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Everything posted by Shammus

  1. I guess there is no convincing you then.. regardless of what I say you're going to disagree i'm almost rank 50 with maybe 3 pieces of pvp gear I've done 3 hard flashpoints and 1 hutt hospitality and 1 eternity vault Both which are very easy and puggable and already have more/better pve gear for pve then I do for pvp. then you're not including your dailies and weeklies.. recipe drops that you can use that will also improve your character in pve I've done both more pvp then pve and I'm telling you from experience what has worked better, but you can do/believe what you would like to if you're convinced theres nothing I can do to change your mind. both a dps and a heal set from pve btw.. and you can argue that raiding is different, but if you're not raiding then you're not putting the same effort into pve as you are pvp.
  2. its not easier to get unless you got lucky with your rng.
  3. you're wrong, pve gear has entirely better stats strictly for pve.. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/338/gearcomparison.jpg/ and if you can't see that with that screenshot, there's no helping you. But by all means pve in your pvp gear if you insist.
  4. played mmo's since the 90's I don't have ability delay either.
  5. i switched from ati to nvidia long ago.. I've always gotten poor performance in games from ati cards.. and I don't know why .. I used to be total ati until the 8800gt came out At any rate, devs stated somewhere at the end of beta, that ati users should be using a diff catalyst version an older one, and this was resolving alot of issues.. I believe its the one before the most recent.
  6. please I know a ton of people who don't afk in warzones or exploit and have a ton of pvp gear sets, where do you get this 16 per week at most thing from? tons of people have just gotten really lucky with their drops 1 guildy I have got every piece of gear in less then a week whereas I've opened bag after bag only to get duplicate items or whatever, this isn't wrong or unfair its just the way it is, bug or not? And since bioware has fixed it so that people can actually get gear rather then rely on this crazy rng thing what's wrong with that? And then I see posts about people starting at at zero expertise @ 50.. do you guys not understand how this game works, do you not realize that you can spend commendations on lower level weapons and get expertise.. remove the mods and put them in your pvp gear set? the only thing that is going to take a long time to get is the set bonus, I guarantee you just using the weapons alone will get you pretty close to your 12 percent mark.. and guess what they aren't expensive to get at all. What else would you spend it on especially pvping while leveling, you can only have 1k each commendation type. and they are only 330 comms, you can pick any of the weapons with 25 expertise on them, and not be caught with your pants down in pvp there is one that every class could get a benefit from.
  7. Having going in there tonight on normal, I think these groups are overlooking something, but not necessarily something I'm willing to share.. will keep you updated once I've had a time to test it but there are things I can do in the final phase that I haven't seen anyone do in any video yet... and if it works out like I'm thinking it will then everyone is missing a huge mechanic.
  8. oh well give it time, high res textures aren't even in yet.
  9. I still don't have the issue the person is referring to http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/screenshot2012011403042.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/215/screenshot2012011403193.jpg/
  10. http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2991/screenshot2012011223022.jpg My shadows look good.
  11. Need 1 dps Eternity Vault tonight 9pm CST 1/13/12 - Giradda the hutt Need 1 dps for eternity vault tonight.. normal mode ventrilo required send me a tell in game tonight if you're interested around 830pm CST
  12. It would be awesome if I could enter some sort of arcade mode where I can blow up posts with a bazooka that I don't like Doesn't have to be a bazooka could be heat seeking missiles or something similar I'd play that for hours right about now, in between waiting for pvp warzones
  13. I guess us really old school mmo players have an advantage over this then needing a dungeon finder.. level up make friends, don't be a douche.. help out players when you have nothing else to do etc..etc.. you'd be surprised how setting up a network for yourself can change your entire gaming experience. I"ll use this for example on my particular server there is a character named "amnesty" who does nothing but afk in warzones every single day all day.. everyone on the server knows who she is, and without a dungeon finder this player will never be able to find a group because of the reputation she built for herself. add a dungeon finder to the game and community goes out the window and now lil ole amnesty who costs everyone a win in pvp on a regular basis because she's taking up a slot can now get a group with people who do not know she's a douchebag.
  14. I will continue to play.. I love the game. One thing I'm looking forward to though is the people who say they cancel and just come here and troll I really hope the whining on these forums drops drastically in 6 days Not referring to you, but the other 30 or so people I've seen who non stop complain.
  15. Its not game breaking by any means, however if you eliminate the other team outright they will have the upper hand in each area once a door is blown. I think maybe they over corrected an existing issue, and I still don't care much for voidstar, but if your team is stronger then the opposing team in both staying alive and killing the other team you're going to win in this warzone. Its the only warzone where killing counts.
  16. dont' mistake what i"m saying I'm not saying casual players are ****** to the posters below you, just that there wasn't this casual/hardcore debate ever.. I think that term stemmed out from wow there will always be hardcore and casual players, I think the argument stems from the items just being given out to the casual players because now we're all on forums casual players are mad that they cannot get the same items as players who take the time to organize raids etc.. And I personally agree that we shouldn't all be eligible for the same loot, because it makes the effort you put in to get geared a waste of time. I really miss items with good stats on them, that's what made them worth getting now its just a + to stats nothing else "fun" and the gorgeous thing about EQ was NO ITEM was BOE or BOP so they could be sold, and other players could purchase them... Yet even still these items were rare
  17. if you weren't hardcore it TOOK forever before you ever saw max level, and if you weren't hardcore you'd never catch up to anyone who started before you I may be mistaken as its been a very long time, but I seem to remember it taking a month to hit level 20 in the early days of EQ.. it may not have been that long, but that was with all night grind groups at orc camps in the commons and oasis etc.. it may have only been two weeks but it took forever And anytime you died you lost experience.
  18. Well back in the day gear actually had unique attributes associated with it, now it just seems like its stats you know what I mean? No more twinking your low level.. No more items with health regen on them, no more items with haste, etc..etc.. All items are just stats and boring that's what I miss the most how items were unique back in the day.
  19. what breaks my heart even more is how games like Space Quest, King's Quest, Quest for Glory died out after FPS games started taking over the market.. for a while those seemed to be the only games that ever came out.
  20. don't forget no maps, you could get lost in your own starting city for hours... and if you went some place you shouldn't you died, and had to retrieve your body to get your items.. sometimes entire play sessions were dedicated to getting your body back the only classes who could affectively solo past like lvl 15 were druids, necros, and mages supposedly eq3 is going to go back to its roots.
  21. only response I'm going to give you is that I won't be responding to you after this point you're a forum troll been at it all night.
  22. my point is you don't need damage meters to find out who the idiots are in your group or raid.. they are the same people doing all the other annoying **** you don't like. the same people who don't work to gear out their toons and expect the raid to carry them through, eliminate these people from your raids / groups and problem solved
  23. if you honestly believe people are not doing **** in a group / raid situation you're either very mistaken or the leader of the raid isn't doing his job. with enrage timers etc..etc. being as tight as they are if anyone is slacking you're not going to beat the enrage timers. plus there is no auto attack and all attacks have very nice visuals, you should know by now what each one looks like by now. this is a pointless post from one of those people who probably insist on spamming chat logs with their dmg the entire time.
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