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Everything posted by Korbanth

  1. For cartel market / in game additions: Black-Cyan crystals, Pure Green crystals (from beta), add bolstered pvp as a permanant option in the game. Reskin of the Tirsa, Korralius, and Dessler speeders. More lightsabers with visual effects. ______________Cartel Packs___________________Mandalorian Contraband Pack : contents: (Mandalorian Scythe : Aratech scythe with mandolorian decorations.) (Mandolorian War tank : Reskin of Avalanche heavy tank, with immunity to knockdowns while riding) Armor : Mandolorian Iron chestguard, Havoc Command chestguard (Reskin or Mando Iron chestguard, with Havoc symbol across front.) Chance for Black-Purple (the ultimate drop in pack). New mandolorian pistols, with laser sights on the model. New Assault cannon, with a steaming energy pulsar in the back of the model (preferably use Havoc's fist for the model) New Mandalorian Assault Carbine : (Blaster rifle w/ laser sight, Pulsing barrel.) Mandolorian Scout's Hunting Rifle: (Sniper rifle: reduces threat by a small amount when fired. (Dread seeded taunlet/taun fawn/ taunta.) Relics : Mandalore's Rage (30% chance on damage to deal 323 kinetic damage and knock the opponent back 5 meters) Fett's Legacy (Global boost, reduces cooldown of Rocket boost by 5 seconds and increases its duration by 3 seconds.) (Dangerous Animal crate): drops Mini Terentek pet, Mini Zakkeg pet or Mini Gundark Pet. Hope i see results, Darklordkane
  2. For cartel market / in game additions: Black-Cyan crystals, Pure Green crystals (from beta), add bolstered pvp as a permanant option in the game. Reskin of the Tirsa, Korralius, and Dessler speeders. More lightsabers with visual effects. ______________Cartel Packs___________________Mandalorian Contraband Pack : contents: (Mandalorian Scythe : Aratech scythe with mandolorian decorations.) (Mandolorian War tank : Reskin of Avalanche heavy tank, with immunity to knockdowns while riding) Armor : Mandolorian Iron chestguard, Havoc Command chestguard (Reskin or Mando Iron chestguard, with Havoc symbol across front.) Chance for Black-Purple (the ultimate drop in pack). New mandolorian pistols, with laser sights on the model. New Assault cannon, with a steaming energy pulsar in the back of the model (preferably use Havoc's fist for the model) New Mandalorian Assault Carbine : (Blaster rifle w/ laser sight, Pulsing barrel.) Mandolorian Scout's Hunting Rifle: (Sniper rifle: reduces threat by a small amount when fired. (Dread seeded taunlet/taun fawn/ taunta.) Relics : Mandalore's Rage (30% chance on damage to deal 323 kinetic damage and knock the opponent back 5 meters) Fett's Legacy (Global boost, reduces cooldown of Rocket boost by 5 seconds and increases its duration by 3 seconds.) (Dangerous Animal crate): drops Mini Terentek pet, Mini Zakkeg pet or Mini Gundark Pet. Always questin, Darklordkane
  3. For cartel market / in game additions: Black-Cyan crystals, Pure Green crystals (from beta), add bolstered pvp as a permanant option in the game for pvp (the que menu would have Normal, Ranked and Bolstered). Reskin of the Tirsa, Korralius, and Dessler speeders. More lightsabers with visual effects. ______________Cartel Packs___________________Mandalorian Contraband Pack : contents: (Mandalorian Scythe : Aratech scythe with mandolorian decorations.) (Mandolorian War tank : Reskin of Avalanche heavy tank, with immunity to knockdowns while riding) Armor : Mandolorian Iron chestguard, Havoc Command chestguard (Reskin or Mando Iron chestguard, with Havoc symbol across front.) Chance for Black-Purple (the ultimate drop in pack). New mandolorian pistols, with laser sights on the model. New Assault cannon, with a steaming energy pulsar in the back of the model (preferably use Havoc's fist for the model) New Mandalorian Assault Carbine : (Blaster rifle w/ laser sight, Pulsing barrel.) Mandolorian Scout's Hunting Rifle: (Sniper rifle: reduces threat by a small amount when fired. (Dread seeded taunlet/taun fawn/ taunta.) Relics : Mandalore's Rage (30% chance on damage to deal 323 kinetic damage and knock the opponent back 5 meters) Fett's Legacy (Global boost, reduces cooldown of Rocket boost by 5 seconds and increases its duration by 3 seconds.) (Dangerous Animal crate): drops Mini Terentek pet, Mini Zakkeg pet or Mini Gundark Pet. Just some thoughts. I hope it gets made into reality.
