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Everything posted by Nezchrynliir

  1. I finished A Dangerous Auction and I ma back on Dromund Kaas and I can't turn in this friggin quest! It keeps directing me to the speeder outside and in front of Dromund Kaas. WHen I go to the Mandalorian enclave the green barrier is up into the area he SHOULD BE. However there is nobody there but two npc guards so I can't even turn in this mission? Is it glitched so will I have to reset this damn quest and redo it again? This is really pissing me off, they need to get a handle on their frigging issues and FIX THIS!
  2. Set a fifteen or 20 minute time limit and a 100 to 200 kill limit for the team death match and it should be fine, maybe fifteen is optimal. Reverse CTF would work, also adding in a normal CTF maybe too.
  3. True, as soon as I found out I could not get what I wanted with the $50 prepaid card I got at xmas I bought it. Otherwise I'd have missed the deadline too. They should have been more up front about it, but that i a human problem and one that won't change. I would have liked to see people get access to level 55 and the new skill trees without buying it, but I am sure they will do so eventually. If not this game will see more players leave, though that would be good for the competition.
  4. I see this in general chat, people complaining about the game and whining about it. I am not a fanboy of it, NOR do I hate it. I love Star Wars and this is as close to KOTOR 3 as we will get, be glad they made the game and accept nothing will ever be perfect. Yeah Bioware made some mistakes, this is their FIRST MMO!!!!! Every company has to take steps for their first time, and they have done decently for that first time. Yes the game is not perfect, but no you will not see me complaining or applauding though I do love the game I hate some aspects of it like that joke of a rail shooter space combat, they could have put more effort into giving us space combat we can move around in. SO it has it's good and bad points, but the good ones outweigh the bad ones. Seriously give them a goshdarn break, for the fact I will state again. THIS IS THEIR FIRST MMO!!!! If you do not like it go back to STO or WoW, or whatever you prefer to play, and please do not ruin the fun for those of us who enjoy the game with your incessant complaining. I have said my piece, so as it was said in Zombieland. Nut up, or shut up.
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