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Posts posted by Mirandel

  1. Do hate credits cap as many others here, but do not understand how is it related to Legacy Credits. Someone already suggested here to make that feature - Legacy Credits - sub only. And when subs dropped, the money can get distributed around characters (or any other way) but as long as you are subbed, you can use one money pull.


    Something like this (not one wallet, but a Convenient Wallet) Turbine made in LOTRO. Granted, you can buy yourself that convenience for all characters (and do not worry, the way Turbine punish f2p-layer - no other game does), but still, there is a precedent.

  2. Why always blaming returning players ? We need these guys to come back unless you're blind and don't know this game is not really popular.


    Because if someone screws something and blames anyone but himself for that - it's provokes surprise emotion in others. If, in addition, that "someone" deliberately ignores simple solutions to the problems, last of credibility goes away.

    And this is exactly the case.


    What is unjustified and unrealistic is that bioware deliberately let more servers than needed and that's the real cause of the problem these players have.


    Should it be that bad they would be loosing money and would close that servers. They do not, hence - they do feel need for these servers.


    What would you say to a new player? "Hey you're new and on a desert server, well you're fault, you were not there during low cost transfer"

    1. Player is not new.

    2. MMO - is an ever changing media, any gamer knows that (again, OP is not new)

    3. The game is free - before you re-new your subscription or decide to pay some you can check the population situation.

    4. THERE ARE WAYS TO TRANSFER FOR FREE (why that part is always ignored?!)


    I can continue but think that it's already enough.


    This game needs new or returning players and bioware should a least inform them when they sub and join a server,


    Inform about what? Low population? The game is free! Go, check for yourself what level of population you need\want. There are many hermits who love to have a server to themselves. How BW is expected to know every gamer preferences? They gave every possibility to test every server before new\returning player decide to sub. They did their part, the rest is up to the player.


    And one more time, if a player leaves the game for some time he's not guilty of anything, that's ridiculous.


    Who said otherwise? But demanding that everything remains the same while he is gone - that IS ridiculous.


    Games change, sure, but it's not about in-game changes,


    Yes it is. Population on servers changes as well. Those who do care how to spend their money first check forums with questions "where these days I can find the most activity in my favorite part of the game" and\or check the game itself before paying and\or listen to advise about the problem they have.


    the problem here is a player claims to play the game he's already paying for. We will keep seeing these people here, because the real problem is that bioware is really happy to let this happen again and again to them to grab more of their money. So stop blaming the players, it is just stupid. Desert servers is the real issue here and that's what needs to be fixed.


    "Stupid" - is throwing money without a hint or research. "Stupid" - is ignoring solutions, suggested to him. "Stupid" - is blaming others for own mistake.


    OP is not chain-bound to his server. He can move - again! for free! - one character will all the money, loot and achievements to another server and either later move the rest or roll new one, since leveling is lightning fast now and DnL even makes that leveling very rewarding. Yet, he prefers to whine here.


    BW is guilty of many things, but that one is on player.

  3. No man, the guy is correct! One matter is when lazy players who missed free transfers complaining about prices but another situation when old players who weren't playing long returned back and now trapped on dead servers... it's not their fail, these guys couldn't have known about free transfers because they weren't in game at all. Now when they decided to return back they are stuck on dead server. BW management sucks really


    They are NOT stuck! OP claims to be a casual, who wants only to PvP. So, no time for many characters, right? And already some very geared and ready to play, right? Perfect! Put all the money and important items on one character, click someone's referral, move FOR FREE that character to the active server - and play happily! Voila!


    Expecting an MMO to remain the same for many years after you left is totally unjustified and unrealistic expectations. Game changed, there are several ways to catch up - use it!

  4. Yesterday, the translation of the crystal commendation system thread was published in german forums. Although it's my opinion that every german should be able to understand english written letters, etc. this information came to late. :/


    Some german players (I guess it is the same in France) are now very angry because they weren't informed. Information like this HAVE to get mediated in every language at the same time with the same content.


    I'd say "information like that" should not be posted on the forums at all, but sent to every player by e-mail and give a big warning sign when you start your launcher.

    Absolutely inappropriate treatment of player base!

  5. There was no signs anywhere Thexan himself enjoyed the fighting or killing, and or "proudly" showing there trophies.


    I though the face expression was done very well. Guess, you needed some text added like "Thexan and Arcann are very proud of what they did". Or that would also be not enough? Too bad all we have is them shown at killing moments and glory moments.


    I don't believe in genocide, but depending on the circumstances, I do not see "mass murdering" as a crime in itself.


    And this is the problem. Do hope you will never rise to any power allowing you to influence anyone's life.

  6. Where are you getting this information from anyway? When did they brag about kill count? Both were glad to terrorize the core worlds, when? Was the purpose of these gifts to show his carnage in battle, or perhaps trinkets to show Vaylin more about the people he combats with?


    The introduction to KOTFE movie, where we see both brothers sent to harass core worlds, then them pillaging said worlds and finally proudly showing the father trophies brought from the "journey". It's all there.


