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  1. Here is my idea for some of the voice actors, now obviously it would be hard to get someone like Morgan Freeman or Patrick Stewart. My idea list is made up of people who have voice acted for video games and/or Star Wars before and/or have voiced SWTOR. Darth Saumas: Sam Witwer: My reason for why Sam Witwer should be the voice actor for Darth Saumas is because although most Sith have Welsh accents, Saumas was taken from his Evocii village by Darth Marr as a teenager and so because he did not grow up in Imperial society he did not gain the accent. Sam Witwer is an excellent voice actor for Sith as shown when he voiced Galen Marek and Darth Maul. Vambo Vork: Neil Kaplan: My reason should be self explanatory but if not. Neil Kaplan is the voice of Skadge and Carnus and does a Houk accent incredibly well. Not to mention Vork is supposed to exceed the stereotype of Houks by being a peaceful Jedi Master and the intimidating voice would help exceed it. Noluk-Wan: Tom Kane: My reason is Tom Kane can voice act literally anything. Noluk-Wan is a mad Voss Mystic who suffers from the voice of Sel-Makor in his head. Tom Kane can voice a person who is having issues mentally such as the mad Republic Soldier in the Hrakert Rift in Kotor 1. Jiyan-Dar: Ongree voice actor/Noah Nelson: My reason for any of these stands for two reasons. Jiyan-Dar was originally voice acted by the Ongree voice actor though for any reason if they would choose an actor to voice him in Basic my vote would go to Noah Nelson. Nelson voiced Male Khajit in Skyrim and if there were any Ongree that spoke Basic I would imagine they would sound like that. Moff Nothe: Any Imperial voice actor: I have no real preference for such a minor character such as Moff Nothe I would imagine he would be voiced by someone who has already voiced an Imperial in the game. Captain Sojos: Same as Moff Nothe
  2. I figured that people may want to know more about Yorellia with more description than just "lush". [HISTORY] Yorellia is a world located in the Core Worlds near Corellia. It was discovered by a Corellian search expedition that crashed onto the planet and decided to build a civilization on their planet to remind them of their homeworld, Using what materials had been left from the crash they forged tools to build blasters and many other constructs. They named the planet they had discovered Yorellia and the town they built Yoronet. Eventually after eighteen years of solace, Republic expeditions discovered the planet and brought back the Lost Corellians to their homeworld. However a number refused and stayed on Yorellia. The Republic assigned a fleet to guard the planet and assist in the building of their capital of Yoronet, later renamed Nolikrun. However the Corellians were not sentients to first step on the planet... [DESCRIPTION] Yorellia is a very damp world that is filled with misty jungles and bogs. The Republic Base camp is located in the middle of a bog, while the Imperial camp is located on a plateau towering above the surface to make assessments on how to pierce through the defenses of Nolikrun. But something feels odd about the ground almost as if it is hollow or something is below it. Something awful...
  3. I have some ideas for scripting for the Bespin storyline start. This will be put into the perspective of a LS Jedi Consular. Republic Vambo Vork contacts the PC onboard Carrick Station Vambo Vork: Barsen'thor I do not belive we have met, I am Vambo Vork. I have succeeded Master Kaedan's seat on the Council due to his tragic death on Ilum. Consular: A pleasure Master Vork. Vambo Vork: Likewise. Vambo Vork: I am sorry I did not meet you sooner, but a situation has arose in these past months. Consular: A situation? what kind of situation? Vambo Vork: A situation that threatens us all, we had almost assured victory over the Empire after the destruction of the Ascendant Spear and the death of Darth Karrid. Vambo Vork: Though that only seems to have galvanized the Empire, much of the Empire is massing around the Sith Lord Darth Marr after the Emperor's disappearance. Marr's apprentice, an Evocii by the name of Darth Saumas has been terrorizing the Republic. I expect this Sith may turn the tide of the war, we still have an advantage, but only a slight one. Consular: What can I do to help? Vambo Vork: I am on the gas giant of Bespin, a lead exporter of Tibanna. If we lose Bespin we lose a major source of Tibanna, and if we lose our sources of Tibanna. We could ultimately lose this war. Consular: I am on my way. Vambo Vork: Thank you, and May the Force be with you. This will be in the perspective of a DS Inquisitor Empire Captain Sojos: Greetings milord, I am Captain Hendro Sojos. I serve Darth Saumas on his Dreadnaught, The Talon of Thule. Shall I patch you through? Inquisitor: Why didn't you do that already, impotent fool! Captain Sojos: Excuse my infertility milord. I will patch you through. Darth Saumas: Your adoration among the Empire proceeds you, but to have adoration among the Empire you must have notoriety among the Republic. