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Everything posted by Odyseus

  1. Sorc's have really become a joke. People barely even play their Sorc's anymore. All of the OG Sorc's who have been playing the class since day one on my server have migrated to stronger classes. The class is designed to attack when no one is looking, and to run the moment they're spotted. That's the dumbest way to design a class I've ever heard of.
  2. I mean how cool would that be? A Jawa as somebody's bad *** Sidekick/Hacker/Scrap Specialist/Munitions Expert! That's a character we never ever really seen after a New Hope.
  3. I agree, the system is self-destructive, however, what you're proposing will do nothing to increase PVP participation. The only thing the Dev's need to do is base your PVP rating on the current system. Your pvp rating should be based on Medals earned while your in WZ's. I would also offer a balanced incentive for winning. Like if you get 25 wins in a week, you get bonus points added to your pvp rating. With this system, even if your team sucks, and you're doing your job, you won't be penalized so severely as you are now in solo ranked Q. From what I've seen everyone tries out the ranked PVP for about a week, once the exploiters, bolster manipulators, and FOTM"s start flooding the Q's, many players will get tired of it and revert back to regular WZ's. That's why the PVP rating should be based on what people like doing best, qeuing regular WZ's. You still have a Q for team ranked, however don't reward them with better gear, just better looking gear, exclusive mounts, pets, and titles. That way everyone wins, and this will keep the WZ ques healthy and rewarding.
  4. Come on guys, he may be exaggerating but what he's saying is true. The burst damage in this game is insane. Heavy Armor classes are not suppose to do the most damage in a MMO. For survivabilty you sacrifice DPS, for DPS you sacrifice survivability! You can't have those with the most damage mitigation and defensive cooldowns put out the most burst damage.
  5. It's all the former Sorc's who still clamor to play Arena's as ranged DPS.
  6. When it comes to Focusing a target, it seems like everyone automatically says kill the healer. But from my experience that's not always the best strategy. IMO focusing the weakest DPS on the team works far better than chasing the healer especially if he's above average. You just can't let Gunslingers sit and pelt you while you're chasing the healer, or allow the squishy sorc to drops bombs while your backs turned to him while you're chasing the healer. I would like to hear other opinions on this matter.
  7. This is a great idea. Areans are way to imbalanced. That's why 90% of matches your facing a team full of smashers. And the matches are over way to quickly.
  8. IMO PT/VG"s were never nerfed, despte the bads crying that they could no longer faceroll the keyboard any longer, they actually had to burn a few brain cells before they killed someone. I play with some of the best PT's on my server, and none of them, I mean none, were affected by the changes, they still topped the damage charts just as they did before some of their burst damage was modified to damage over time.
  9. As an addendum to my previous post. How many live Streams have you seen with Sorc's playing in Solo Q arena? I have't seen any outside of Beta. I've seen the 4 Sorc team work in 4x4, but I have yet to see a DPS sorc, let me emphasize DPS Sorc, I've seen some Sorc healers do pretty well, even though OP's are leaps and bounds ahead of them. I challenge any DPS Sorc/Sage to live Stream your matches, in Solo ranked.
  10. OP, don't listen to the posters in this thread. It's obvious they themselves play Assasins/Shadow. Assasins/Shadow are arguably the best class in PVP. They have a plethora of offensive burst and formidable defensive cooldowns to counter each and every class in the game. In order for Sorc's to be viable in Arena's the entire team strategy must be predicated on playing defensive and protecting the Sorc, along with saving all of their CC abilities to mitigate the assist train that Sorc's face every arena match. In WZ's it's bit different. Sorc's do pretty well providing they have good healer support. With elite healer support a Sorc will decimate a WZ. When it comes to arenas, that's a entire different story. One thing that you can count on each and every match you enter as a Sorc, is that the opposing teams already know you're the easiest one to kill, so you will be the focus every match, and will spend more time kiting then you will standing and casting. If the opposing team has any stealth classes you're as good as done. They will pop out of stealth, and completely lock you down. And since Sorc's give out crits like Government cheese, expect to die quickly unless your entire team is working in unison to protect you. In Solo q, you can forget about that, in team ranked, no one is gonna want you unless you're playing with people you know, that's because the team will be more effective with a Maurader, Powertech, Sniper, etc. If I were you I would stay away from Sorc until this game is re balanced. Playing as a Sorc in Arenas is equivalent to playing a Warlock in WoW, minus the Fel Armor, Soul Link, Death Coil and Health Stone. That's how naked defensively the Sorc's have been left by this development team.
  11. Yep, just like vanilla WoW. Your PVP success was predicated on your PVE achievements, and how much DKP one could accumulate. Which made Guild/Raid leaders all powerful and obscenely tyrannical. That famous minus 50k DKP video made during that Onyxia raid was exactly what it was like to play under those perilous conditions.
  12. Thank you for the info. I really appreciate it. I'm still not sure what makes this Spec a tank just because you're using Ion Gas Cylinder and no tanking gear. I'll give it a go, I'm sure the oil slick will be even more valuable in arenas than in Warzones. Does anyone know if this spec optimal with a shield or not?
  13. I just recently got my BH to 55, and I plan on playing him in rated solo arenas. I keep hearing about the AP/Tank/Dps build. I would appreciate it if someone can share the spec, and any specific gear stats I should strive for? Thank you in advance. I would also like to know what's the primary role of the DPS/AP/Tank in 4v4.
  14. Range means crap when there's so many counter measures to mitigate it.
  15. They make our dots unclean-able! So when we abruptly die soon after the match starts, at-least we won't have to worry about others cleaning our DOT spells as our lifeless corpse watches the rest of the match. I think It's time to dust off the Sorc and LOS, H2F, and make them pay!
  16. Exactly, our roots and stuns are meaningless when so many classes can instantly negate them.
  17. We need the stun bubble back. We had it for a year and a half, the only reason it was taken away because melee cried til the cows came home that we weren't free kills anymore. Sorc isn't a universal class. It's a class that fits people with certain skill sets because it's poorly designed. I refuse to play my Sorc until they're fixed. However I won't be holding my breath.
  18. Won't work. Blizzard tired it. No one bothered to use it. Good idea though. You thought the nerd rage was bad in OPS Chat when your team is losing, Imagine people raging on you in voice chat in some unintelligible Eastern European accent.
  19. Please, you think the Dev's actually read or care what's on these forums? If so the myriad of broken of PVP mechanics that we've been pointing out would of been rectified already.
  20. Actually yes, because their snare and leap are on shorter cooldowns.
  21. I know I'm late to the party, but I came across this video in another thread when the Dev's told Sorc's L2P. Why doesn't it surprise me that even THEY GOT OWNED when they tried to bring a Merc and Sorc as their primary DPSers. The next time a Dev says LOS & H2F, I'm just going to link this video. http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac/c/2763459
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