms vendors in the daily areas, a kind soul who has crafted them for fun and profit, from the GTM (sometimes), and from crafting them yourselves. Please don't be PvP flagged, so as to prevent griefing. Gear should probably be Rakata level (58) minimum, but being level 55 will mitigate some of that.


    Tank -

    Tank -

    Tank -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -


    See you guys on Saturday.

  9. It's that time again, peeps. Yes, indeed, the Motivators are looking to add moar folks to our roster!! A few more, and we could be fielding 16 man Ops teams! From humble beginning, you know?


    We are a group of mature folks, who enjoy playing the game. We tend to focus on end game, but we have a lot of people leveling on both sides of the factional line, so the odds are good that you can find someone to run stuff with all through the week. We have taken up the challenge with Dread Fortress and Dread Palace added to our schedule, and looking to have both of them on farm, and moving toward Hard Mode, in the not too distant future. We have Vent, where you can feel free to lurk, and let the silliness was over you, or participate to your heart's content. We have a guild bank, and the website, and an Imperial presence as the Ilum Swim Team. We aren't focused on the Imperial side, by any means, but we do play there, when the mood strikes us.


    Come by and check us out! Either way, good luck and good hunting!

  10. As the nominal leader of the aforementioned Hyperspace Motivators, and a recruiting competitor, I can tell you that this is a great bunch of guys and gals to run with or just hang out with. You won't go wrong hooking up with 'em. Watch out for Joker, though. Something...not right about that one. :D
  11. My guys and I have gone into Story Mode Dread Fortress, with voice comms, and devised a strategy to deal with the adds. We get to the Guardian Phase (wave 7) pretty much intact, with the healers at nearly full resource and Draxus at ~23% health. It got to the point that he just wasn't coming back until mid way through wave 8, and he was coming back enraged. There's a reason that none of the strat guides indicate the same waves for his reappearance. It's all over the place.


    Dismantlers that can nearly one shot a tank with their follow up? Uninterruptable Guardians, and not much of a "safe area", and a boss that may or may not come back before enrage? Those are not Story Mode Mechanics.


    I don't mind difficult. If you have the skill and gear for HM and NiM, well, then go kill it. But for me and my guys, in full 69's minimum, we just couldn't get over that last 20%, and we weren't failing to mechanics. (That same group managed to two shot Bestia without having seen a single video of the encounter.) That just makes no sense, in Story Mode. This encounter is, in my opinion, overtuned by a long way. The parsed damage numbers, and raider comments, would seem to bear this out.

  12. Another week has passed, and a whole bunch of new content has dropped with 2.4. We are having a good time trying to work our way through that Dread Fortress boss, Draxus. Man that guy is tough, but we're getting there. If you'd like to join us in kicking his patootie (love that word!), then check us out at the clubhouse. We look forward to hearing from you.


    Good luck and good hunting.

  13. Sorry for the late post. Been a weird week.


    This is a Republic Faction run. You must be level 50 minimum in order to use the Alpha Wave inhibitor. The Inhibitor is available from classic comms vendors in the daily areas, a kind soul who has crafted them for fun and profit, from the GTM (sometimes), and from crafting them yourselves. Please don't be PvP flagged, so as to prevent griefing. Gear should probably be Rakata level (58) minimum, but being level 55 will mitigate some of that.


    Tank -

    Tank -

    Tank -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -


    See you guys on Saturday.

  14. You know, I had a diatribe planned, but that really doesn't matter, at this point. To say that the current dev, combat, and deployment teams are incompetent is like saying that water is wet. And while the community teams aren't responsible for the fiasco today (by which I was not affected, for full disclosure), their tragically late, and painfully ambiguous responses at the outset certainly didn't help matters. "We are aware of the issue, and are working with the deployment teams to ascertain the problem and possible solutions. Please bear with us." Not ideal, but a significant improvement from "Yep, it's broke, you shouldn't play til tomorrow."


    And it isn't about what we, the community, are owed. Game time, or Cartel Coins, or whatever, are simply the coins of the realm when it comes to what is really being asked, here. BioWare made a significant mistake, affecting a large number of their customer base (at all subscription levels), and should now spend a little time thinking about how to manage the PR of something like this. I'm not particularly bound up over what they'll bring to the table, but I think they should be prepared to make an act of contrition. "We, the staff of BioWare, aware that the actions taken today deprived a significant portion of the player base from access to the game, would like to offer (insert insignificant token here) by way of apology for that inconvenience."


    If only to show that, this once, they are even remotely aware that they need us playing this game in order to keep it viable. And that they have any notion whatsoever over the courtesy due a customer when the provider of a service fails to deliver it. I'll start holding my breath right now.

  15. How hard can this be? Their last response boiled down to "maybe you just aren't good enough to play the class" and "well, you can heal to full, so that should be good enough". What's different about this one? They trying to find a better way of wording "We know it's broken, but there isn't much we can/will do to fix it."


    As someone pointed out in another thread, maybe you guys should work on a unified vision of what the Advanced Classes should be. And then get someone with actual communication skills to disseminate that to the community. At the very least, it would be a nice change of pace from the last 2 years.

  16. Hello again, peeps!!


    The Hyperspace Motivators continue to work our way through hard mode S&V. We have a very solid roster, but could always use a deeper bench when it comes to preserving the integrity of the Republic. But raiding isn't all we do, folks!! We do Hard Modes, dailies, alt leveling, Bounty Boards, and the events as they roll around. Come check out the website, and, if you like what you see, post an app and join us.


    Until then, good luck and good hunting.

  17. This is an Imperial Faction run. You must be level 50 minimum in order to use the Alpha Wave inhibitor. The Inhibitor is available from classic comms vendors in the daily areas, a kind soul who has crafted them for fun and profit, from the GTM (sometimes), and from crafting them yourselves. Please don't be PvP flagged, so as to prevent griefing. Gear should probably be Rakata level (58) minimum, but being level 55 will mitigate some of that.


    Tank -

    Tank -

    Tank -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -


    See you guys on Saturday.

  18. Hello again!!


    Our little band continues to grow, and we have successfully downed Dash'roode in 16 man Hard Mode, with Noblesse Oblige. For a couple of casual raiding guilds, that's nothing to sneeze at. We'd like to build on that victory by continuing to progress through S&V Hard Mode, but we need your help. We need you to come join us, to lift up your blasters and sabers, and declare your intent to destroy anything that gets in our way. For peace, of course.


    Come by the website, and check us out. Until then, good luck and good hunting.

  19. This is an Imperial Faction run. You must be level 50 minimum in order to use the Alpha Wave inhibitor. The Inhibitor is available from classic comms vendors in the daily areas, a kind soul who has crafted them for fun and profit, from the GTM (sometimes), and from crafting them yourselves. Please don't be PvP flagged, so as to prevent griefing. Gear should probably be Rakata level (58) minimum, but being level 55 will mitigate some of that.


    Tank -

    Tank -

    Tank -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    Heals -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -

    DPS -


    See you guys on Saturday.

  20. Yes, folks, it's that time again, where your host goes thread bumping for fun an profit! Ok, less profit, and more fun, but hey, who's really keeping track?


    If you are a Republic player, and enjoy beating up world bosses, running Ops (or looking to start), and punishing Flashpoints, you should come have a look at the Hyperspace Motivators. We have the usual perks, as well as a great group of people who like to hang out in vent. We look forward to hearing from you, and wish you good luck and good hunting.

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