  4. Lukes ROTJ outfit would be nice, my main guardian is playing a luke style story, with the pilot uniform and blue saber till end of 1st chapter,. it would be nice to equip darker jedi robes when i transition to ROTJ luke.
  5. For cartel market / in game additions: Black-Cyan crystals, Pure Green crystals (from beta), add bolstered pvp as a permanant option in the game. Reskin of the Tirsa, Korralius, and Dessler speeders. More lightsabers with visual effects. ______________Cartel Packs___________________Mandalorian Contraband Pack : contents: (Mandalorian Scythe : Aratech scythe with mandolorian decorations.) (Mandolorian War tank : Reskin of Avalanche heavy tank, with immunity to knockdowns while riding) Armor : Mandolorian Iron chestguard, Havoc Command chestguard (Reskin or Mando Iron chestguard, with Havoc symbol across front.) Chance for Black-Purple (the ultimate drop in pack). New mandolorian pistols, with laser sights on the model. New Assault cannon, with a steaming energy pulsar in the back of the model (preferably use Havoc's fist for the model) New Mandalorian Assault Carbine : (Blaster rifle w/ laser sight, Pulsing barrel.) Mandolorian Scout's Hunting Rifle: (Sniper rifle: reduces threat by a small amount when fired. (Dread seeded taunlet/taun fawn/ taunta.) Relics : Mandalore's Rage (30% chance on damage to deal 323 kinetic damage and knock the opponent back 5 meters) Fett's Legacy (Global boost, reduces cooldown of Rocket boost by 5 seconds and increases its duration by 3 seconds.) (Dangerous Animal crate): drops Mini Terentek pet, Mini Zakkeg pet or Mini Gundark Pet. Just some thoughts. I hope it gets made into reality. Ultratank/ Jairis/ Vettish / Ultradps / Starforth/ Kiamat
  6. OMG people, give them a break. Don't you want the servers to run at optimum? Luckily, this maintenance goes on while im sleeping, but give them a chance to fix gamebreaking bugs like the bolster bug and the security keys problems. Seriously.
  7. nvm the sniper rifle effect, gunslingers cant use sniper rifles
  8. Black-Cyan crystals, Pure Green crystals, add bolstered pvp as a permanant option in the game. Reskin of the Tirsa, Korralius, and Dessler speeders. More lightsabers with visual effects. _________________________________Mandalorian Contraband Pack : contents: (Mandalorian Scythe : Aratech scythe with mandolorian decorations.) (Mandolorian War tank : Reskin of Avalanche heavy tank, with immunity to knockdowns while riding) Armor : Mandolorian Iron chestguard, Havoc Command chestguard (Reskin or Mando Iron chestguard, with Havoc symbol across front.) Chance for Black-Purple (the ultimate drop in pack). New mandolorian pistols, with laser sights on the model. New Assault cannon, with a steaming energy pulsar in the back of the model (preferably use Havoc's fist for the model) New Mandalorian Assault Carbine : (Blaster rifle w/ laser sight, Pulsing barrel.) Mandolorian Scout's Hunting Rifle: (Sniper rifle: Increases range of snipe and charged shots by 5 meters. (Dread seeded taunlet/taun fawn/ taunta.) Relics : Mandalore's Rage (30% chance on damage to deal 323 kinetic damage and knock the opponent back 5 meters) Fett's Legacy (Global boost, reduces cooldown of Rocket boost by 5 seconds and increases its duration by 3 seconds.) (Dangerous Animal crate): drops Mini Terentek pet, Mini Zakkeg pet or Mini Gundark Pet. Just some thoughts. I hope it gets made into reality. Ultratank/ Jairis/ Vettish / Ultradps / Starforth/ Kiamat
  9. Thanks for the idea Mav, I'm currently writing the second chapter to the story, but it is not neccessarily the next chapter in order. You'll have to find out when i publish it!
