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Posts posted by Dantharghan

  1. Please think about increasing overall tank DPS and decreasing the amount of TPS generated by skills that build additional threat.

    With the introduction of the new tier of gear, tanks increase their defensive stats but very little in regards to DPS.


    It is very "boring" for tanks to rely on skills that build additional threat just to stay ahead of well geared DPS or to being forced to abuse the taunt mechanic (taunting off of yourself)


    Tanks have a +100% modifier while tanking but equally geared DPS do 3-4 times the amount of DPS a tank can dish out.

    Throw in boss mechanics that require breaks in aggro generation while allowing/requiring DPS to continue (hello enrage timers - worst decision ever btw) and you frustrate tanks in general.


    With each new tier of gear this disparity between DPS and TPS generated will only increase.


    What's next ? The DPS will hit 2500+ DPS and the tank stance will be changed from 100% to 150% ?


    Really something to look forward to..... *sarcasm*

  2. I want the ability to outright inspect the 3 other players I am going to be grouped with before I click ACCEPT so I am not wasting my and everyone else's time with annyoing vote kicks, raging DPS newbs and green/blue 50s with attitudes.

    There's so many people without the neccessary skill to complete a simple HM flashpoint, I don't need to add the people with lacking gear as well.

    Especially for HM Lost Island.

  3. As a test, try jumping on your way out of the circle next time; the client seems to be authoritative about positioning when you jump. I've experienced this problem with T&Z's ground spikes, Sav-Rak's smash, etc. I've moved way, way out of the red circle and gotten spiked anyway. Jumping just outside the area, on the other hand, works every time.




    Exit circle, jump. Updates your position to the server - no more deaths.

  4. Laut unseren Ops Parses in Denova nehme ich als Assassin Tank mit vollen 61er Armierungen/Mods, welche in Rakatasetteilen stecken im Vergleich zu einem gleichwertig angezogenem Juggernaut Tank ca. 1,6% (Eins KOMMA Sechs Prozent!) mehr Dmg.

    Das schieben wir Tanks auf unsere höhere AE-Aggro bei Trashgruppen. Juggernauts sind einfach da nicht solche Aggroschweine wie Assas.


    Drei bis viermal soviel Schaden.... MUHAHAHA... Dramaqueen.


    Lern deine CDs zum richtigen Zeitpunkt einzusetzen und zieh dich anständig an. Alleine Machtschleier ist extrem OP, wenn man ihn im rechten Moment einsetzt. Ausserdem helfen gute Taktiken ebenfalls, viel vermeidbaren Schaden komplett zu umgehen.

  5. Mittelmässig.


    Verteidigung sollte mit Stim bei ~30% landen.

    Schildwert bei 45% (65% mit Dark Ward und 5% 2er Setbonus)

    Absorbtion bei 55-58%.



    Erreichbar sind die Werte mit Black Hole Gear, aus welchem du die Mods ausbaust und in Tionese/Columi/Rakata Gear einbaust. Mindestens 4 Teile notwenig, um den vollen 2er und 4er Bonus zu erhalten. Es sind zusätzliche Black Hole Gegenstände notwendig, um alle nutzlosen Enhancements mit Accuracy darauf zu ersetzen.


    Dazu ein PvP Relikt mit 103 oder 113 Verteidigung und ein Campaign Relikt (200 Tages-Marken) mit 355 Absorb Rating Procc.


    Dann auf deiner Ausrüstung 10 power/defense Augments und 4 power/absorb Augments verteilen (je nach Geschmack varierbar im Verhältnis).

    Alternativ ein zweites PvP-Relikt nehmen und 4 power/defense Augments mit power/shield rating Augments ersetzen.


    Augments mit Ausdauer drauf sind für Tanks vollkommen nutzlos, ausser für die Spieler, die sich über viel HP definieren und vom Tanken nichts verstehen.


    Momentan erreichst du den grössten Gewinn durch ein oder zwei PvP-Relikte mit Verteidgung drauf. Kosten 550 Warzone Marken und pro Abend sollte ein Relikt möglich sein als Tank.

  6. Just to make it clear - I do NOT want a VISIBLE "gear score" for everyone to see when you inspect another player's equipment. No one needs to see this.

    The Groupfinder should calculate the average gear rating and just tell the player Yes or No when trying to queue for an FP or Ops.


    Any Yes, there should be an option to disregard the gear rating alltogether when queuing with a premade raid group. (i.e. when you do farm runs for alts / twinks or just equip some new recruits).


    But for the random ops group or even hm fp, this could lessen the headaches alot.

  7. I suggest the GF should take the average gear rating of a character into account, when trying to queue for a specific destination and I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.


    Before you scream NOOOO! at the top of you lungs, please hear me out.


