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Posts posted by Rehn_Freemark

  1. It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.




    As I stated yesterday, I'm happy that apparently more and more imperial players are starting to figure out that this situation doesn't benefit anyone. And yes you are correct, republic avoids Ilum because simply put there is nothing to gain for republic players by going there, not even the simple element of fun. You can try and make a group with friends or random people, but outside of very small time windows, no matter how many republic players you can get together empire will always have much more, so it's just pointless. Until they simply make sure that overpopulation isn't a factor (--> turn Ilum into a regular warzone), Ilum will never work.

  2. I agree with you, but as an Imperial, I just want to point out.




    We cannot complete the Illum daily in a reasonable amount of time either. Every box in the center has 1-2 people camped by it and hunting down republic for kills is an exercise in futility since there are so few of you and you are dead by the time we can get there.


    The entire thing is just pointless for both sides really.


    I agree completely, that's why I'd like more imperials say that the system now has to change to be more fair for everyone, instead of imperials saying that rep are crybabies and everything is working fine

  3. OP probably got faceroll hard by a pvp gear player vs his green grears


    Agreed. I can partly understand him and people like him. I got it easy getting champ gear with the "old" broken Ilum, warzone weekly+warzone daily+ ilum daily + ilum weekly and I got like 5 champion pieces the next day I hit 50.

    It's harder for the fresh 50s because they have to compete with fully geared ppl, and without at least 4-5 champion pieces on your toon you are like a sheep in a den of lions... and they basically have to say goodbye to Ilum weeklies and dailies which were oh so useful before 1.1. Republic has it harder but I'm not gonna start an argument here, it's not too fast for fresh 50s in the empire either.


    Tbh the problem isn't the gear, and it certainly isn't the expertise stat, it's just that you don't really have any kind of accessible level 50 entry level pvp gear and without it you get squashed in a matter of second in any warzone. Fix Ilum, or at least change the dailiies and weeklies so that you can get more champion bags more easily, and you solve hte problem.

  4. If you knew the server you had chosen was 3 or 4 : 1 Empire to Republic would you have even rolled there? Probably not ...


    I had no doubt the Republic would have been vastly outnumbered, and I chose republic knowing that I would not only be free of the kids playing the evil dark megalord guy they like so much, but also I would have gotten quicker queue times for pvp (years of playing horde in WoW and having to wait 20-30 minutes for a battleground made that point very clear to me).


    More to the point... Until 1.1 I had absolutely no reason to regret my choice of faction, and if they'd stop pretending everything is fine with their useless 1.1a "turret fix for Ilum" I wouldn't have to regret it now either.


    this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

    • out numbered on their server
    • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
    • control all of the ilum objectives


    I really find it so obvious, but with Ilum the way it is now it doesn't matter if you have a 900& or 9000000% valor bonus, when you are outnumbered 4:1 or even 3:1 you won't get any real kills and your valor bonus wont mean squat.

    Ilum has to go, become a regular warzone or just a "free for all area" without any rewards except maybe valor (with a nerf to the % you get for controlling points) because right now it's pointless, and worst of all it's just not fixable. Pvp areas like that have never, and never will work in a 2 faction game where one faction outnumbers the other greatly.

    The "Wintergrasp Tenacity" solution (just give the underdog faction some kind of big boost) is, really, not a solution and never has been, it's just a way to say "we can't fix it without actually taking the area out of the game, so just pretend it works and deal with it".

  6. as stated in another topic, I can confirm that turning off the tracker does NOT work. It's just pure random luck. And yeah I have it too all the time and it sucks
  7. As for the gear difference, this is the rule of MMO's:


    There is always somebody in this world who has more time than you, works less than you, sleeps less than you etc etc.


    There is always gonna be people with more gear than you. It's an MMO for christs sake.


    This is just an idiotic comment from someone who started his post by saying "you are new to mmos".

    Yes, there is always someone who is more geared than you in mmos, but it's because they put way more time than you in the game, by farming more, doing more pvp, doing more pve etc. Not because the game rules are basically a huge exploit handed over to a part of the players, and yes Ilum at the moment is just an exploit made legit for imperials. You are getting free bags compared to us because there is no way the republic can keep up with the number of players for a fair fight, let alone try and get the "armamentes" (LOL) when it's hard to find a moment in the day when the players on Ilum don't outnumber you 3 to 1, at any hour. Those of you who devote a little time each day are getting 10 *********** bags each week without absolutely no trouble except for having a little patience, we can hardly (if ever) do the daily each day. It doesn't matter what faction you are playing, if you can't see that this is simply unfair then you're biased.


