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Everything posted by ptwonline

  1. You could do things like working on old achievements, farming old comms for outfits/gear, or just making some money to buy vanity stuff you like such as rarer lightsaber crystals.
  2. Well, short term that is the thing to do. it's not perfect but much better than what there is now. Any new solution will likely have to be kept simple if we want to see a fix any time soon, so some of these elaborate suggestions probably won't be considered seriously.
  3. There's 2 points to the half-naked gear: 1. People were requesting them. They don't necessarily want **** gear, but something that shows a bit of skin was wanted. For example, more skirts would be nice, and not loin cloths. 2. They are easy to make since it is just taking existing outfits and removing a bit. SImilar to how they make "new" outfits by just changing the colors around.
  4. I think the main difference is that one will cause people to quit, the other won't.
  5. According to my stats, my "Average Damage Received" is 12,765. However, in any match I play I typically take far, far less than that at least according to the game stats. So what gives? Are the game stats wrong or the Battle Record stats wrong? Or are they measuring diferent things but just not telling us? I average about 2 deaths/match so I would be very, very surprised if I was actually taking 12,765 dmg on average per match.
  6. No, but it is better than what we have now. The problem with the turrets was the reports of leading teams sitting on their cap ships to cheese wins. That is a problem and needs to be addressed. Losing teams using the cap ships as cover to group up and fight back and to a lesser extent for chased pilots to run for cover I think was ok. I wanted the cap ships moved further--or Gunships slowed down a bit--in order to make it harder for Gunships to run for cover so easily though.
  7. The turrets could be destroyed. Realistically though, it was a dangerous thing to do because defenders could poke their noses forward and shoot back.
  8. Here's my worry about the exhaustion zone idea: The way that outmatched teams functioned before is that upon respawns, they were safe. This naturally led them to get some nearby help instead of charging/getting caught alone. Gunships (and other ships) would spawn and create a movable, growing buffer zone away from the cap ship, and allow the outmatched team to evenetually start fighting their way out on reasonably fair terms. This actually gave them a chance to do SOMETHING, even if they couldn't win. It was encouraging even for the losers. The exhaustion zone idea doesn't necessarily allow the same thing since ships may have to move out before they have adequate support, leaving them very vulnerable like they are now without the guns. It would be BETTER than the current situation, but IMO still leaves a lot to be desired. Personally, I LIKE the NPC gunners. it takes away the purity of the PvP fight, but IMO that purity is secondary in consideration to get and keep an actual player pool. PvP environments with the most PvE elements are often the most popular, and can help transition players to more hardcore PvP. The classic example is WoW's Alterac Valley.
  9. But it's more realistic for gunners "to go on strike" so that they lose the battle and get their pilots killed? Oh. c'mon. That was absolutely stupid. The interaction timer did not stop this camping on your own ship. The main thing the gun change was supposed to fix is camping on your ship while ahead to cheese a win. The main complaint after the change is that it allows spawn camping. With selective fire depending on the score you can eliminate (or at least greatly mitigate) both issues. If you need a lore reason (as if lore matters when fighting the same battle hundreds of times), then claim that the extra sensor power to help monitor the battle as your team controls a greater area is pulling power away from the guns, or something like that. The logic of this change makes it simple to figure out and implement.
  10. If the score is that close though people are often going to assume that it is on because the risk is too high for the chaser, and they are more likely to break off. In a close match I have no real problem with you running for home, not getting the support fire you expected, and dying. it's a close match after all: you don't need the extra fire from the cap ship. But once killed you would have that window of time that I mentioned before the guns flipped back on, and so the attacker could still bug out if he's alert. And unlike some of the other suggestions, this one is pretty simple to understand and (hopefully) implement.
  11. There's a lot of discussion/complaints about this on the GSF forum, and some suggested solutions. My suggestion: make the turrets fire if you are losing or tied, and not fire if you are winning. This way you cannot sit on the cap ship if you are ahead, but the outmatched team also cannot be spawn camped.
  12. Or how about the guns don't fire if your side is ahead, but do fire if it is tied or you are losing. That way if you're winning you can't just sit on your cap ship to win. Complaint solved. But if you are losing you can't get so easily spawn-camped. Complaint solved. Maybe have 10-15 sec window for the guns to start up again so that it can't be gamed to lure enemies into a trap and get a bunch of kills to take a lead.
  13. I can't speak for others, but my experience is that once bombers take a node, if that side is competent at all and actually defends it instead of leaving the bomber alone, it's very, very hard to take back. Basically you need at least 2:1 odds (a fighter to harass the bomber and a Gunship to pick off the defenses and bomber itself). Even in badly balanced matches one side usually caps and holds a node because it's too hard to take it back from bombers. it just simply takes too long and is too much effort, so no one bothers. It makes Dom very frustrating and boring.
  14. More and more I am seeing that GSF is becoming very hardcore, and it's killing the lesser/newer pilots. They are being slaughtered and with little chance to fight back. This has been true from the start, but it was always possible before for some of the better pilots to help carry them through to respectable showings. With bombers in Domination and no turrets in Deathmatch though, this is becoming less and less true. The games are getting more and more lopsided and even the skilled vets can't do much about it and are getting farmed too as the new pilots simply cannot help enough anymore. If the PvP matches aren't changed to have more more PvE style objectives or even PvE missions added, I think you're going to lose a lot of the GSF players and it will become as much of an afterthought as the on-rails space missions became. And if the stealth fighters make it ingame I think you'll see GSF ragequits like nothing you've seen before.
