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Everything posted by inverterbrae

  1. League 1, but I really don't like ops - had enough of that crap to last a lifetime in WoW.
  2. Jeremy Irons - Sorcerer Tom Hiddleston - Assassin Vinnie Jones - Juggernaut Jet Li - Marauder Jeremy Renner - Sniper Scarlett Johansson - Operative Terry Crews - Powertech James Woods - Mercenary Sam Worthington - Guardian Rhona Mitra - Sentinel Michael Gambon - Sage Lena Headey - Shadow Mark Strong - Vanguard Idris Elba - Commando Russle Crowe - Gunslinger Ellen Page - Scoundrel
  3. It's couldn't care less. What you're really saying is that you care - and you should. But even if you don't, EA does, and they won't be providing you a SWTOR fix for much longer if this conversion doesn't work out for them. I wish it would work out, and prosper, because some talented people worked on this game, and some poor saps even got tattoos in celebration of it's launch:w_confused:
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