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Posts posted by currann

  1. I like the idea, it would definitely make combat more interesting all around.


    "This also kinda screws with rotations, doesn't it? In the interest of maintaining steady combat, the default attack will be redesigned to an auto-attack, freeing up (in some cases much-needed) space on action bars Damage from auto-attack may also need to be increased to compensate for the dps loss of dodging. Abilities would still function as they always have, and will only work if range permits."


    I disagree with the auto attack, though. You make a great point with making combat more dynamic with dodges, but, IMO, putting the auto attack in makes it less dynamic. It should be a choice, whether to dogde or DPS. But that is just my opinion

  2. It's used for a main-hand weapon that you can create for a new character to use of any class (even if it's not the one you got the box on). Basically, you mail that box to another character and go to the vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and you can get a level 14 weapon for them with rather high stats for the level to make your next run a bit easier and yes it's legacy bound.


    It's not just for Main hand weapons, it can be used to buy an item for most slots

  3. Hi everyone, thanks for your help in advance! :D


    I know that Alacrity reduces the activation time of an ability. I was wondering whether Alacrity also reduces


    *) cool-down time of an ability,

    *) duration of damage-over-time ability,

    *) duration of channeled ability,


    Thanks! :)


    1. No, alacrity doesn't effect the cool down of an ability

    2. I think it might, but I am not sure

    3. For a channeled ability, it reduces the overall cast time, making the effect happen faster

  4. Wait, you want to divide the group up? This just gets worse and worse.


    Yes. But the overall goal is to provide a challenge to each small group, and ultimately help the team. and as the flashpoint goes on, the group reunites, and faces a challenge designed for the full group

  5. Something this detailed and complex sounds more like an op than a flashpoint.

    Flashpoints take less than an hour max if the group is badly undergeared, or somebody runs too far ahead because they assume "everybody knows" the path to take to skip all the trash. (I think 75% of FP wipes are from not quite skipping trash)

    A well geared group can clear several of them in 15 to 20 minutes.


    Good point, flashpoints are rather short, and this is quite complex. A simple adjustment would be to have 2 people of the operation group go down one of the paths, instead of 1, and make the enemies harder, accordingly

  6. You should have had it since level 1. Perhaps you accidentally moved or deleted it? Look in your Abilities rather than the skill tree or a trainer.


    You can get it at lvl 40 at earliest. Its at the top of the middle tree

  7. well so basically sniper has to do less mod switching since his gear already has the high cunning mod in his main weapon.

    but after switching out the low cunning mods http://www.torhead.com/item/6cQWsok/war-heros-keen-mod-26

    for high cunning mods http://www.torhead.com/item/8qiO4eB/war-heros-artful-mod-26a

    you not only get 200 cunning in total (vs sniper 182) but also 312 expertise (vs snipers 264) and on top of that 79 more stats.

    so bisgunslinger > bis sniper


    and that is usually what you compare in terms of balance, right?


    Yes. The gunslinger will have better stats due to the modable offhand weapon.

    Though the gunslinger will have the advantage of a modable offhand weapon when optimizing

    I said that in my other post. The same is true for mercenary versus commando.

  8. If you look at the stats and not the amount of points in the stats, you will see that before optimizations, the sniper gets more cunning, and won't have to swap out mods to get rid of accuracy. Though the gunslinger will have the advantage of a modable offhand weapon when optimizing
  9. Snipers are pretty fun, Just wish that engineering had a little more "BAM!" to it like the other 2 trees do. I'd be on that like white on rice. Been playing around with trying to hybrid the tree since I play more casually on my alt. I wonder what the class is getting from the levels there adding. Any ideas on what probably to expect?


    I enjoy playing engineering, though the reason it doesn't have the "bam" factor is it is a Aoe spec. Lots of boosts to Aoe. Though using cluster bombs + electrified railgun + series of shots is always fun. It also has one of the best objective denial skills in the game, Plasma probe. It will stop anyone from capping n objective as long as it is on the ground. Though I'm unsure if it goes away when you die

  10. I like both melee and ranged, though for my smuggler, I would say that I would prefer to stay ranged. I already have a shadow and like the idea of being either or, and I prefer to just be dps, as for soloing heroics/fps...eh...not a huge deal to me.


    If you like being ranged, and pure DPS, then Gunslinger is definitely the way for you to go

  11. OK Gunslinger in PvE is just fine and in PvP is good, but not great. Gunslingers limited mobility is a big problem making them a favored target for stealth opponents. Also, the white type of damage is effected by all armor and shields. It's certainly not elemental damage that just withers opponents to nothing.


    Sniper: More damage (we have to roll to hit with our offhand or we lose that extra damage) and they have better shields especially since they can use one as offhand.


    Marauders: same damage and much more survivability. Huge amount of mobility.


    Powertech: also ranged, equal damage (if not more), heavy armor, better mobility


    Assassin: stealth, equal damage, more stuns, better mobility, better survivability


    Sorcerer: higher elemental damage, more stuns, super speed, possibly healing


    1 st of all, the sniper doesn't get to use a shield, rather, they use a vibrio knife in the offhand. Actually, the gs has an advantage due to the fact that he gets a modable offhand weapon


    2nd. The gunslinger is ranged, so you would go marauder for Melee DPS, and gunslinger for ranged. I know that many people consider a gunslinger one of the best counters for a marauder, since the mara can't jump to him


    3rd. The power tech is a melee class, not ranged. They do have some ranged abilities, but the majority of them are close range, though the power tech has some great burst, itis melee burst, the gs gets ranged burst


    4th. Assassin has stealth, and is one of the 2 counter classes to gunslingers, the other being operative


    5th. The sorcer has less defense due to to light armor. The sorc has 1 ranged stun, 1 mezz(60 seconds, 8 in PvP), a knock back, and a slow. The gunslinger has 1 melee stun, 1 Aoe eight second mezz, a knockback, and a root. So the gunslinger has some better cc, some worse. The sorc has higher elemental, while the gs has some very good white damage burst. The sorc has a 150% movement speed boost, and the gunslinger has, when properly used, cover he can roll too. Not the same, but close. The sorc also has superior self healing, and group healing


    So, over all, it is somewhat balanced for the classes you chose to compare, though the sorc is unfortunately at the bottom of the pile, due too merfs

  12. Commonly used in pvp:


    Inc: means incoming, like "3 inc west" would mean 3 enemies coming toward the western node


    Omw: On my way


    Grass: most likely is referring to the western node in alderaan civil war, as it is more grassy than the other node


    Snow: generally will refer to the eastern node in alderaan civil war, as it has snow around it


    In voidstar warzone:


    Zerg left, stealth right: means if you have the ability to enter stealth, go right. If not, then go left


    In alderaan civil war, and novare coast:


    2/6/0: a battle plan where 2 people should go west, and the rest should go mid. Other plans include, but are not limited to: 2 west, 4 mid, two right; 1/6/1


    In huttball:


    Pass!: means you should pass the huttball, if you have it. You can pass the huttball by using the ability found in your abilities page, under general


    Control mid: means the enemy team is getting the ball, and the team should keep people at the huttball respawn to get it




    Hope that these will help

  13. I like all of the ideas. Numbe 4 would give a great boost to Aoe, giving the commando a good situational ability. Maybe, it would take a chunk of its own health, say, every 3 seconds, and heal that amount spread over the entire team. Of course, the commando can heal it, to help preserve it, an enemies could attack it to get rid of it faster. But, realistically, I could see number 1 and 3 being implemented. Possibly number 2, maybe have it heal for the same amount, but have it cost 2 ammo for every person it applied it too. Making it a much harder decision requiring some situational awareness
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