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  1. Well that was my Gunship and im not even Mastered on him yet, and yes that was 83k dmg
  2. here's a pic of the DMG I did with my Gunship I did use one DMG Boost that's all and that's the dmg I pulled https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=672110422839624&set=pb.100001220164235.-2207520000.1392101380.&type=3&theater
  3. Space pvp/Area controlled would be like fleet vs fleet over a certain planet of you're choice and it should be like a 20 min battle who controls it can do a certain Ops for PVP/PVE gear in the ops, who also controls it for 2 hours everyday and also daily missions throughout the controlled area for the 2 hour time limit before the controlled battle starts again. Pod Racing: This would be about the same above, but you have to win the race to get some rare items to upgrade you pod racer must place: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th to earn rare upgrades to for you're pod racer.
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