  10. I've decided to start going through my mini's collection to pick out ones that look like the characters from the game. Remember i could only use ones that i have lol. If you don't know what the miniatures specified look like, look em up on Google images I found ones for.... Powertech (Death Watch Raider) , Jedi Shadow (The Dark Woman) , Jedi Sage (Barris Offee) , Sith Juggernaut (Sith Apprentice) , Aric Jorgen (Clone Trooper Sergeant, magenta armor) Scoundrel ( Rebel Pathfinder) , Jedi sentinel (Kit Fisto, 2 lightsaber variant) , Qysen Fess (Trandoshan Scavenger, PERFECT MATCH, has a vibroblade and everything) , Satele Shan (Jedi Crusader) , Elarna Dorne (501st Clone Trooper) , Mercenary (Cad Bane, who else?) , K'lor'slug (Same, part of D'jerrick set along with Mantellian Savrip, and Gargath World Boss) , R4-DL World Boss (LR-57 Combat Droid, from Clone Wars movie). i hope others can provide similar references from miniatures i don't have! -Stark
  11. Thanks, i just spent the last 30 minutes trying to re-find this post lol XD i think im gonna write, in novel form, the whole Sith Warrior story, i just feel like it is a very rewarding and satisfying storyline. Korriban was an easy planet to write about, because it is so embedded into the culture of SWTOR. I will have to keep changing names and terms until i can get the OK from Lucas I'm hoping i can maybe get a gig with BIoware writing these stories to get people to play! -Stark
  12. I recently wrote this for my College final (im going for a writing degree), and i was wondering if i should keep writing them for each of the planets in the game? This one is an overview of Korriban in the Sith Warrior Storyline. I had to change some terms for copyright, but i think it turned out pretty well. The people i showed it to already are now playing SWTOR, they were that drawn to it by my story. I would like to have supporters for this, but who knows? A Red Planet I awoke dazed and confused, like I had been hit with a blunt object of some sort. As I came to, I noticed others around me, who were just waking up as well. They were aliens, like me, Rattataki, who had come to this planet to train in the dark arts. Non-Pureblood species were frowned upon on this planet, and were seen as an insult to the pureblood ancestors that taught here. We were slaves, who had been found to have an affinity for the dark powers dwelling throughout the galaxy. In essence, they brought us here to be slaughtered by the ones stronger than us. I stood up, and began to look around. The sky was a light tan color, and the surface of the planet was a pale red, almost rust color; but not desolate. Canyons filled the areas surrounding my arrival shuttle, and faint wails and screams could be heard in the distance. This was a planet of pain and suffering, but also one of power and glory for the ones who could wield it. As I wandered, I caught the eye of one of the overseers. He strolled up to me with a sneer on his face. “You will be reporting to me from now on, recruit." "Your first task is to go into one of the tombs, and retrieve an ancient weapon of great power.” Not fully knowing what he meant, I followed his instructions. I was given a training blade, it was no bigger than a baseball bat, and it hummed when I swung it from side to side. I decended into the Valley of the Dark Lords, and entered the first tomb. I was met by weak resistance from the indigenous creatures that dwelled here. The real problem I faced was the looters that were stealing artifacts from the various chambers of the tomb. I fought valiantly, and the other acolytes in the tomb taught me new abilities and powers. I finally reached the chamber that the Overseer spoke of, and in the chamber a blade rested horizontally on a pedestal, waiting to be claimed. I took great care with stepping around me, as the mechanics of this room were still unknown to me, and it could be a trap. I finally came to the pedestal, and began to lay my fingers on the blade, the Overseer walked in. He nodded, and I took the Ancient Warblade off. I must have triggered a reaction, because all around the room, mechanical entities burst to life, and began to attack. Their attacks were no match for my new weapon, and I quickly cut them all down. The Overseer applauded me for my work. “You have done well for someone of your... species. It would benefit you to make your way to the Dark Academy to begin your training. You will now report to Darth Baras.”I had heard rumors about Darth Baras, that he was ruthless, calculating, and that he was one of the members of the Dark Council, a council of only 10. I began to leave the room, and the Overseer added something. “Before you go, let me warn you of something. Darth Baras is always more than he seems. He thinks about every sentence before he utters it. ALWAYS take him seriously. I do not envy your next task.” With that last piece of wisdom, I was off again. As I made my way outside I couldn’t help but feel that if this planet wasn’t the birthplace of the Dark Power and the Lords who harnessed it, that it would be a beautiful place. I made my way to the ascent of the Dark Academy, and the Red Guards who stood sentinel bowed at my feet as I entered. They had no idea how powerful I strived to become. As soon as I entered the Academy, an old overseer ran to me, with ovals for eyes. “You are stronger than you seem”, she said. “Allow me to give you the pleasure of completing a blood ritual to strengthen you further.” Hesitantly, I agreed, and she led me to a room with a broken door, as if it was sealed but raw power burst it open. She looked at me, and whispered to me the instructions. As I stepped foot in the Ritual Chamber, I felt a surge of power from the walls and the creatures that dwelled here. They were Shyracks, ancient winged beasts who had been on this planet for millennia. They wouldn’t have been a problem if they didn’t feed on blood, which as a living being, I was full of. They tried to overpower me with numbers, but I had come too far to just give up and die. With all my strength, I used a Dark power-enhanced