    Thexan was no saint, but until I get any additional info or sources im not going to call him immoral as of yet...


    If you do not see mass-murdering as an immoral thing - and you do not, it's "just conquering" for you - then sure, Thexan was not immoral. I'd say an admiration from a sadistic-psycho Vaylin alone can be a sign, but she could say what she said just to piss-off Arcann. Aside of that, all we know he (Thexan) destroyed the worlds only by the order of his father, unlike Arcann, who did it on his own too. Guess for some it's a strong redeeming quality.

  7. They invaded planets, natives defended and lost. That's not murdering. As far as my poor lore knowledge goes, they didn't go for kill count. Natives could have surrendered.


    But they did go for kill count - you can see it in the trailer, when they both brought the trophies to Valcorion. And conquest is a mass-murdering. Otherwise we can always say "the murderer is innocent, the victim just had to give the murderer what he wanted".

  8. "Murderer?" Those Jedi and Sith fought with there own free will without being pressured and fought for what they believe in from what we see in the cut scenes. I'm not saying he is a saint, but without proper information, so far, we see, is that he didn't commit war crimes and strike upon wounded warriors, although Arcann has. We didn't see him slaughter civvies or bombard populations of locals, we only saw him on the battlefield and nothing more. He, from what we seen, is no murderer.


    a) Jedi do not man-hunt for pleasure.

    b) No matter who is the victim - murder is a murder. It was unprovoked attack on core worlds. Arcann and Thexan both were sent to terrorize those worlds and gladly do so.

    c) Arcan and Thexan even bragged about kill-count.

    d) Valin mentioned "Thexan always brought me some gifts form the worlds he conquered".


    Sorry, but Thexan WAS as immoral. The only thing he was not able to do is to kill his father (or allow Arcann to do so).

  9. So if Senya's actions are justified then so to would any action of any family member of anyone who has been harmed by Arcann or Zakuul or could see him as a potential threat to their family..


    And who said otherwise? Of course all families and not families (Lana, for example, did not loose any relative in the conflict, did she?) not only allowed but must act against Arcann meaning to kill him (or not - depends what do you count as a real punishment).


    However you want to sell Senya giving lip service to stopping her kids ultimately she betrayed you.


    Did Senya promised you to kill or allow to kill her kids? No. Did she swear any loyalty to you? No. She was voluntarily helping you to stop her children. Where is betrayal?


    You think she deserves to dye - it's a justified though. But betrayal is all on you - YOU decided she will allow to kill her kids against common sense. You did not listen her, when she talked about "he does not deserve death", and ignored all disapprovals in dialogs about future of her kids. You allow her to go on the mission (ok, not you, writers, but we have to work with what we have). It's all your commander's doings.


    It's punishing Senya not for her crimes but for failing YOUR expectations. Ok for DS character, questionable motive for LS.


    Same with Scorpio, that should not have been anywhere near Gravestone but we had to take her and get all we deserved for that.

  10. Can you look the other way as they kill someone else? If so your child should be removed from you as you are too selfish to think about the fact that you and your child do not live in a bubble and society has to deal with them. I don't care that Ted Bundy's mom thought he was a good boy- the mothers of a few dozen women (who knows how many for certain?) would beg to differ.


    You are obviously is not a parent. But no matter - Senya DID NOT "look the other way" when her children were killing other people. She was urging Commander to stop them and helped as much as possible to do so. STOP them, not kill.

  11. At what point did someone ask her to do it?


    I'm plenty well and good enough to allow anyone to kill arcaan. Myself included. She can stay back but we were not allowed that option were we? No we were not.


    We were not allowed to remove Senya from this encounter because of some BS writing.


    BS writing is a totally different story. There were, are and will be many more idiotic moments when by the law of any universe other then bad-writing universe our characters had to act differently. But (!) within the borders we are forced to operate to EXPECT a mother to kill her child or to help someone help to do so - IS a stupidity, or monstrosity. ESPECIALLY in case of Senya, who mentioned not a single time that her intend is to stop Arcan, not to kill him. If Commander did not listen - Commander does not deserve his post and it's his fault he did not see it coming. She never betrayed Alliance, because her commitment was to her children, you can not betray someone you never promised anything. If Commander had some expectations - it's all on Commanders had.


    Again and again - yes, it's writing. Same with Koth stealing Gravestone (impossible in any normal universe), same with any other "hiccups" we had before. But as it is - Commander had all the rights to shoot the shuttle, though not as a punishment for treason - there were no treason! - but as a job-finisher in eliminating Arcan. If Senya chose to stay with her son, it's her choice, her presence should not influence Commander's decision (if the decision is to kill Arcan).

  12. Regardless, that would be my child. There is no way I could bring myself to kill them or see someone else do it if I was in a position to help them.


    You are right, it's completely unacceptable but that's still my child.


    As I said, it boils sown to those with children and those without. While one person will see the monster that murdered billions, a parent will see the child they watched grow up The child they love.




