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Posts posted by kosmosiss

  1. The bottom line is not everyone had full Champion gear when hitting rank 60. That's reason enough to put the commendations in the bag. Also, companions and mods/enhancements from other gear.
  2. what weed you been smoking ?



    the only time a assasin/shadow does good damage to me or ever is when they stack crit/surge and pop all there relics and adrenals or full BM geared.


    when comparing it to maurauders and sentinels now they do freakin hurt i have to run like crazy to get away from them as sentinels and maurauders hurt like hell.


    You have fought crappy assassins/shadows then. Doesn't take away from my statement about the class earlier.

  3. This is like exactly what WoW does...no one wants a repeat of that. But the elitists will show up in a second...Also, that size increase is the same between Champ and BM, so yes, people will cry big time.
  4. If you guys are so skilled then why are you opposed to having to work as a team and beat other good teams to get the gear. Shouldnt be a problem since you guys are all so good.


    The fact that you are so bothered by this is funny. It shouldn't effect you AT ALL. If you are always grouping with others, you'll always play other premades. You're obviously the best pvp'er in this game, you'll have all the gear first. Woohoo for you!!

  5. Given this system doesn't have any huge unforeseen problems, I think they are on the right track with allowing solo OR group, giving the same gear and giving a different cosmetic look to the "higher" ranked gear. Can't wait to play!
  6. Assassin/Shadow DPS spec is very bursty, on the low side of survivablity but a very fun class to play. Hard to master (in my opinion). They have stealth, sprint and a few baseline tanking abilities.
  7. I agree, it is going to be a bit tough. But maybe this will have some people play that don't normally, also maybe a few people will come back to the game. The question was asked, but there wasn't much of an answer. I think they mentioned that because of legacy merging and transferring is harder.
  8. Maybe it's just me but im very disappointed in the Abilty Crossing feature being only PvE and with a companion out like "Heroic Moment." To me it seems pointless. I don't even use Heroic Moment like, ever, and if thats the case it makes it even more worthless during PvE raids.


    I was really looking forward to a Marauder with Force Pull. I like the other Legacy stuff but the ability thing seems pointless and only PvP hardcores seem to don't care about it.


    Im pretty sure something like this could be balanced in PvP especially if everyone has access to the same system. Just my opinion. Sorry but to me it just seems like a bullet point.


    Other than that everything else is awsome.


    That would be game breaking for a LOT of people. It would only be balanced, in my eyes, if everyone had access to every ability. And at that point, what IS the point?

  9. I hit BM 4-5 weeks ago, roughly. I have 1 BM commendation left for my full set. I am rank 71 on republic, I spend 30 minutes a day in Ilum. I work 40-50 hours a week and play a few hours each evening. It's very easy, just don't stare at your valor bar and play, if you enjoy it, it's not that much of a grind...
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