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Everything posted by Forevernite

  1. Hi, I'd like to bring to your attention a particularly pesky situation, occurring during all the Warzones. You know that sometimes it happens, when you die and you respawn, that the "counter" indicating the waiting time you have to wait before exiting the respawn zone has just started. It's annoying, but it happens. HOWEVER, in the worst cases, when you have to wait for the maximum time programmed (I think it's about 15 seconds or similar), a pesky writing appears, stating that "YOU HAVE TO LEAVE THE RESPAWN AREA OR YOU WILL BE PUT OUT OF THE WARZONE" (ok, something like this). This writing was thought to remind all the players that they cannot remain in a warzone spawning area without doing anything, everybody knows this, of course. But when it appears while you were so unlucky that you had to wait for all the 15 seconds of respawn time, it is completely unbearable, insufferable. In those cases, this writing can ruin totally my game and make me even more nervous than I am at that moment. Not only I have to wait for the respawn time (which is a bad thing), but I also have to suffer that stupid writing... Is it possible to avoid this writing while you are waiting the respawn time? If you could help me, I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you
  2. Just let me transfer my characters from Lord Calypho to the Progenitor, it is so simple!
  3. This is so true! I read a lot about bolster, bolster, so try to explain me WHY each time I face a high level char, he devastates me in 2 moves. And I never - never lose versus a low level char - it happened a couple of times in all the matches I've played.
  4. Please, try to understand that the real problem in not having more level brackets is due to the jedi knight/sith warrior class. This class has no CC at low levels, and if you have to face a char with healing (noone knows why the trooper/mercenary class is so imba), you simply cannot kill him. It is not a lack of skill. I play all the classes. In the case of the classes with no CC, it is simply more DIFFICULT. And "more difficult", simply, means NO BALANCE. So, to reach the balance, which is the aim of a mmorpg, something must change. Of course, when a jedi knight/sith warrior class reach the CC skills, it becomes a way more balanced class. I still remain of the opinion that level brackets like 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 and so forth, with the bolster to the last level (19, 29, 39...) is a better solution. Just the solution adopted by Age of Conan, for example, a mmorpg that has a 4 year experience. I'd like to see also the "Sprint" skill at level 10, not 14, just to add even more balance to the level difference.
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