    And if you want the solution, it's pretty simple. Either remove the bag rewards from daily/weekly quests in Ilum (and I really want to see how many imperials keep zerging the place after that), or just make Ilum a regular instanced warzone, 20v20 or 30v30 or whatever it doesn't matter... because frankly Ilum is a lot of thing, but it's never been and it never will be a proper "OPEN PVP AREA", there is simply no way it can work (fairly; if you want to keep playing unfairly like now, be my guest)


    And for your information, I play on frostclaw which is (was?) one of the most populated severs in EU, and pvp at 50 is basically dead since 1.1 came out... I play pvp every night and each night is basically always the same game, do you realize that when you play 2 hours of warzones and in total you don't meet more than 15-16 total different players (on your side) it means there playing population, at least pvp-wise, has dropped dramatically? Why do you think it is? Because we're all crybabies?

  8. Untrack the quest.


    I've missed no wins since I've stopped tracking the PvP daily. When I track it, they do not register frequently.


    i can confirm it does not work, haven't had the quests tracked for a couple of days, didnt get credit for warzones wins today.

  9. If you'd like to be in the 50 bracket at 44, no offense intended mate but you have absolutely no idea what pvp is at 50 is. You'd be dead and dead and dead, be completely useless to your team, and totally ineffective against the enemy. You have to realize that at least 3-4 champion pieces is the entry level for doing pvp at 50, it's tough enough to go on and get that equipment when you are 50 and have no gear, being under 50 and going against the geared 50s is just plain crazy.


    That is assuming you play on a server which has a minimum population to make pvp competitive, if you play on an empty server where there's barely anyone getting gear, it's another matter.

  10. Lol what your awesome pvp guide is saying is

    "get a group, have tanks pull an enemy every now and then so the turret can kill them, and hey smile the world is a beautiful place!"


    sounds real fun man, i'll go try it at once (by the way i'm sentinel, gonna be very interesting to see what exactly i can do against a wall of 30 enemy ranged/casters)

  11. From very start everyone so cried for Open PvP... not instanced.

    But its YOU who mostly rolled Empire and now blame Bioware ?

    What they can do ?

    Add bots ?

    Boost outnumbered faction ?

    Only solution would be instancing Ilum down to 30 players per side... but thats NOT Open PvP any more.


    They can do NOTHING more that will make it Open PvP, in shape all are dreaming about.

    Even glorified in terms of Open PvP Warhammer had same issues..

    You want Bioware to 'pay' you to pick other side, like Warhammer did ? .. its lame.


    Valor system got smashed.. but it didnt work much anyway.. just grind to 60 for access to better gear. Nothing that cant be reset (a'la new season).


    I am personally against open pvp because I know it just doesn't work generally speaking, but in any case, the problem isn't the (predictable) crappy zergfest Ilum has turned out to be, the problem is that from that shameless zergfest one faction is getting massive advantages over the other faction. "Just grind for 60 valor" is not an acceptable answer when I have to grind my *** off to get to rank 60 and the other faction has to go afk for a few hours with their character standing in the middle of his buddies in Ilum. Also, having to grind my *** off vs basically an entire faction who has made rank 60 (but even if it's not 60, even if it's just 50, or 40) by afking, it's just complete and utter ****.

    I've hated people who were just afking in alterac valley to get their **** rewards for years, or people just mindlessly zerging without any care in the world for actually winning the battle... without blizzard addressing the problem *ever*. and I was enthusiast to see there was no such thing in swtor's pvp, because warzones are made in such a way that everyone is encouraged to play them at their best. Now... well, now you can see for yourself.

  12. There will never be any rollback. It's just wishful thinking. Neither EA nor bioware will allow to something so massive as a rollback, because it would be admitting that they made a major screwup of their very first content patch. It would horrible for their image, and it would also cause a zillion of other problems from people like you who had nothing to do with Ilum or PvP and would get their questing and pve progress canceled.

    It's much better for them to just pretend to fix a thing or two here, and try to forget that today ever happened.

    Play without concern.

  13. The REAL PvPers play for fun to kill others and see how good they are. They are not concerned with titles or having gear others don't cause it doesn't matter. Your post shows you are not a true PvPer and are simply doing this to feel better about yourself by having an imaginary title or items others didn't have. I guess I'm saying that if a meaningless title is so important to you and others getting it causes you mental anquish, you should seek a professional therapist.


    The real pvpers get their kills and anything that come with it, be it fun, pride, rewars or titles in a fair environment. Ilum's 80vs30 is not a fair environment, so please don't tell other people what real pvp is if you are not smart enough to understand what today's patch means to the game and to people who were enjoying the challenge in warzones.


    Also, frankly, if you play empire and aren't getting valor in Ilum at the moment, you are probably someone with a very small understanding of how it works.

    But hey, maybe I'm wrong, and thousands of imperial players are zerging Ilum's Republic base en masse at 2 frames per seconds because... IT'S FUN!

  14. I dont understand why people does not train inflamation to get the 30% speed debuff even when is linked to your main skill to dot up the target..


    Because we are talking about a pve build in this thread, and at any rate even for pvp you should depend on the stronger snare given by leg slash rather than the weaker given by inflammation.

