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Everything posted by Liquid_Velocity

  1. Ashes of Ashla sounds like it could be a good guild for me. I'm a casual player who gets on a couple of times a week. I currently play a 53 Sith Warrior Juggernaut. I've done pretty much none of the flashpoints or group missions since the Black Talon those long months ago. The few that I 've tried have not gone well, perhaps because I don't have much practice tanking in SWTOR. Heck, I don't even know all the terminology associated with the flashpoints and missions. Since Kurosho Arcturus is nearing 55, I think it's time he start looking at end game content before I begin a new character. I'd be happy to join Ashes for a raid and let us see how it goes before you make a decision about accepting me into the guild.
  2. I've finally finished the first one, the escort mission, after failing it four times before finally succeeding. I need (a) better eye/hand coordination and (b) some way to keep my cursor easily visible as I'm moving it around. I'll try some other space missions. It's a nice change of pace, but I know that it's going to take probably a dozen repeats before I get lucky. It's about learning the patterns.
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