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Posts posted by Cynan_Ski

  1. Long ago, i fought him at like lvl 27 didnt work out so well ended up kiting him around the station for about 20-30 min while my friend as a gunslinger also lvl 27 got a hit in about once every 10-15 shots Needless to say that was the last time i did story quest below the "recomended" lvl
  2. For they longest time the failed to even mention that pvp was in the game and when asked about it would be a round about answer. I wasn't till the last year (not counting this pvp beta) that they started to talk about pvp and oh so srs they are about it
  3. Also keeps getting brought up because as stated there is a crap ton of sorc / sages so odds are in favor that you were probally killed by that class



    Honestly if there was 12 snipers in vs little me all the time. I would think snipers are op

    "Why the **** do i die to sniper all the time" oh yea because the odds are agianst me

  4. I honestly think they had 2 teams 1 for republic and 1 for sith both were given rules to keep it fair Being Republic they choose light side and stayed within the rules the sith on the other hand went dark side and made small changes.



    All joking aside its easy to call out imperials when it seems in terms of pvp its stacked in favor of the imperials. As far as we know all the republic quests are balanced around the current rules and the sith quests are balanced around their set... they did kinda off hand mention that pvp came 2nd

  5. I dunno seems huge difference between how useful my healing sage is in pvp vs how useful my healing commando is in pvp at least i still have more than 3 attacking abilities as a commando


    and i do notice a huge difference in TTK vs the 2 classes each has thier own perks how everyone makes it sound is there really should be 3 abilites in this game



    Attack Button 1

    Heal Button 2

    Defend Button 3


    all the rest are not fair after that point

  6. See here is the thing about the Internets and more particularly mmo forums. They could give two ***** about what qualifications you think you have on the current subject, unless you are a real developer from the company of said MMO then that is a different story. Then everyone will first worship the ground you walk on and when you walk out of earshot they will spit on your name and talk **** till you return.
  7. Actually i figured it out people are mad because when they see a sorc/sage they don't know what type of fight it is gonna be.


    For every other class there is a pretty much a set standard for the fight if you pvp enough you know what the other guys is probably gonna do


    Sorc / Sage though seems to be random on what spec someone is they can excel in almost any tree or mix of trees


    Besides a few outstanding players that like to break from the norm there is a pretty defined pvp spec for each class except sorc / sage it seems


    Granted this is mostly a for the norm not including you mad skillz people who will argue till you die and or find where i live and murder me for not agreeing with you.


    But chances are you looked up a build for pvp and copied some of it if not all

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