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Posts posted by Mirandel

  1. Combat styles work exactly how I need and want them to work, I love the Juggernaut Vengence/Guardian Vigilance playstyle but also love the inquisitor and consular stories but not their playstyles now I get to play the style that I love with stories that I love without the style being a huge negative to my enjoyment of a given story.


    Very much this. People want different things and mix-match combat styles is a great compromise and truly the best part of 7.0 . Quite appreciated by many.

  2. Kaliyo is one of the most hated companions, she having a kill option is just something Bioware did to pander to those who hate her.


    A lot of players pick Vette or Torian either because she's a hot female Twi'lek, who has more fun screen time in KotET, is also a civilian who needs help more than a Mando under that situation and many people with no strong feelings to either are more ok to have a Mando die in the battle if they are forced to pick one.


    SCORPIO is never a romance option despite the single [flirt] option.


    Meanwhile most male love interests have a cheap kill option because of reason *shrug*


    Very well said. In the case of Vette you can add those who take lore seriously and would not insult a Mandalorian with an assumption he is a damsel in distress and needs to be saved. So, Vette is 99% safe.


    But yes, she and Scorpio technically can die too. Still 3 vs ... how many? For what reasons? And does not change the main point - there is an everlasting female romance in the full plot armor without an equal male romance.

  3. Let me add something from Zenith camp. He is JC companion, long-promised and returned (sort of) only last update with a hint for maybe some more story later? He did not appear for a second in this "expansion" but sent a letter. However (!) not to his very own JC, who was faithfully waiting for him all this time, but to Imperial character, that set him up.

    We waited for so long to get nothing.

  4. Yeah, woulda been grand if after KOTFEET they'd have developed the story based on force user or non force user, instead of Imps v Pubs. But they didn't, and now they won't.

    You get your supposedly super powerul force users having a tough time fighting some mundane randos, and your non force users constantly having to care about force stuff in this one size fits nobody story. But I don't think this'll ever change.


    You know, this was probably brought up before, but I never noticed and never thought about it myself. Yet, it is so simple and so brilliant! The story as it is with Pub/Imp was dying for years. If instead, they would take direction Teck/Force (especially with how classes are separated now) - that would bring new life into the game!

  5. I sincerely hope this is just the bug. Not because something like that could be added, but because of this:


    What crosses the line for me is:


    1. If this is a deliberate attempt at inclusivity and diversity, then why would on earth make the beards part of skin selections and not just a separate tab? That's just so sloppy. On top of that, just slapping a beard on a female toon is a really sorry and cheap way to virtue signal. If they wanted to add non-binary or trans customisations, fine. But at least put minimal effort into it.


    2. I still can't have more than a pitiful selection of hairstyles for my Zabraks and none of the skin colours I want for my Twi´leks. I can't even have the brand new hairs for my Zabraks. Maybe prioritise cool alien customisations before bearded women in a sci-fi game?


    Seriously, we have several old races in desperate need of additional customization but instead got a very sloppy implementation of an unasked-for feature for the races with already the most possible customizations? It better be a bug!

  6. At least he isn't an LI. None of the class LIs have had any love for ages either.


    The lack of content for all class companions is getting to be annoying. Instead they just keep throwing new ones at us, like that makes up for it.


    Not official, no. But he is (an unresolved and unavailable) LI for many JC out there. And considering his VA was there all this time (Troy Baker, the voice of Theron Shan) - it's very likely we will never see Zenith (because of the same voice conflict).

    Yes, I know, Jennifer Hale managed, but in case of Zenith it does not work for some reason.

  7. No, no and no! Your male Nau looks good, Damask_Rose (I might even consider one) but posted females... OMG, I think I'll have nightmares after those pics. I tryed to make one, but that bottoxed mask does not fit any voice we have in the game. And when I imagine that with any LI in the game, I just cry. BW butchered the whole race.
  8. I don't want them to look more human. I want them to look like the dozens of Nautolan NPCs we already have in game. The NPC Nautolans in the game look great, which is why I was originally excited at the prospect of getting to have them as PCs. We didn't get that, not even close. Instead we got cheap rubber Halloween mask looking versions of those NPCs. I want their faces and eyes animated properly. I want their skin textures to not look so low rez. I want their tentacles to not go through their chest or into their back. I want the Nautolans to be up the standards of all the other races already in game, and they're not. They look like an unimproved alpha version that was thrown out the door because EA couldn't be bothered to spend more time or money on them since subscribers were getting them for free.


