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Everything posted by Wynternight

  1. 20. My Inquisitor is to be given a Timey-Wimey detector that goes ding when there's stuff. It shall also boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not.
  2. Life isn't fair and they've been explaining how this would work for months. Shame people are too stupid or self-absorbed to comprehend.
  3. I did get a little play time in during my lunch break. It's nice living close enough to go home for lunch.
  4. I'm perusing the forums since I'm at work and cannot play.
  5. And I think Bioware for this, even though it's only the second day of EGA, is a lack of gold spammers. Those people usually pounce on a game as soon as they can. They start to farm and advertise on day one and I have yet to see any. Hopefully that remains true as we progress.
  6. I understand the question and frustration; in beta the sensitivity was way too high and needed to be turned down via the options panel. Now, the option is gone and sensitivity is still too high which makes it a little annoying for mouse turners, especially in PvP.
  7. Yes, you're absolutely right, you and your ten second attention span. If you're not in RIGHT NOW then you are too far behind to ever catch up. Attention world: if you decide, two years down the line, to play TOR then you are OUT OF LUCK!! You will accomplish nothing unless you start TODAY!!! Good lord almighty. The drama queen theatrics are strong in this one.
  8. Heh, POOR IDEA. I'm sure Bioware is quaking in fear.
  9. No, this is early access and is going exactly as they said it would MONTHS ago. If you and others like you are too lazy and stupid to understand how the process was designed, and is working per design, then that's your fault, not Bioware's.
  10. Mine originally had 22-12 as the delivery estimate but as of today it's saying 20-12. The only bad thing is they won't ship to me where I am so it's going to have to go to my home then my mum will send it to me so I won't get it for a few days after and won't be able to play unless I buy the digital version to hold me over until the CE gets to me.
  11. I love the ten second attention spans. Yesterday the whiners were all saying it was a "failed " launch and today they're saying the servers are empty on a work/school day, one day into the early access of a game that doesn't officially launch for six more days. It's hilarious and not in a good way.
  12. Bioware tries to do something nice for the players and they lose their s***e over it. The overreaction, whining, and entitlement mentality is amazing. Not even 12 hours in and people are already tossing the word "fail" around, a word so overused it's lost any and all meaning. You people need to step outside and get some perspective. Pathetic.
  13. I'm happily playing, having no trouble finding groups, knowing the early access is proceeding exactly as I have forseen.
  14. I'm hard pressed to think of a more overused "ho" of a word then "failed." The whining and entitlement mentality here is staggering.
  15. Quit crying, this is day one of a gift period Bioware gave us. Good lord, we have all week to see how things shape up.
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