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Darth Saumas Lord of the Sith and future member of the Dark Council. Inquisitor: Then I outrank you. Darth Saumas: Indeed, but I have no validation you are stronger than I am. Darth Saumas: I am contacting you because I am launching a campaign that I wish you to be a part of. The gas giant known as Bespin would have been useless had it not had the material known as Tibanna. I attempted to harvest the material on Makkadis Prime but I was not victorious, neither was the Republic however. I tested the project known as the Silencer and obliterated Makkadis Prime. Inquisitor: You're welcome. Darth Saumas: I am aware you are the one that restarted the project, you have my thanks. But I need you to assist the Empire's campaign here on Bespin. We are not only encountering resistance from the Republic, but also their Geonosian allies. I am here with Darth Ravage, he and I don't see eye to eye on the Empire but we must work together to take Bespin for the Empire. Inquisitor: I shall be there shortly. I have also some ideas for the scripting start of the Flashpoint: Darkness on Teth. First the PC is contacted then informed of where to meet. This is under the perspective of a LS Trooper Republic Jiyan-Dar: Major, I apologize for contacting you on such short notice but I need your assistance. Trooper: Jiyan-Dar, I remember you from Ilum. What do you need help with? Jiyan-Dar: I am onboard the Telos, representative Gio-Fo is here with me. Trooper: Who is this Gio-Fo and to whom does he represent? Jiyan-Dar: Gio-Fo is a representative from The Three on Voss. I will give more details if you arrive. Trooper: I am on my way, sir. Jiyan-Dar: Very well. Gio-Fo: This is outrageous! The Republic cannot spare manpower to capture Noluk-Wan? Jiyan-Dar: Calm Gio-Fo, The Republic cannot spare a full Army but we can spare a strike team. Gio-Fo: A strike team?! You insult the great Noluk-Wan, maybe the Voss would be better off with the Empire. Jiyan-Dar: I believe it will not come to that. Jiyan-Dar: Major! Good to see you, allow me to introduce you to Gio-Fo, The Three's representative. Trooper: Nice to meet you Gio-Fo. Gio-Fo: As well as you, but there is a serious situation the Voss are having, and The Voss themselves cannot solve it. Gio-Fo: So the Three has sent me, and my sister to both sides of the war. Trooper: What is the situation? Gio-Fo: General Jiyan-Dar has stated that he does not have the manpower to assign an Army to Teth, and instead will send a strike team. Trooper: What is Teth? Jiyan-Dar: Teth is a world in Hutt Space that was used as a sanctuary for the B'omarr Monks, Noluk-Wan a mad Voss Mystic has grabbed an Army of rogue Voss to overtake planets in the name of his new "Voss Empire". Gio-Fo: Noluk-Wan was a powerful Mystic, I believe he may be even more powerful with the Dark Side with him. Be careful. Voss Commandos will take Noluk-Wan prisoner after you are complete. Good luck. This is under the perspective of a DS Bounty Hunter Empire Moff Nothe: Mandalorian, I am in need of your assistance. Bounty Hunter: Only if it pays well and if you stop calling me "Mandalorian". Moff Nothe: That can be arranged, Hunter. Just meet me aboard the Ziost Shadow. Moff Nothe: I am gathering a strike party to capture Noluk-Wan. Rela-Fo: That is all the Three asks for. If you can capture Noluk-Wan and place him in Voss custody we may even discuss an alliance between Voss and the Empire. Moff Nothe: I can assure you Noluk-Wan is as good as... Moff Nothe: Manda... Hunter! Allow me to introduce you to Rela-Fo, representative of The Three to the Empire. Bounty Hunter: Let's skip the chatting and get to the part where you tell me what to shoot. Rela-Fo: So be it. Rela-Fo: Your target is Noluk-Wan a mystic who fell to the dark side and has been massing an Army of Voss Mystics and Commandos to attack the Empire and Republic, he will be on Teth in Hutt Space. That is all. Bounty Hunter: One crazed hand waver coming up. Another introduction script this one to Yorellia. This is under the perspective of a LS Trooper Jiyan-Dar: Major, I apologize for calling on you again. But urgency is to blame. Trooper: What is it sir? Jiyan-Dar: Noluk-Wan, the Mystic you captured on Teth. Jiyan-Dar: He has escaped Voss custody and has grouped with several criminal and terrorist organizations. Trooper: He escaped? How? Jiyan-Dar: We don't know how but he was being held by Voss forces when he slipped out and escaped, he has sworn vengeance on the Empire and Republic. Trooper: What organizations has he aligned himself with? Jiyan-Dar: New Hutt Empire, Advosze Hegemony, Nightmare of Duros. He has branded their alliance The Shadow Guild. Trooper: So what is our plan? Jiyan-Dar: We have found The Shadow Guild headquarters on the world of Yorellia. They have seized the capital of Nolikrun and executed the planetary governor. We need your