    As a reminder:

    -full tionese = rating of 128

    -full columi = rating of 136

    -full rakata = rating of 140

    -full BH = rating of 146


    My suggestion:


    Normal Flashpoints: no requirements except for the normal level requirements to enter the FP.


    T1 hardmode Flashpoints: no requirements except for the normal level requirements to enter the FP.


    T2 hardmode Flashpoint(s) aka Lost Island: Average gear rating of 130. (Tionese with a couple columi mixed in).


    Story mode operations for EV and KP: Average gear rating of 122 or 124. (daily commendation niveau)


    HM operations for EV and KP: Average gear rating of 130. (Tionese with a couple columi mixed in).


    Add Denova to GF with an average gear rating of 138

    Add NM operations for EV and KP with an average GR of 138.


    Maybe some of those values or a little low/high, but they sounded reasonable to me at the time of writing this.


    On a personal note (and what made me write this in the first place) ... I am just tired of having to argue with / vote kick people for queuing up for Lost Island HM in green/blues and generally being unfit to succeed in the content they queue for, no matter the "skill" of the player behind the char.

    The player's skill can only do so much, enrage timers won't be beat by daily commendation DPS.

  8. Doesn't matter what kind of machine you use for swtor, you will always have a little stuttering effect when you have 200+ people on the fleets and move around.

    It's they way the engine handles swapping from hhd to cache and the fact it throws up a huge (in network terms huge) stop sign whenever textures need to be loaded when a new toon comes into view.


    Live with it.

    And don't listen to people who state this problem can be solved with money, a new ISP ... or cooling pads under your laptop.



  9. Please change the periodic self healing from the Assassin/Shadow tank stance from a fixed amount of HPs to a percentage of total HP - the same way Force Lightning or Telekinetic Throw heal with 3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness/Shadows.


    This way the self heals will SCALE with gear. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 2% every 4.5s.


    Gear scales with content - and since the self heals are part of the assassin/shadows mitigation formula, it should not be left out of the progression. We can improve our gear, but static self healing will become more and more obsolete and the light armor tanks will feel less powerful, the more we progress and the harder the content becomes.

  10. Currently when you "crit" an item you add an augment slot to it. This is true for every item except for item modifications like hilts, barrels, mods, etc.


    As soon as patch 1.3 arrives you can still "crit" items for augment slots, but as you said yourself you can add slots with augment kits as well.

    Augment kit components are available through RE'ing items. The chance to get an augment kit component per RE-attempt is 100%. You will need 10 components for one augment kit, so RE 10 cheap green items of appropriate level to craft the augment kit you want.

    Augment kit components can be RE'ed from every item that is "equipable".

    RE'ing item modifications like armoring, enhancements, hilts, etc will NOT yield augment kit components.


    So... decide what level augment kit you want, craft 10 green items of said level, RE them -> craft augment kit.

    That's it.

  11. Increasing the max level trivializes current content to the point where no one plays it anymore. New players/chars bypass it completely with solo quests on their way to max level.

    As a result the game would need to offer about the same amount of end game content after the level cap increase compared to what is available now. Which is impossible to create every 5-6 months with the resources BW has at its disposal.

    Keeping the same level cap and offering new content which is challenging but does not require a level cap increase keeps the current end game and all future additions to it open for players to progress in.

    Otherwise you have a huge game but only a very small amount of available content is actually experienced by the players because who wants to raid/play "old" flashpoints and operations ?

  12. Both with same amount of crit, surge and power vs. the lvl 50 regular target dummy, Andronikus in single target stance and 126 rating weapons, Ashara in bleed stance and 128 rating lightsabers:

    Andronikus 597dps

    Ashara 681 dps


    I believe even with 126 rating weapons, Ashara would still beat Andronikus vs single target. Questing and just running around doing daily quests, Andronikus is probably the better companion, he's a lot better against groups.


    Having quested with both and geared both - pick which one you like better, you won't notice any kind of difference in kill speed. Take the one you think looks better killing stuff :)

  13. Strange. Bonus series on Balmorra takes you to 23/24 easily. Nar Shaddaa at least to 27, Tatooine to 29/30, Alderaan to 33/34, Back to Nar Shaddaa for the bonus series gives you another level or two, Taris is good for 2-4 Levels, Quesh is another 2 levels. Which drops you at around 39/42 when you start Hoth AND at lvl 40 the bonus series on Alderaan starts... I honestly can't imagine you ran out of stuff to do without missing tons of quests.


    All this without doing a single H2 or H4 quest.


    It is quite possible that you missed many quests due to being too low in level... retrace your steps again and visit all the speeder outposts and quest hubs on Tatooine/Alderaan/Taris and grab the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa.

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