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Posts posted by kosmosiss

  1. Why is a new set of PvP gear necessary already?


    I thought most of you no-lifers were begging for more fair, even, balanced PvP right now than anything else, yet you want an even stronger set of gear 3 months into release to set you further up the scale and farther away from balance?


    Figure out what you really want, already.


    Edit: And besides, we all know that the majority of valor rank 80's are from Ilum kill trading or farming anyways. So it's not like the majority truly earned it.


    Go ahead. Put in a new set of gear. But roll you guys back to rank 60, along with the new Ilum changes where people can get Ilum daily credit from warzones, and then we'll see just how fast you get War Hero again.


    It's posts like this that make me happy I am a War Hero on republic and Imps have 2:1 advantage lol.

  2. inf spec isnt broken. its players who read bogus info/opinions on forums then respec as kinetic but keep playing as if they are inf spec. kinetic shadows everywhere on my server, but none of them actually gaurd or support true single target DPS classes in WZs or on ilum. they dont even gaurd healers, lol.


    its players who are broken. but you can do fine as inf spec, just have to learn to play the spec knowing you are not ever going to have someone gaurd or support you.


    Couldn't agree more. I think I am the only infiltration shadow on my server, both factions. It's ridiculous. I love the spec.

  3. It's clear that the PvP devs on this game are so bad that they are forced to listen to the players. They can't seem to get anything done right...killing Ilum after that lead dev said we would be BLOWN AWAY by how awesome it is just shows how flat their ideas are.


    I think it's funny AND sad at the same time.


    I love this game but I have to agree. It seems very clear that they are listening to all these QQ posts that make up these forums. We need original ideas. We all know what happens when they listen to all the complaints...

  4. I think it's a good spec for both pvp and pve, since I don't want to respec 3-4 times a week. Upheaval is really nice, but I feel like I gain a lot of damage back with increased DS damage and armor pen. The survivability from Elusiveness is very nice as well. But maybe since I am in full BM gear now, I will give Upheaval another shot.
  5. There are ZERO rewards other than gear. and such a selfish claim as to quit of they dont accommodate your selfish needs is lame. PvP WILL always be a gear grind because in the grand span of reality you cannot entice people to pvp for any other reason. And chances are they will introduce a new pvp set in the future THIS YEAR, why? Its called progression. Pvp and pve must always share a progressive parallel. Not to mention with the introduction of RANKING and Seasonal play its clearly obvious that with new seasons new sets will be introduce. Get real, its not about the YOU its about the US. As im sure most of the Bms you know prolly exploited to get it anyhow. I can see how being humbled by a new set readily available to everyone would upset them.


    chances are they will most likely do an entire RESET on the system, soon as the ranked season begins thus giving everyone an equal exploit free opportunity at the same gain. Increasing the valor ranks infinitely would be rather problematic in the long run and simply going back to 1 would be smarter. season starts, everyone is at 1, you have x amount of months to achieve maximum rank befor season ends and get the BM gear. season ends, you get a grace period and everything resets and it starts over.



    I do not see that happening at all.

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