    You can blame the parent for raising a monster, you can punish that parent along with the monster child, but you can not call said parent "traitor" for doing what any parent would - protecting s\his child. You can not expect from a mother to kill her child. Sure, there are "parents" who do just that - crazy sociopaths, but normal behavior and normal expectations from a parent is to protect your child.


    As much as I hate to say it, Koth was right from the beginning - Senya simply should not have being in Alliance. If you believed for a second that a mother can kill her baby you are either sick yourself and find it's normal, or you are incredibly stupid. Either way, you should not be a Commander of an Alliance.

  13. Um, perhaps because it isn't as obvious as you think?

    For me, that something is sufficient to build a head-canon story. I don't have something equivalent for the Imp nFU classes, but all the nFU classes have a history of taking down heavy Sith and/or Jedi.


    And my statement remains accurate - some people can had-canon anything against any facts thrown at them! Logic is no match to wishful thinking.

  14. Just google it or search on that forum and you will get hundreds of pages in threads about "KOTFE is for force using classes only". To be precise. it was specifically written for JK.


    Still, some people manage to ignore that obvious fact and enjoy cheesy soap space opera "Smuggler vs Sith Emperor" (with a force-enforced blaster, no less!). How do you know you are not one of them? You did not try yet :)



    P.S. With all seriousness, it as bad (worse) as you suspect, but you can always stop playing smuggler at the end of smuggler's story and start some force-using class.

  15. You're excused. :cool:


    Yeah, maybe it is stupid - I chose to justify it (as I was playing) with the fact that no one anywhere is going to be able to control an entire planet's worth of prisoners (and as someone else pointed out, the guards who would take advantage). I can see people escaping the less secure areas, hiding for a while, having kids, and then getting caught again /repeat.


    I can overlook many things - strange, crazy, stupid - it's a Space Opera in it's core after all, everything is exaggerated. But there are some fundamentally impossible things (oh, Babilone-5 ... everlasting pain) and that one is one of those.

  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it wasn't "happy family" time. I guess since its an entire planet's worth of prison, they can't stop stuff like that from happening. Imagine how many guards you'd need for that. Who would even sign up for that kind of job? :confused:


    Excuse me?! First thing we learn about Belsavis is "Imps are opening the prison cells". Means, we do have a regular prison with cells. Locked cells. Prisoners do not mate in any country. And all you need to achieve that goal is to keep men and women separated.


    Now, with such an advanced medicine SWU has combined with low morale of guards, contraception in case of rapes should not be a problem - easier then explanation of sudden appearance of a new convict 1 day old and raising later that convict (which costs money). Hell, it's cheaper and more bureaucratically simple to take "accidental" (though absolutely impossible) babies for adoption, then to somehow charge them and keep in prison.


    As I said, quest line is just stupid.

  17. So, I'm an old player who was around at launch and has since returned to the game a few months ago. I have now played all the class stories (which were awesome, by the way), and gotten four toons to 65. The other day I was playing another new Republic toon and got to the point of the story where I was travelling to Belsavis again, and I must admit... this part of the story bothers me. The Republic has a prison planet, yeah, okay I guess -- but it also has generational prisoners whom they keep on their top-secret prison planet because they happened to be born there? And not just keep them there, but have them in the prisoner population? And during the riots, as a "Light" side Republic character, I go in there and kill these people who've done nothing more than be born in a prison and try to break out to freedom? Doesn't this strike anyone as, I dunno, a pretty horrible thing to do? I really get that the stories paint the Republic and the Empire as having wonderful shades of gray -- one person's terrorist and assassin is another person's hero and patriot -- but this particular storyline really rubs me the wrong way. This is so obviously and totally not how the Republic should be acting, that I find it distasteful to even be on the planet. Has anyone else felt this way in the past?


    To be honest, I was more surprised by the fact someone WAS BORN on that planet from imprisoned parents. How did that happen? Not only those "worst of the worst" were locked up very, very tightly, but since when male and female criminals are kept together and can get happy family time? The quest line is simply stupid. But so are many other things, so, no reasons to dwell on it.

  18. I honestly don't care about a romance with Lana ... but I don't get the nerd rage over giving people a "do over" option. It is irrelevant where the fault lies, but it's obvious that many people misinterpreted the dialogue choice. What could possibly be damaged by giving people a second shot at it?


    Oh, so much can be damaged in attempt to fix dialog, that I sure would not ask for any attempt.


    The dialog as it is is clear enough. With story companions you did not get any warnings either yet somehow managed. And if they try to "fix" something that is not even broken on a first place they for sure will break something for real.


    I'd vote leave it as it is.

  19. I interpreted the limited selections of Allies as being related to, "BATTLE WITH ALLIES IN NEW UPRISINGS – Join with up to three allies in erupting action-packed battles and confront the galaxy’s most notorious adversaries rising to challenge your influence in Galactic Command."


    If you want to run with three companions, those are the companions you can choose from. Other companions are still available, but can't do multiple companions at the same time missions. Just my guess.


    I like that! Let it be true!

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