  15. I'm ok with power-ups conceptually, but in lopsided matches they just make things worse. One side is pinned down while the otherside gets to camp right near power-up spawn areas or be much closer to most of them. They can use them if they want, or simply deny them from the other side. In well-balanced matches they make thing interesting. I just wish there were more well-balanced matches...
  16. The only solution I see atm is for lesser pilots to quit en masse so that it will only be teams of experienced vs experienced. THat won't actually fix the issue since the problem is systemic, but they'd have SOME chance to fight back. A decent matchmaking system would work too, but I'm not sure I will play this game long enough to see THAT day.
  17. Random, multiple spawn points won't work. What kills people is being separated, and picked off in smaller numbers. Multiple spawn points promotes getting the losing side more and more spread out, which exacerbates the problem.
  18. Seems like a lot of MMOs have the same thing going on: one of the lower level zones with lots of people and lots of chat, which also means lots of kids. Inevitably you'll have the same jokes made about one race (often the smallest race in the game) or inserting the word "anal" into any list of things (books titles, movie titles, character names, olympic events, and so on). I tried TERA recently and it was the same thing with the small race, the Elin.
  19. For what? For some other ships to spawn while other respawners also spawn elsewhere? Giving time for the enemy gunships to encircle the respawners? It's ridiculous right now. Attackers stay clumped into central groups that can outnumber their opponents and quickly shift to reinforce each other while the outmatched group comes in small groups from different directions and get creamed. They have no chance. If they try to group up they are an easy target for the large, organized enemy force. I've seen it from both sides the past 2 days, and it's bad enough that I'm seriously thinking of quitting.
  20. Actually, I have no problem with a Gunship going to run home to mother for protection. My beef is that they could do it a bit too easily. With Barrel Roll and relative closeness of the ships (esp in Dom) it was too easy, and they were not out of the fight long enough for it to be a significant penalty, nor where fighters able to use their mobility to actaully catch and have enough time to kill the gunships who were running. Cap ships needed to be placed another 40,000 away, and then give a speed boost to people who spawn. This way if you want to try to camp fine, but people will shoot past you and you could have a long, long way to chase them. Also, if a gunship wants to run he'll have a long, long way to go and be out of the fight for quite a while.
  21. After playing some matches without the guns, I can tell you the problem with the ideas of different spawn locations: it makes the outmatched side virtually impossible to coordinate and act together. When you respawn now you have no idea who else will respawn, when, or where. So what do you do? You look for the nearest allies. Problem: those allies are probably outnumbered already (since your geting killed) and so you end up going one by one to get outmatched. What used to happen was that people would respawn at the same point, knowing that others would too and that you would have some cover from the guns to organize and go forth together. Even if you were outmatched it gave you a CHANCE to fight back a bit. You can't do that now. You're on the defensive and outmatched at all times if you're the lesser side, and I can tell it's a MASSIVE psychological difference, and it's downright depressing. Even when I'm on the dominant side it's depressing because you're fighting these guys who have no chance. This needs to be changed soon. I'm not 100% sure whaty the best solution is, but I do know that the current solution is far worse than the problem it was supposed to solve. I'm not sure I could go anothre single day playing things as they are right now. The games are too lopsided. Unles you happen to queue on the same side as premades, this game is essentially dead for the solo queuers.
  22. Depends on the situstion and what you fly. In a big hairball a Gunship with DO can pick off quite a few. I think my best is 5, and I could have gotten more if I was lucky.
  23. Most servers will be barren soon I think. GSF is unbalanced and not fun for the outmatched side. They can't even fight back most of the time. What I am seeing now is people farmed at the spawn in TDM, and entire teams huddling near 1 captured sat in Domination. It's pathetic.
  24. We need a hotfix ASAP to change it back, and then come back with a better solution. Current setup is horrible. HORRIBLE. And no I'm not just crying because I'm getting farmed. My 1st match today I had 10 kills, 27 assists, and we won 50 to 13. That was the CLOSEST match I've been in today. One side has a slight edge and they just absolutely dominate. If you're on the losing side there's no way to organize a formation to defend yourself or to set up a counter-attack. You're on the defensive from the start ALL THE TIME, and spread out because you have to respawn at diferent points instead of together. It's horrible, and I can't imagine many new players will stay for that kind of constant beating. Dogfight? You mean 1 vs 2 and then 2 gunships pick you off? That's the experience for losing sides now. If something doesn't change soon then even I will quit, and I can pick to be on the dominant side (Repub on my server) any time I want since I play both factions.
  25. Support ships like these will simply tilt the field more heavily to the organized groups. As if they needed it. It will make taking a sat much more possible for organized teams. But it will also make taking the sats AWAY from organized teams very, very hard. It's almost impossible already. Disorganized teams will probably mostly shun these because of the lack of Barrel Roll (even after nerfing). Organized teams will take these ships to start for the Tensor FIeld, cap the sats fast, and then be able to hold them. We could start seeing a lot more near-shutouts in Domination, as opposed to the typical, guaranteed 700-300 wins we usually see now.
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