assistance driving out the invaders. Trooper: Where on the planet are you located? Jiyan-Dar: We are in the middle of a misty bog, So it may be difficult to navigate. I have not seen such mist and fog since The Mygeeto Campaign. Here are the coordinates. Trooper: I will arrive at the coordinates soon sir. Jiyan-Dar: Tidings. This is under the perspective of a DS Inquisitor Darth Marr: I have little time and we need you on Yorellia, Noluk-Wan has escaped Voss imprisonment and regrouped with a group of terrorist organizations forming The Shadow Guild. The Three have deemed whoever manages to apprehend Noluk-Wan to begin receiving visions from the Voss, therefore we must be the side to eliminate him. Inquisitor: Why are we attempting to gain their affection if they cannot even hold their prisoners. Darth Marr: It is not their strength that matters to us, not to mention I am not sure we would have fared much better with Noluk-Wan in our custody. I am here with Grand Moff Ilyan Regus and Moff Loogro. Inquisitor: I remember Regus from Ilum, but who is Loogro? Darth Marr: Many are still opposed to the idea, but Loogro is the first Abyssin Moff, as well as the first alien Moff. He is relentless with his assaults against the Republic, you two should get along nicely. Inquisitor: Where on Yorellia should I land? Darth Marr: The spaceport has been taken over by The Shadow Guild, we have however taken a foothold on a small plateau, though you need to dock at the spaceport and take a shuttle down to the planet. I expect to see you there. Marr out. This is the message Morluk Boc sends out to the Republic and Imperial characters. Morluk Boc: Greetings warriors of the Empire and Republic, I am Morluk Boc, Mandalorian. There is a Sky Fortress occupied by the Mandalorians on the Xoxin world of Eres III, we have duels aboard it. You are allowed to come, but you must not attack each other while onboard the station, or you will be forcibly removed. Come and showcase your fighting talents. For Mandalore!
  4. I would like to say, I think the Polar Region theme from KOTOR 2 would make a nice main track for Bespin.
  5. Thanks! When I was thinking up Vambo Vork I either wanted him to break Gammorrean stereotypes or Houk stereotypes, when I ultimately decided that it would be good for such a big plot element to be able to speak Basic so I decided Houk was the way to go. I would imagine he would be voiced by Neil Kaplan, the voice actor of Skadge and Carnus.
  6. More ideas: New Species (not playable, just for NPCs) *Caamasi *Quarren *Aqualish *Utai *Pau'an Also I would like to add that I think in this storyline, the Empire is finally even with the Republic and no longer losing the war.
  7. Though I do agree more playable species would be great, SWTOR has states they will only use Near-Human or Human-like species. Maybe they could add Evocii, Etti, Togruta, Nautolan, and Ryn. Though I do think Nautolan may be stepping outside of the box.
  8. Good idea, the city in this was colonized by Geonosians maybe it was not colonized until by 1,500 years by Humans. Though I also like the ideas you pitched.
  9. Such things can be overridden, the source was not "firm". I mean that what had said Bespin was first colonized was a Campaign Guide, so yes if it were something such as a video game, novel, movie, or television series I would agree that this would not work. But it is not a firm source that states that. The same thing happened in the Clone Wars when Adi Gallia died at Savage Oppress's hand on Florrum, even though in Star Wars: Obsession 5 Gallia had died on Boz Pity at the hands of Grievous.
  10. The Nightmare of Duros was a terrorist organization mentioned to Republic characters on Ord Mantell by SIS Agent Burne.
  11. I think Bioware should have a new Game Update called "Companions" where they make Companions more lifelike and aware of what is around them, they made arguably the best Companions in any MMO. But it slightly annoys me that Yuun who I use a lot for my Trooper only has 5 conversations, also I think they should update companions so they have input in non-class related storylines. I think Treek and HK-51 should be among the updated companions.
  12. I'm not on agreement with this, as there are way too much Human characters in the Old Republic and personally I would take an Abyssin over Thana. You cannot make every character who has an interesting story into a companion because then you are just breaking the point of the game, Non-companions cannot just be drones. I mean if you look at characters like Thana, Commander Madine, The Shroud, Jonas Balkar, Jiyan-Dar, Seh-run and many others. You can't just say I want them as a Companion because then you are isolating the rest of NPCs and turning them into thoughtless drones. Seh-run although a brief appearance I thought had a more memorable and interesting story.
  13. Thanks xLetails! I cannot believe my favorite Youtuber just responded to my thread!
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