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Everything posted by gasxero

  1. i requested this a long while ago except is what the Underworld Black and regular black (mainly because i perhaps thought there might be issues with the appearance if there was no contrast) either way, I fully support either option. Underworld is also my favorite dye.
  2. i feel you bruv...but outside of Fury mara they hit like they're using feathers instead of laser swords. so hide and seek is what they've been reduced to. again, B-Ware hates warriors in general.
  3. IMO when the Emperor devoured Ziost was when the story ended. All the main characters died during the evacuation. everything after that point is just a fever dream that makes no sense whatsoever. now if we had killed the Emperor for good on Ziost and jumped into Onlsaught soon after we'd be golden story-wise.
  4. i always thought a hybrid jugg/sorc class would be great... some lightning attacks with some melee...like a Starkiller type. take half the vengeance spec and half the lightning spec; synergize them and bam!, new class for both warriors and inquisitors. the same can be done with agents and hunters...no need to write new class stories or anything.
  5. gasxero

    PvP noob

    1stly if you're a new player the thing to do is learn your favored specs' rotation by heart, learn what its defensive cool downs do and when to use them...and when not to. 2nd thing to do is forget that sh*t in pvp and watch your opponent and the area around you...die a lot, rinse-repeat until you learn the basic tactics all other classes use against you (conversely you could also learn the other specs by rolling them too but that will take a lot of time for a new player). 3rd, support your team, know when to stun and when not to...know when to fight and when to run. do this f*ckery enough and you will eventually find that you act without thinking; once PvP with your favored class becomes intuitive you've likely reached the pinnacle of your skill level with that class. do this for all classes you want to be good at...
  6. Imagine Vader getting kicked in his cyber nuts by Han Solo... that's what it feels like to fight the rolly boys with a dps jugg. and yes, a base 5 second reflect with half the damage becoming a heal should be standard...but naw lets give that to mercs n mandos insted. ~B-ware logic~
  7. warriors in general are trash these days...they haven't recieved love in years.
  8. Vengeance gives it a bleed and a crit proc later on in the skill tree
  9. reroll Mara if you're set on dps melee (spliced genes tactical) grit teeth is meant for Immortal spec, not Veng or Rage.
  10. what's needed are 2v2's, 3v3's and 5v5's with no class stacking, double tanks or healers and a special floor on the fleet for 1v1 dueling and training. also the option to opt out of Arena's for Unranked PvP.
  11. a 15 second cd reduction on mad dash with a built in root break that doesn't require a gdamned legendary utility point would suffice. until this classes dps specs gets some love i'll just keep skanking with Grit Teeth...it's unkillable outside of ganks. laughing at PTs, Sins and Leth ops when reality sinks in. It sucks cuz Immortal is so damn slow but dps Jugg is bottom ***** right now.
  12. both non-fury specs need a lot of work...hell, most warrior specs overall do. Juggs are pure ****e right now. but there is a tier 1 utility that gives force melt a slow...i use it all the time in lowbie pvp.
  13. I realized what the problem is: you guys swapped "Through Power" and "Consuming Rage" from the way it used to be... Through Power should've have remained on Enraged Defense and Consuming Rage on Endure Pain. Why "fix" what isn't broken?
  14. not to mention damage mitigation and straight up garbage defensive cooldowns. I've been playing it a bit lately (after years of having abandoned it) and compared to all the other classes I've played it feels like i have cement blocks for feet. not asking for much but since every other class got the reflect damage ability and 3 health bars(stolen from the jugg class) how about some mobility or at least something akin to a force pull or force camo so that this class doesn't feel so "why would I play this instead of literally anything else?"
  15. i've played this game on and off since Fries for the Hutt Cartel and not once has a ranked match ever popped for me so I just quit trying... from what i've read here it's a *****how anyway.
  16. Guardian Tank is easier to learn than Shadow tank; and I personally think it does a better tanking job overall... as for the stories, the imperial ones are just better imo but Jedi Knight is unquestionably superior to the Jedi Consular. If you're into PvP the Shadow/Assassin is currently the Fotm; if you're into Raiding, i wouldn't know...can't stand that crap.
  17. what i mean is that my character, un-buffed and naked in my stronghold does not register, say the 2% critical increase(for example from the 2-piece Berserker set) on the character sheet where stats are shown. is it by design or just not working?
  18. every time the Sith Warrior speaks i feel my testosterone rise.
  19. i've noticed no increase in alacrity or critical, mastery etc. from any of the 2 piece shells...is it a hidden bonus that doesn't show up in your character sheet or is it just not working?
  20. once upon a time there was a PvP set (maybe it was Pve too i dunno) that made your choke last 5 seconds instead of 4). there's one now that slows but meh; there are better sets than the force choke slow.
  21. every time i've subbed over the years I've tried to Q solo ranked and never have I gotten a pop...not once. I waited an hour+ before finally saying "fck it" if you merged regs and ranked into one thing it's the best of both worlds. Like I said, regardless if your team is full of sh*tters, your own stats (numbers depending on your role + objectives can be calculated to determine your placing. I know this means a lot more people will group up and stomp pugs but tbh it's kinda that way no anyway. Casuals won't care (about their rank) and Rankers will get more opportunity to play and shine regardless of winning or losing. Good players always shine even when their team loses. and like some1 said above...arenas can be for learning your class, and then for guilds to challenge one another. just make it all ranked.
  22. I say make ALL PvP ranked. I ain't got time to wait an hour for these damn Q's to pop calculate healing protection damage and objective points to figure out who is the best of each class (for those that care). Casual players won't give a **** and ranked nerds will no longer be able to Q dodge.
  23. play immortal spec; ive literally never lost a duel against any sin in this spec...even with the stealth out, mez and heal cheese tactic. It used to be slightly harder when they could phase walk but now its just a matter of smacking them into submission. As a DPS jugg? heh, i'd recommend forgetting that and rerolling a fury Mara and using the spliced genes tactical to annoy the hell out f that little burst window, obfuscate then demolish.
  24. I know that every class has a goddamn reflect ability now, since apparently Juggs/guardians can't have a single original thing... but at least i can see when the merc, the jugg or sorc has the reflect ability active. I've lost count already on the number of times i've killed myself on this vaguely transparent green bubble that shows no indication it has a reflect utility. is it too much to ask for, i dunno -sparkles- or some**** so i know to hold back an attack for a few seconds?
  25. better tacticals and better armor sets Descent of the Fearless is laughable; i'd rather use the 4 piece dashing blademaster tbh
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