  15. I remember when people PVP'd just for the sake of PVPing. Feels like people need to have a pat on the back for everything they do. Instant gratification and everyone wins culture.


    Got to love it...


    god, i'm grateful to have read your post.

    every time i see comments like this "why should i play if there is no reward for it" i just want to go back to single player, or to multiplayer games where you play to have fun and win rather than get the goddamn colored pixels.

    You have made valor 60 (in less than a month from the game being out)? good for you, enjoy your awesome gear, enjoy being a key member of any wz you join and being able to significantly win each game for your team, enjoy crushing enemies who are not as geared as you. Isn't that reward enough? What the hell did you gear yourself for, if not for that?

  16. One way you can do this is once a side takes control of the entire zone, have a boss spawn


    NO, NO and NO.

    Why does it always have to end up in circle, the same way every time? Every mmorpg I see, when it comes to open pvp, makes always the same 2 mistakes.

    Mistake 1: "Hey let's put a big open zone where people can go and fight in big battles!", not understanding that between faction imbalance and the general way people see mmorpgs ("I don't want to have fun, I want to have rewards"), those big zones are going to be deserted.


    Mistake 2: "Hey since apparently people find no reason or incentive to go to out well-conceived pvp area, let's put some pve boss there so they will at least go for that".


    Well, **** that.

    If you want to kill raid-like bosses, guess what, go raid. If I want to do pvp I want to kill players, not npcs. Suggesting pve bosses to promote open pvp is like fighting for peace, and that means it's like ************* for virginity.


    Apart from that, tbh I've already given up on Ilum I doubt it's ever gonna turn into something useful. I honestly can't see anyway for it to become, at the same time, balanced, interesting and fun. Open pvp is something we're not going to see with the usual wintergrasp-like ideas, and certainly not with huge population imbalance. I'd rather prefer they just focus on making cool warzones and possibly something like arenas rather than wasting time on something that's never gonna work.

  17. currently lv29 as Watchman


    it's normal especially when you get in that range of levels, to feel a lot of pressure as sentinel. For a number of reasons: yes the class is weak compared to others; even though it's not a facerolling machine like commando or other classes, you can get good results with sentinel but you really need to learn how to play, no bad rotations, no mistakes, no forgetting to use cooldowns; from 30 onwards you get a pretty noticeable spike in the general difficulty of leveling; your companions are kinda **** generally speaking.


    The good news is that when you get your healer companion on




    it gets much easier and the worst problem will become the occasional retardness-bug that prevents the healer from healing you (can't switch off carbonized stream too ffs).

    So just bite it for a few levels more, in the meanwhile try to understand the class as better as possible.


    On a final note, watchman is a very good spec but i personally find it better when you have the full 31 points into it; while at lower levels, you might consider trying combat.

  18. I don't think the class is broken by any means, but when compared to other classes Warriors and Knights are the lowest on the food chain.


    Well said, as sentinel I agree.

    I would encourage everyone to please stop referring to videos and scoreboards that are always, and I mean always the result of champion/battlemaster gear vs low levels/undergeared 50s.


    The problem is not strictly how much damage you do (tho it certainly is a good indicator, but not when a handful of overgeared players show off their numbers against lesser enemies), it's how the class plays.


    The truth of the matter is that sentinel/mara is pretty decent in hypotethical 1v1 situations, but there simply is no 1v1 situation in warzones except a very very negligible number of circumstances.

    Voidstar is a zergfest at the doors. Civil war is usually small groups or big fights, with the occasional 1v1 at the weak turret, but honestly when you arrive/the enemy arrives and you engage, reinforcements on either side are about 15 seconds away, unless one of the teams is made up by a bunch of morons.

    Huttball grants possibility of proper "duel" fights, provided you don't give a **** about scoring and just go around picking up stragglers.


    In this situation, the point is very simple: unless there's a healer or someone capping, you, as basically the only melee* class, WILL be focused fire to death by 30yards commando obscene nuclear strikes, force lightnings, snipes, and i'm not even going to mention the absurdity of knockbacks, stuns etc that you eat when you humbly try to close the distance on a target to deal some damage.


    *(Yes, there's shadow/assassin, but being able to stealth they won't attract the same attention you do.)


    The bottom line is, because of how much and how easy it is for ranged classes to deal damage and control the battlefield, right now the pvp in this game IS a game for ranged players. So unless we all have to reroll to become a little competitive (and once again I repeat I'm not talking about sheer damage numbers, but instead of being useful and playable in warzones in general), we need to have something that can keep us to par and balance out our disadvantage for being melee, and melee who can't help but draw a lot of attention on ourselves. I might accept to be a standard glass cannon like so many others in other mmos, tho that would be very unsatisfying and repetitive, but if that is the idea I feel atm we have the glass but lack the cannon.

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