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Posts posted by michaelsith

  1. Hey folks,


    By the term "Megaservers" I presume you think we are collapsing multiple servers together into "megaservers." Especially with many of the quality of life features you highlighted. These changes were only designed to allow friends to play together, regardless of their personal playstyle. Now someone who wants to play on a PvP server can play on the same server as their friends who don't want to.


    Hope that clears up any confusion.




    I believe everyone has the feeling that those servers like POT5 that rarely see standard will be merged into one of the PvE servers to improve queue times etc. and have less servers that don't really get used. This is because of the fact that POT5 won't be a 'pvp server' so it would be no different than say Jedi Covenant or Shadowlands.

  2. Im on harb, dont remember playin you... I was just talkin to hoppin last night, but gj farming an empty q.:sy_lightside: (you get a gold star)


    you were on shadowlands. i remember. i remember all the rating i got from you. a whole pile of it. just like the pile of credits all those ppl had a few weeks ago. nom nom rating :)

  3. dont care if you think im a bad or trash or a nobody in a video game....anyone who thinks that being good in a non paying/rewarding video game is a mongoloid and should be treated as such.. even worse if you brag about it...sure its nice to be great at things but do you have to be such big fgts


    I remember farming you out of queue as the only death smile person back when I was a pve'er. git gud or git farmed by 'pve bad' kid. You act like you're capable of more than being gutter trash.

  4. Grats you ran hardswap and played hardswap ... I was already low, no globalololololol for you.

    Gg...? Just cause your in ds doesn't mean you can redfine being globaled...

    Also Grats you won a couple preseason matches? I've ran a total of 15 g rank matches and I never played with that group before yet we still beat you guys 3 rounds. Also isn't your post at the top with your premade and against 3 healers. Yes, yes it is. if you're so against it you should remove it.

    See Ya on the court with no net.


    Get back to the topic of the thread & post some PvP records. As for your trash talking, at least make a name for yourself & be relevant before doing so. Seeing so many people getting mad over some dps logs is funny when I can see things like " too serious for me" when I'm normally yawning my way thru all these matches & we play rando comps to try & see what would happen and still win.

    Maybe I should start regstar dps'ing regs and post some numbers...

  5. The numbers beezy randomly came up with are likely based on nightmare previous tier (back when it was relevant) and right now very well can be expected as a minimum for bosses like sparky on nightmare with maybe even more to be expected on the average fight in nightmare. I'm expecting to be around very happy healers come nightmare (because they love challenge).

    How are groups doing on final bosses right now? Hope to see a kill soon :rak_03:

  6. Even though HMD cheesed council, they still had the dps to beat phase 2. Their dps for their first kill is arguably the best 4 dps group this server has ever had and people should never forget that. Even with the legendary zenod though, the current HMD will sadly never achieve what it once was capable of. There's just too many weak links in that group. Sorry. but its the truth. Healers need to be maxing out their potential for the upcoming NIM tier so yall better step it up if you wanna even be 8/10. Maxing out your class means 5k+ effective per healer on a fight like Bulo.


    5k+ on Bulo sounds like ppl are ignoring mechanics too much (unless everyone is fairly undergeared to take larger hits) :p

  7. Summoned AT in its amazing looking location, will update this post when i can get some ppl to come kill it w/ me. Hope it drops something amazing as the search to find everything.

    edit: oh also I found the tome on harbinger.

  8. Are you admitting you were one of the two in the picture?


    Either way there is no possible way to get up there that I know and if after 3 years on this game I dont know it then its not possible. Im all for a fair game and this is stupid. Im sure that a player on the ground 30m away would not be able to hit you because they wouldn't be able to see you. Whoever it was will probably get banned because this was a huge issue not 2 weeks ago.


    Underlined part is perfect reason to discredit anything you have to say due to being 100% full of yourself.


    I'm sure you'll call this: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/217878/module_gallery/original/1474306.jpg

    "HAX" even though it was done using the game alone

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