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Everything posted by RabBitUK

  1. Hi guys, I'm a returning player and recently I've just got full unranked gear. I'm now keen to play ranked but I'm experiencing long wait times. What is the best time to start playing ranked in the EU? And what is the average wait time? Thank you Rabbit.
  2. Crawler, your post makes no sense....
  3. If you want an easy mode run in SWTOR pick Operatives. I'm a Vanguard tank and I almost have full champ gear with a lot of defence and shield etc but that means nothing when an Operative jumps out of stealth, brings me down to 50% hp in a few seconds, I get back up, he vanishes and does the same. It's hardly skill playing with a broken class >_> inb4 people say it's fine and not QQ'ing.
  4. Just thought I'd leave this here for those who haven't seen it before! It's awesome, enjoy!
  5. Just thought I'd leave the best PvP video here starring myself and my guild. Enjoy!
  6. Yte here. Nobody would remember me. I played back in the cool days!
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