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Everything posted by Payneless

  1. It actually does more than u think. Combine it with OS and 3 second cd grenades. It's madness. Not to mention the defense and survivability of this spec. I picked up improved shield probe, improved ballistic shield and the MM talent in 2nd tier that absorbs 30% of incoming damage when entering cover. Combine that with evasion, your a tank for a short period of time.
  2. I agree with your post but here is an example of a situation that I did the other day. In void star we were getting hammered while on defense. I was able to throw plasma probe on one door, run to the other and orb strike. Run back over and recast plasma probe and then run back over and start throwing my 3 second cool down grenades. Recast probe every 18s and orb strike every minute. Not going to say I single handedly defended both doors, but then again, I did. Give cred to all my teammates for being decoys while I could cast. This is also very useful in Civil War
  3. With this spec, my rotation is pretty much, int probe, exp probe, series of shots, ambush, snipe. If its a pack, I throw plasma probe followed by orb strike and grenade every 3 seconds. Give it a try and watch numbers and kills rack up. I was surprisingly amused.
  4. I'm a battlemaster sniper and have been playing 31 point engineer for a long time. And before anyone says, "Engineer!? L2 hybrid noob!". It fits my playstyle and I have the most fun with it. But the fact now they are buffing the damage, adding a snare, and stun via int probe, just gives me a huge nerd woody. I accept the changes to sniper and am glad we finally got some love.
  5. this is probably the most helpful reply/post that I have found on these boards in a long time. You sir, get the golden key.
  6. I agree with the above posts. They are pretty much identical with 2 to 3 points difference. I just prefer the countermeasures talent over shield cause it has proven to be very useful I'm breaking snares/roots to get out of LOS, while having them snared/rooted at the same time.
  7. Trust me, I have tried every single spec out there, from hybrids to full 31 point talent. I have come to the conclusion that for my playstyle (which is very mobile, duck and cover), this build has been very successful. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZMIZGbbkrrhdGo.1 The removal of movement imparting effects using countermeasures is by far the best talent points spent. Once you learn to manage your energy, it's a very deadly build. I honestly never have energy problems. After trying all other builds and thousands of credits later, I'm sticking with this one. Everyone's thoughts and opinions please?
  8. Ok, I'll make sure and ask the enemy next time when they are about to use white damage on me. Don't know about anyone else but for only being 3 seconds, it should be all damage. Considering its cool down.
  9. I seem to notice that when I use this, I'm still getting hit even though it's 100% mitigation. Am I just ignorant or does it not work in PvP?
  10. True and I do not use it that often in huttball. However it has saved caps several times in void star and civil war because it's not purge able or killable. So even when I'm dead, it's still ticking. Keep in mind to that I do quite a bit of raiding. And thus far, it's doing its job. But thank you for the post, some good info
  11. Ok, here I am with another successful build I've tried. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZMIbrRRbRMsZG0bz.1 For PvE you have steady dps with the dots, snipe, exp probe, and autoshot For pvp, it doesn't have the high burst of MM. However, it does have really good burst and enough to take someone down pretty fast I'd like everyone's opinion and I suggest giving this build a try. It's really fun.
  12. I respeced last night and the only thing I changed was taking the 2 points out of MM and putting them in the AoE of engineering. It works REALLY well. I was pulling aggro in our raid and never have before. Also in PvP is just massacre. Suggest this build to everyone. You guys are awesome and thanks for the advice. I'll be sticking with this build for a long time.
  13. I have cull because I raid as well and still want to be viable. Unless you think of course that I'm hurting myself still by getting cull and not emp. Your thoughts?
  14. First off, I'm not Writing a post here to say how ****** I am in pvp. Because I'm not. I did struggle with builds and finally found one I believe is quite useful. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZrI0bRoZGbbkrrhz.1 With this build I have 3 steady DOT's. Along with explosive probe hitting for a ton of damage. Followed by cull and SoS. You will rip through someone rather fast. Or at least take them out of the fight to go med up. Not to mention the aoe is phenomenal. Any thoughts on this build and any changes you would make feel free. Also if any one has also tried this build or similar, I want to hear your thoughts.
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