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Everything posted by Bradalf

  1. Oh, and another, said by my character. "The rakhgouls were hesitant to give up their blood, but I persuaded them."
  2. My favourite line of dialogue so far was from a female consular in the Maelstrom Prison FP. We were talking to Grand Moff Kilran and she said something like: "Come meet me in person and I'll make your face match!" Everyone in my group thought it was hilarious! What's your favourite line so far?
  3. I want to change my subscription so it doesn't bill me automatically and I can manually pay for each month. However, I can't find the option. It's like they burrow it deep in the options lol. Anyone know how this is done?
  4. Bump, anyone had a similar experience?
  5. I just completed the last quest of my story where I had to battle my possessed master. In the end, even though I looked at all the speech options before picking one, my character killed my master. At first, I thought this was the normal ending to the story, but after asking a few other consulars, I discovered they all had the option to save him. When I did the quest, there were no light/dark options, force persuades or anything of the sort. I feel cheated because I have gone through the game making all light side decisions, but when I arrive at the end, I get no choice and it leads to the killing of one of my favourite characters. How could Bioware leave such a huge bug in arguably the most important moment in the whole consular story? I wish this game wasn't an MMO so I could reload my save and try again.
  6. When I'm in game, whenever I press the Slash/Question mark key, I get this weird E with an accent over it. It only seems to happen in the game and there are no options in preferences to change it that I'm aware of. This randomly started happening. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Just like the title says. I've been in the wait que for The Swiftsure for 3 hours and I still have 250 people ahead of me. I know this is probably just a temporary problem in order to spread the population between servers, but this is getting ridiculous. It makes me wonder why I even bothered to preorder when I can barely get into my server.
  8. Well, the problem with that is that almost all servers will have more Sith than Republic, and I'm Republic
  9. So I'm in my first wait que and we aren't even out of early access yet. I pray that I won't have to wait 45+ minutes as this game gets more popular, or at least have the option to change server for free/cheap early on.
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