    So much this! Like everyone else I was expecting NPCs look, and instead got deformed monstrosity that had nothing to do with established look of the race.

  9. I decided to re sub for this expansion just for Nautolans. All of the npc female Nautolans are so pretty!! I was so disappointed by the faces and eyes. I always thought they were a beautiful race, but wow, sigh. Can you please give us the npc random stand around Nautolan model? Their tentacles are so much longer and they have metal bands, not just leather. Please make them just as beautiful as the extras just standing around!




    "Ugly" is an undeserved compliment to that hideous model! I can sign under every word you said - same story, same feelings.

    • Haha 1
  10. I am sure there was mention in a podcast some Bioware guys did with a fansite (may have been one of the Bad Feeling ones?) that PvP and OPs participation combined didn't even amount to 25% of the playerbase.


    That would be under the industry average, but not by much.


    As a general rule in traditional MMORPGs you have roughly 20% participation in PvP, roughly 20% participation in Raids/OPs or equivalent, and roughly a 50% crossover between the groups - giving combined participation of roughly 30%.


    One comment I did see from a former Community Manager at Turbine (when they still had LOTRO) was that although PvP/Raid participation was roughly 30% of players, comments from those players made up roughly 70% of the forum feedback on "game balance". Meaning that a "vocal minority" often shaped the direction the game took, and which changes were implemented and how. .....

    All The Best


    May I correct you a little? Because I happen to have a link to that post from Turbine:



    Raiders comprise the smallest, by far, group in our game. PvMP players are far larger and even they are small. in fact together the two groups wouldn't comprise 10% of the total player base and never have (this is important. it's not a new thing, it's a long standing historical fact).


    Forum posters comprise a slightly larger group than the combined group of PvMP and Raiders. However, Raiders and PvMP players make up the overwhelming majority of forum posters (More than half. Though raiders are the smaller group of the two (PvMP/Raiders)). So you have a tiny group, inside a small group that is grossly disproportionately represented on the forums.


    But WayOfTheWarriorx and Jdast are right about content (addition) nevertheless.

  11. If story/solo players were really what was keeping the game alive all by themselves, then the server populations wouldn't have all taken a nosedive after the brief boost when KotFE first came out. EA wouldn't have had to merge servers to deal with record low populations. And EA wouldn't have switched gears from catering to story/solo players (as they did for two straight years) to first PvE and now PvP centric players.


    Also, calling PvP players "trash" is immature and unnecessary. I don't even like PvP, I don't find it fun at all, but even I am glad they're getting a little attention at last. Everything doesn't have to cater to you and your play style. Other people's play styles are just as valid as yours. Grow up.


    Actually, during that "brief boost" (that lasted for a year, btw) they said SWTOR was more profitable than ever. Then they dropped the format of every month update, made stories shorter and seldom-er (not to mention more and more directionless, to say it politely), ignored all promises about companions return, started to meddling with other solo-activities - and killed the interest of the story/solo players. And got that "node dive" you are talking about.


    Just saying.

  12. Agree on both "reasons" (even though one I used myself). Rusk can not be more popular than Zenith, yet, he is here (and there are others even less popular, which yet made it back and with a story no less - like Guss, for example). As of voices - FemTrooper and Satele Shan is a living proof that same VA never stopped BW from including any character into the story.


    But it's so hard to accept the reason "just because" as of "there is no reason other than Zenith is one out of a million insignificant characters for BW and not worth their attention" that we are trying to find something more respectful as an explanation.

  13. As usual: removed player agency ruins a good idea. Why on Earth she can not be killed why so many other companions can - is beyond me. Not that it would take much to make that cutscene.


    Btw, I could not find anywhere on youtube Ahara's reaction if you simply refuse to take he to Alliance (without zapping). Anyone has that vid?

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