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Everything posted by Bremadle

  1. Have an Imp guild now. Still looking for a Rep guild.
  2. Thank you for the info. Far to much effort for you to spend but thank you for doing so. I'll just say it, I really don't want to belong to a guild until I'm ready to belong if that ever happens. I've rushed into guilds and then regretted it and we (wife and I) felt bad leaving. My wife and I just came back to the game and were having fun but there's no long term commitment at this time. We leveled our first characters to 50 when the game first came out and quit as there was no content if it gets boring again we'll drift off. Springs here and that usually draws our attention outside. Joining a guild, shoving a bunch of alts in it and not really giving anything back only to go inactive or disappear until the weathers cold again would not be the nicest thing to do. I am looking to buy a guild not because I need one or particularly want one, but because I don't want to take advantage of someones good intentions. I am sure there are plenty of guilds that would take us, running through fleet gets at least an invite or two. This was meant to be a simple request and if it was answered great, if not oh well. While I appreciate your information and your opinion it hasn't persuaded me one way or another.
  3. Thanks for responding guys. Why?10% exp shared bank space for my wife and I. I'm sure I could find 2 more people to join the guild then leave but limited time. Frankly the less time spent in fleet and Coruscant the more I like the game.
  4. Thanks for the ping. I'm actually wanting to buy a guild, well two actually one one each side. Mostly for alts and the storage. I'm sure someone has a tag around they no longer use and want to convert to credits or a trade.
  5. Email me or whisper me in game cost and name of guild. Brem, Bremadle (rep) or Rhace (imp)
  6. Exactly, this is the only way to balance, nerfs just piss people off see slicing for an example.
  7. Whatever going in 4 levels above the encounter doesnt count. Its early in the game people are still getting and understanding gear and how this differs from whatever mmo they played before. The whole uber player mantality is old really old, is was funny in eq now its just tired and old. anyway the fight-- This isnt a dps fight. its logic. Tag (click) the control box before fight. Full on dps him. When first set of droid add's spawn kill them. When second set spawn ignore them. cure/cleanse the gernade dot. He should be dead by then, clean up adds. He is kitable but there isnt any point. ez pesy.
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