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Everything posted by Branch

  1. Branch

    L12PW v2.0

    BECAUSE YOU CAME IN 2011 N00B And answer your damn Steam!
  2. Funny thing. Most of the accounts you probably saw were alternate accounts because nobody wanted to get banned
  3. Branch

    L12PW v2.0

    I remember when people used to judge themselves on how OT-ish they were by how many friends they had banned.
  4. Because people got tired of waiting for the game and goofed off.
  5. Branch

    Its back

    The second coming of the off-topic forums????
  6. So Im not a new player, but this is a noob question. Where do I get gear for my droids? like M1, T7, C2, etc...
  7. I'd be fine with my HK.... and the new planet.
  8. *Vader is burning on the floors of Mustafar as the Emperor walks to him* Palpatine: "Well you're done for." *kicks Vader into lava*
  9. xD I woulda guessed from you Axi. *Darth Maul appears at the door* Qui-gon: RUN!!!
  10. The game is still new and Bioware is still figuring out the economy of the game. The whole crafting thing should smooth out. Personally, my SW is Artifice and Im not really having any problems Im still gaining credits and stuff. The only problem I have is storage. My cargo bay is nearly full and my Inventory is always full. The best choice i have is buying another cargo bay for 40k
  11. I have a real big feeling that Dooku and Maul will collide in Season 5. Who will win in your opinion?
  12. The Voidstar thing happened to me, but on Civil War.... Everything else has happened too lmao
  13. Its nice. The timing is really good. My only thought though.... Clint Mansell made the song.
  14. Thanks. We'll see how the Mods like it lol.
  15. I got the title and both pets. Plus two companion customizations. Not bad
  16. K, my guild The OT Alliance is dying. One or two members decided to leave because of it, but the 4 remaining members dont want to give up. Im up to try and merge with any other small guilds. So Im gonna try to make a trend. If they're are any other guilds dying, please fill this out: Name: Server: Faction: Contact: If your guild matches another guilds description, then that could open up some negotiations for merger. Here's my guild: Name: The OT Alliance Server: The Twin Spears Faction: Republic Contact: http://swtorot.forumotion.com/c1-off-topic-alliance
  17. On Twin Spears, a whole lot of 50s came to Tat and decided to take down all three world bosses. Turns out the Imps on the server had the same idea and it was an all out op war for the bosses. Also, around the Jawa, all kinds of 50s came in their underwear (for less endurance and thus easier to kill) to farm the DNA samples.
  18. Woah woah woah woah woah... bro.... just woah.... the Lego series was beast.... don't diss the Legos bro....
  19. Did you become interested in the story or did peer pressure strike you down?
  20. I hope there is. Im tired of taking two of my characters all the way to Nar Shaddaa.
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