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10 Good
  1. Is there any disadvantage to choosing light side choices as empire? Will I lose out on affection with my companions or anything?
  2. Thanks for the info. I'm glad you felt that your opinion was final and all inclusive. Carry on with QQ Bioware nerfed my favorite crew skill. Thread will now self destruct in 3, 2, 1
  3. Keep this on topic please, there's plenty of other qq nerf threads on the front page.
  4. I've just gotten high enough level to choose my crew skills. As in other MMOs, I pick up all gathering professions to establish some money for myself both while leveling and endgame. With that said, what are your opinions on the most profitable gathering / mission skills and why? If this thread is popular enough, I'll tally the votes up and hopefully others with the same question will get some insight.
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