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Everything posted by Grumzz

  1. I agree, buff up the number please!
  2. Well that's pure fail then.. i thought maybe there was luck after all for skills to be useful.. NOPE.
  3. Well i've looked up on torhead and found tons of mastercraft crystals.. with much better stats.... but no where as to how to obtain / make them.. :/
  4. Hey all - I have been debating on whether or not to start RE'ing my +31 crystals in hopes of getting a "mastercraft" recipe?.. Is that how we get them?.. Or is it a drop in raids? Thanks.
  5. Curious to know what this is ...
  6. Yeah.. guess.. I wish people would understand how OP ops really are..... Cause ya, fully geared specced TANK MODE and yeah i SOMETIMES live past the opener.. if i have a healer.. then its CONSTANT 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 5k! ... ya know??... also, the whole "they are glass cannons" ... um.. no.. i've seen plenty of operatives with 17k hp, and TANKING 4 people, and LIVING, running around hitting for 3-5k crit OUT OF STEALTH. It's just.. idk..
  7. No sustained dps? are you kidding me? please.. please say you are... I'm a fully geared, fully specced.. PvP Tank Assassin... And if I survive there opener I get CONSTANT 3k crit after 3k crit......
  8. Not going to post a big reply, I read your entire post.. But yeah, I'm a fully geared assassin, and i agree 100% with all of your post, thank you so much for writing a full, good post, well written and good arguments not just whining about it... We need this, if there is ever a hope to level us a bit, sigh.
  9. Heya - I run a guild pre-made, and very rarely ever lose, we mostly 5 cap within 4-5 mins.. Then yes, we do farm, but usually only to 4-6 medals for each of us, which takes maybe 3-4 more mins tops.. We do NOT sit there and farm the entire game for 8-11 medals. However, SOME farming is needed to get good rewards.. Sadly :/ Hopefully it gets fixed.
  10. How exactly did you grind out 25 levels of it? just curious
  11. If that were to EVER happen, I would NEVER play huttball again... are you kidding me? get rid of everyone's ability's ?........... Ok, then NO knockbacks, and NO stuns, and NO slows either..!? rofl. I mean seriously, LEARN TO PLAY. Hell yeah, its hard to kill a 20k hp tank with the ball, but hey, kill his healers, PULL him BACK do not stun untill he gets pulled back otherwise resolve is up and GG anyways... Focus down his healers or CC them then blow him up.. simple enough.. I mean honestly do NOT QQ and cry for Force Speed / all the others to be taken away, that's silly and just yells of "OMG I CAN'T KILL HIM HE'S TO FAST HE NEEDS TO NOT BE ABLE TO USE THAT OMG"... Which btw, its not a FULL SPEED Force Speed, we are still slowed by the ball, just so ya know.
  12. However, an operative when specced melee, is pretty much a rogue aswell.. and can take a full geared 18k+ hp tank down to dead in 10 seconds or less... soooo..
  13. Whats the skill where they lift two things outta the ground and smack the crap outta me with?... They usually both do 1.5k + so that's a 3kish hit ..
  14. Get in a guild.. or even join with just ONE FRIEND and you can easily win in huttball by passing ... lol.. I have no trouble what so ever winning my 3 a day... PLEASE DO ---- NOT ---- make it only one win, ROFL. That's just silly.
  15. lawl you're level 34. LAWL. Get in a guild, go with even ONE other person, get on vent / skype / WHATEVER. And just pass the ball, you can win entire games like that. Also, i agree it SUCKS NOT GETTING MEDALS FOR DOING OBJECTIVES!! I HATE THAT! They need to add you get a medal for every ball you score, or something... anything... sigh. But yeah, for medals, score the ball 5 times, then just hold it and farm kills / damage / whatever to get a few more medals then cap.
  16. people got 50 in 2 days (HARDCORES) and the people that played alot got in in 4ish days.
  17. Grumzz

    Sweet Move...

    Yeah the delays are horrid.. and i'm not just talking about the .5 sec or so stupid delays.. I'm talking about i can SPAM the HELL out of some of my skills.. and they WILL NOT register.. I hit the button like 20 times.. and its like NOPE!.. I've spammed my get outta CC skill, about 15-20 times before.. the ENTIRE time i'm stunned or what have you.. just to have it FINALLY register with like .1 sec left of the cc .. sigh
  18. I spacebar spam EVERYTHING besides my class quests. I love class quests, they are actully quite epic. I still listen to music while i play, turn in-game music off. And I sometimes watch a movie and play, mostly not right now because all i do is PvP really.. and gotta actually pay attention for that.
  19. Yeah - can anyone confirm this?
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