roar to pummel them away from me, into the walls, and they fell to the ground limply. Once the Shyracks were dead, I got a chance to take a good look at the room I was in. The walls were crumbling slowly, but something still held the room together. In the middle of the first room was a large pool of bubbling blood, and in the room after it, a large antechamber with a staircase. At the top was an altar with a huge pile of skulls, human skulls. Carefully, I took a skull from the altar, and proceeded back into the Ritual chamber. As told by the Overseer, I soaked the skull in blood, and held it up in triumph. Rumbles shook the room, and from the blood pool, a huge beast emerged. She had not told me of this part, and I had no idea about how to take this beast down. I slashed and swiped with my Warblade, but the beast didn’t seem affected by it. Finally in frustration, I focused my energies and conducted my body with Dark Energy. Overloaded with power and seething with anger, I tackled the giant beast with all my weight, and it sank back into the blood pool, leaving behind a piece of a weapon. Eagerly I grabbed the weapon piece and left before any more Shyracks came back. Darth Baras was waiting for me when I reached his lair. He was a large set man with Silver armor, with pauldrons reaching over each shoulder. His voice was hollow, from the silver mask he wore. In front of him, next to where I stood, was another acolyte, and aspiring pureblood named Tanno Vik. He sneered at me as I spoke to my new master, hoping to impress. I showed him the piece of the weapon I found, and the Warblade on my back, and he seemed to take an interest in me. “I had felt your power in the dark energy when you were in that tomb, acolyte. I knew the Overseer would send you to me.” I wondered aloud why a Dark Lord would take interest in a slave like me, someone with only limited connection to the Dark Energies. I quickly kept my thoughts to myself, as it was clear both Tanno and Baras heard my ramblings. “Is there something you wish to say, acolyte?” I quickly told him it was nothing and that I am ready to serve him. Over the next few weeks, I served Baras and completed whatever he needed done, killed whoever opposed him. Eventually the time came for the final trial, according to Baras. The most veiled tomb in the Valley was the oldest, and still held many secrets. “You will go there, and use the weapon piece you received from the Blood Ritual to construct an even stronger weapon of Derelict power. This weapon is the weapon of all Dark Masters, but yours will be different. The weapon piece you received is the hilt of one of the first Dark Lord’s weapons. It is almost 3000 years old.” Stunned by this revelation, I knew what I had to do. “Use the crystal you find deep in the tomb to power the weapon you will construct, and use it to kill Tanno Vik.” Dumbfounded by the instructions I was being given, I was unable to comprehend what I had to do. To kill another, for the sake of fun or even having no reason at all, it was something I had never done before. But it was what my master commanded, and so it must be done. I made my way into the tomb, a sensation I was almost used to by now. But this tomb felt different, it was cold, and silent. The screams of the outside world could no longer be heard in here, and I only felt a creeping terror that comes with death. Other acolytes had attempted to venture into the tomb, but the silence and twisting nature of the tomb drove them insane, and they became the tomb’s defenses, essentially. The constant state of paranoia I was In as I traveled started to eat away at my senses, and I began to hope that I would be able to leave the planet, to leave the state I was immersed in. As I walked through the hallways, I found Tanno Vik meditating on the ground. His eyes opened slowly as I approached. “I have been waiting for you, you know. Darth Baras told me to kill you and take your weapon piece. He has promised me great power and the privilege of becoming him apprentice. I cannot fail him!” Knowing that Darth Baras played both sides on this incident, I decided to fight Tanno. Our fight went on for a very long time, but ended with me disarming him and holding him at blade point. I gave him the choice to leave and be free, but he told me that Baras would sense his desertion, and send an agent to kill him. He begged me to kill him, so that he may die honorably. I accepted his wish, and cut him down. Finally I came upon an area different from the others in the tomb. It felt as if all time in the room had stopped. This room, as I had read about it, was named “The Eternity Vault”, because it was said that here lies an ancient power, a Powerful Dark Lord who was sealed away here for his crimes against his brothers. Knowing I was definitely too weak to face an enemy like that, I turned and headed down the adjacent hallway. The last room in the tomb was filled with stone statues, and a sound emanated that sounded like shallow breathing. On the pedestal at the top of this altar was a small red crystal, just big enough to fit inside the hilt I carried. Using my Dark Power, I constructed the Weapon without my hands, in midair. For the rest of the hilt I used pieces of the tomb and the walls. Once complete, I took it in my hand, and ignited it. From there it sprang to life, a crimson blade resonating a gentle hum. As I swung it, the hum swept with the motion. The room rumbled, I was definitely used to this by now, and the stone statues sprang to life, dead corpses reanimated by dark power sprinted toward me. I swung my weapon, cutting each down with a single strike, this blade was made of pure energy, cutting enemies in half and cauterizing their wounds before they even had a chance to bleed. It was truly a weapon of power, and it was all mine. I returned to Baras, with weapon in hand. “You have completed the trials I have given you, your next assignment is to venture to the Capital planet, Dromund Kaas, to meet me there. I will see you there, Apprentice. -More to come?
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