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Posts posted by Cephim

  1. Please put the fire in Huttball back the way it was. I don't think that was a big complain point.


    I suggest making an actual barrier (pretty sure star wars has some electronic anti personnel shields), or putting it back the way it was.


    The first option would make it a barrier, the second would revert it to being a deterrent. Also neither option gives a near insta-kill to every class with a pull.



  2. ok, ive been hit with 6 4k tracer missiles in a row.




    Mercenaries aren't the class being discussed, and neither are easily attainable hits for 4k. A Sorc/Sage getting the 5k hit medal is more rare than tracer missile spam.

  3. If by March 19th they have not announced Rated WGZ sometime in March before the sub fee hits get ready to see 20-30 people tops on your Fleets...They really need to start being Vocal with Patches and stop delaying the news as of now if you dont have full champion gear/battlemaster then you aren't a PvPer but for those of us who are there is nothing to do and literally every week more and more known PvPer's unsub its getting pretty sad.



  4. full BM gear is far from ULTIMATE for pvp.


    besides such hit is only 21% of my hp.


    I understand this to be different for every class. The math is very simple to do, and on my Sorcerer 598 expertise is better than the stat increases from PVE gear.

  5. OP probably has full BM gear with high crit/surge, also possibly against an opponent with an armor debuff.


    I am more or less full Battlemaster. I still rock Champ boots with an Agent enhancement in them, and I use the Rakata offhand.


    I prefer power over surge, but I am close to the soft cap for surge. My crit rating is actually pretty low, but I'll worry about that in a few more patches/updates. I mostly play my alts these days anyway.

  6. Great Scott !


    There are so few keybinds...


    I don't bind anything with a long cooldown. My Naga has 8 buttons programmed for combat abilities/macros and the rest are for things like select closest target, target of target, pass the Huttball. The 1 and 2 keys bound to buttons on my Nostromo.


    I could probably revamp my UI, but this works for my "get out of the way, we're trying to score in Huttball" playstyle.


    Also empty spaces notwithstanding, I was trying out glass cannon earlier spec that evening.

  7. Huttball is my favourite. It has the steepest learning curve in my opinion; it certainly took me a few matches to be effective.


    Being effective in Huttball is NOT how much DPS and how many kills you have at the end of the match. When your team is passing/pulling/leaping to advance the ball it's a lot of fun.

  8. If you see a Sorc/Sage getting ahead of the ball carrier: go get him. My pull leading to a goal is becoming less of a sure thing simply because people are adapting.




    OP: More Huttball. Less QQ. Run with a team and learn to communicate.


    BW: Please ignore demands for removal of all the awesome abilities that make Huttball fun. I would play Huttball on 20 different maps exactly as it is.

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