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Posts posted by Rehn_Freemark

  1. Hi Alexious,


    Style is something that is very subjective and what some people love, others find unacceptable.


    Style is very subjective indeed, but somewhere you have to draw a line on what should a certain character look like, or not look like. As subective a style may be, I doubt you will ever consider implementing a pink tennis player outfit style for troopers, or a '70s disco outfit for jedi consulars. That JK outfit is honestly just as bad, tho I realize it must not be easy to imagine many and more different and credible outfits for Jedis since the movies and the general canon don't offer much other that the standard robes.

    Still, it's good to know that we'll probably get full customization for looks, that's the best thing you can do about it. The second best thing is change that crappy samurai stuff right off the bat :p

  2. Bah, JK definitely needs some refining, but as long as people will keep complaining because they are too dumb to kill a main quest boss, nothing good is going to come out of it. I beat Valis as combat (by far the worst Sentinel spec) with hardly any issue, it's not a class problem if you are unable to put your back to the wall and interrupt at every cd.


    The main problem for me remains pvp, which for sentinel is a joke. It's simply impossible to be on par with other classes considering that this game's pvp is all about cc and knockbacks, and we have 0 of each. Since we don't have anywhere near the burst damage to be able to say '**** CC', most of the time we are completely useless, and frankly, just take a mental note of how things go in your warzones when you have a very large number of Sentinels/Marauders playing... on my server I often get groups with like 4-5 sentinels and we always, always get massacred.


    And no, before anyone brings it up, the defensive cooldowns aren't the issue here. Yes they are pretty good, but the problem isn't how much damage we take or don't take, the problem is spending 2 hours into a stun, then getting knockbacked, then snared, all the while being completely unable to do absolutely anything (I know it's not easy on anyone with this system, but at least ranged classes can shoot from a distance, we also have to cover the gaps and it's not easy even with force leap).


    Plus, combat, which is supposedly our pvp talent tree, is totally worthless. Spamming buttons as Watchman does way more damage than following Combat's dps rotation to the letter, and I'm not kidding. I hear a lot of people saying even Focus is better than Combat.

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