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Everything posted by Nerethriel

  1. I was more on the "the companions are OP" side and actually submitted a bugreport about it on the first day 4.0 hit. But I also agreed that last week's nerf had been too strong. With yesterday's adjustment, I tested a couple of Heroics on Hoth, Voss and Star Fortresses (tank spec, item level ~200, healing companion influence 20, no alliance buff). Things have become easy again, but this time with a good feel. The current dfficulty is something I can live with, easy enough to make the inevitable grind not too tedious but not to the point that it feels like a visual novel.
  2. Thanks! I was very much in support of a companion nerf, but some parts of the nerf you did were probably too strong. As other posters said, please don't overcompensate. I think it's better to boost the companions little by little until the goal you yourself stated (that the H2+ could be soloed by most people) is met without destroying gameplay by making the player irrelevant.
  3. Your level : 65 Roughly Average Item Rating: 200 Discipline: Jedi Shadow / Kinetic Combat Companion: Nadia Grell Companion role: healer Companion Influence level: 10 Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Nar Shaddaa: Destroying the Star Fortress (H2+) Your personal experience while playing this content: I met no noticeable difficulty until the last boss. It was my first try at a H2+ Star Fortress mission, and some parts were a bit challenging (i.e. I died a couple of times until I figured out what was happening, and then won easily). But I hit a wall with the last encounter. The small rooms make the camera awkward to handle, so I was sometime slow to spot the moving AOE, or the droid. Even with a healing companion, mistakes are very, very punishing. I figured out the strategy, but the execution is too tight and unforgiving. Overall, I'm happy with the companion nerf. That they could play the game without me, and were more powerful than me, made the game unrewarding. I renewed my subscription partly to enjoy the game post-nerf. But maybe the nerf was a bit too strong in some areas. If the Star Fortress H2+ are made to be soloed with a companion, then I feel that it's not balanced correctly.
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