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Posts posted by Boozed

  1. And that's the beauty of a "forum", everyone is free to make whatever comment they feel reflects thier opinion...not yours.


    there is nothing wrong with disagreement, but derailing a thread is an entirely different thing. We're not debating that this game was made as PVE/PVP - that needs NO DISCUSSION as its completely obvious. We're talking about some major changes that need to happen in the PVP side of the game to keep PVP players playing. What is so hard to understand about that?


    You'd think the PVE community would fight for improvements to the PVP side in the name of strengthening the community, but instead ignorant people post here and do the opposite. Sad.


    Bottom line: without a major overhaul to the PvP systems in SWTOR, the PvP community will continue to unsub until there's nothing left. Some people would argue its too late - here's to hoping its not.

  2. Since the only PvP option in SWTOR is "queue for WZs while you stare at the walls in fleet", its pretty safe to say the PvP community is all but dead. Now with the release of GW2 only a week away its only a matter of time before PvP all but dies.


    I don't think it has to be this way however. By implementing 3 faction PvP in a similar fashion as Rift and reinstituting an objective based "open world PvP" zone, SWTOR could revive its PvP player base. Until that happens, PvPers will continue to unsub.

  3. The biggest misconception (posted here frequently) about WvW or RvR is that the "zerg" always wins.


    Small to mid sized groups made up mostly of guilds with skilled PvPers absolutely destroy the zerg with superior use of tactics and communication. The best thing about GW2 is they have made it even easier to bust up zergs by not allowing players to use mounts to travel quickly to locations. By forcing the "winning side" (side with most objectives held) to run the furthest to reinforce objectives, they have made it possible for small groups to whittle the zerg down and make progress.


    The more BWEs I participated in and the more I learn about GW2 the worse SWTOR PvP looks.

  4. The brilliance of WvW in GW2 is they are pitting servers against each other. "Realm pride" creates meaningful PvP, something reward systems and gear treadmills can never do. I'm hoping SWTOR implements something similar but it doesn't look like this is going to happen in the near future :(
  5. RVRVR isn't innovative, I'll just point that out. The concept is almost as old as MMOs themselves.


    That being said, that makes it all the more disappointing that an MMO with PVP, an intense faction vs faction history and back story, and exists in 2012 lacks any capability of large scale PVP.


    However, it is what it is I guess.


    There is open world PVP btw. It happens all the time. Been in some fairly decent 10 on 10s or on one occasion, 20 on 20 fairly recently. Happens mostly on Voss. If you want open world PVP, it's the best place as both factions travel the same routes and there is usually something going down. Not organized or game created, but it really doesn't have to be and some would say it shouldn't be. If the game could handle more people at a time, it would be great. For example, GW2 doesn't bat an eyelash when there are like 50 or 100 people fighting in the same place.


    Organized RvR isn't really needed. But, large scale fights should be possible without ****** high quality machines down to single digit FPS. That would make common end-game areas ripe with large scale battles as a lot of people would hang out there just for that. Sure, people would whine about it, but if it's on a PVP server, you agreed to the disclaimer.


    Where did anyone in this thread say RvR was innovative? Taking an existing 2 faction game and "converting" it to 3 faction PvP is an innovation however.


    The random PvP you're talking about won't keep PvPers playing this game, sorry. A reward based system for Open World vs. World will. We need OPTIONS and right now we have very few.

  6. I wouldn't get your hopes up. The engine can't handle lots of people in the same area. Back in the Ilum days everyone had lag, even super computers from NASA would have had lag in that area.


    Yeah it was pretty bad, I definitely remember. I'm still holding out hope for something though.

  7. Hardcore PvPers are getting bored of ranked and unranked Warzones fast because there are NO OTHER OPTIONS for PvP in this game.


    Give the PvP community some hope that we will see some kind of update to Open World PvP in the near future! I know you guys are back to the drawing board on Ilum, but its been a couple months since we've heard anything about it.


    Love this game, love the PvP...but I'm getting bored with only one option for PvP :(

  8. ....is making this game boring, fast.


    I've played since Early Access and I'm getting really, really bored with the same 4 war zones night in and night out.


    Hate to make this thread about GW2, but the major appeal of that game is there more options for PvPers. Want to play scenarios? Hop into the Heart of the Mists and do it. Want to head out into the massive conflict of World vs. World (RvR) with your small coordinated group and attack strategic supply lines and towers or harass the zerg? Maybe you want to zerg it up yourself, and overrun Keeps and Garrisons. There are TONS of options available, take your pick.


    I love everything about this game, but the lack of options in PvP is just getting boring. I'm really hoping there will be an announcement soon about the status of Open world PvP in this game that will make me want to stick around. :(

  9. I read so much QQ about Guardians on these forums so I wanted to make sure I dispel all of the nonsense and misinformation.


    We are absolute beast mode in PvP. I run a full Vigilance spec'd Guardian (7/32/2) in Soresu, full Vindicator's gear, a shield + fort stim for maximum survivability (yes, shields make a difference in PvP despite what the bads say) and insane damage output. I can swap into Shien + power gen + strength stim for all out DPS.


    There is no debate, no need for argument - Guardians are amazing.

  10. PTs were nerfed because the burst damage they could do was insane. A PT mate showed me his tank stance DPS and DPS stance one and if they could stance dance, it'd make Maras look like they hit with a wet noodle. I have no idea what it was like Pre 1.2, but Post 1.2 PTs/Maras scare me on my Jugg. Only classes that constantly causes me trouble.


    As a Guardian I never "fear" Sents/Marauders in any situation. However I do know that a well played Sent/Marauder is a tough fight in a pure 1v1 situation in which they have all their CDs since they effectively have 11 seconds where they take virtually no damage from a melee damage dealer (pacify and guarded by the force), and 30 seconds of 20% reduction from rebuke. Well timed CC is necessary to win that fight.


    In any group sitation you can completely shut a Marauder down with taunts, Guard, CC, guardian leap, and damage. Well played tanks make life very difficult for DPS ACs.

  11. I have a Guardian and I'm not cocerned with this change in the slightest. I play full Vigilance in Soresu, but I'm constantly adjusting certain things like stance and my off-hand depending on the situation in WZs. I wear the Vindicator set and mostly run a Fortitude stim with a shield off-hand to start the match and weigh the playing field. If my healers are getting trashed, I'm ready to Guard and peel. If they are marauder/sniper heavy I have a shield to help mitigate damage. Even with the shield on and Soresu form up, I can dish out crazy damage if I manage my focus correctly. And lastly if I so choose I can swap in the Power generator and Shien form to do great DPS.


    A six percent change to one form only hurts static PvPers.

  12. Force attacks are energy attacks which get mitigated by armor.


    Force, tech, ranged, and melee are attack types, only ranged and melee can be shielded or defended against


    Kinetic, energy, internal, and elemental are damage types, only kinetic and energy are mitigated by armor.


    For example, some sage abilities are force attack types that do kinetic damage - these cannot be shielded or defended, but they are mitigated by armor.


    So 50% damage reduction from armor only applies to two of the four damage types in the game, energy and kinetic.

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