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Posts posted by Hiniba

  1. This change has to be reverted. Changing how someone looks is not the way you fix something like this. I would rather not be able to wear a helm than have my character's looks change to something I do not want. Please revert what you have done and fix this issue some other way. Making changes that change how our characters look is not the way to fix things!


    Woh woh woh WHAT?


    3 of my 4 toons are Miraluka. I am THRILLED about this change. Is it perfect? No. But this is entirely a gain.

    My thoughts:

    Before: You could not display any headgear (except full masks), with VERY few exception.

    Now: You CAN show any headgear, or don't display it. So basically you have all the options from before, plus the option to actually display helmets (especially great for legacy classes like smuggler).

  2. Just thought I'd point this out since it was a bit of a spoiler for me.


    As a jedi knight you can get the "Jedi Prisoner" quest line around level 33ish (maybe a bit before) and it's entirely possible that you haven't finished Alderaan yet (or that's where I assume Master Orgus dies). Basically when I did the scene with Master Oteg talking to the "Jedi Entity" it said my master is dead but he still talks to me.


    *sigh* well I wonder how chapter 1 will end now.


    Anyway I was hoping to remove the option of "I've seen this before" before you complete the relevant quests. Thanks

  3. The rocket pack is okay, frankly I don't really care either way. If it was added cool, if not I'm not missing out.



    The escape pod I think is a pretty great idea. When you land on the planet from orbit you can A. Skip any of those orbit stations that are just so annoying and B. land at any outpost you've already linked to (maybe turning off the feature if you have a quest that requires you enter the star port or something).

  4. So I was moving crystals around earlier today and I was dumbfounded on how two crystals I was switching ended up switching stats.

    Upon further investigation (reading the actual names of the color crystals) it became obvious that the stats didn't switching but instead the crystals have very misleading color crystals.

    As you can see here the upper icon displays a dark blue crystal and the lower icon displays a bright/light blue crystal. Despite this the upper crystal represents the Cyan color crystal and the lower crystal represents the Black-Blue color crystal. If you forget/don't know what each of those colors looks like here is a link to each color.


    I'm not asking much I'm just thinking it would be beneficial (and probably take less than 30 minutes work) to switch the icons so that people like me, who aren't so quick on the draw, don't stare at the screen dumbfounded on how my crystals switched Power and Crit.

  5. Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick


    Here's the problem with that, it isn't clear. Say I got a 60% on my first math exam.

    On my next exam my score increased by 20%. Does that mean I got 60%+20%=80% or did get 60%*1.2=72%.

    Same thing here they didn't clarify "Increases ... by 100%" Let's say I have 30% crit.

    Does that make it 130% crit (30%+100%) or 60% crit (30%*2). This is why statisticians and financial people refer to percentage points or basis points instead of this ambiguous terminology. (If my score improved 20 percentage points then I know my score went from 60% to 80%).


    From what others are saying and from what I've seen (I've never noticed it fail to crit when early level when my crit rating was low) during zen so I imagine it improves your next 6 burn critical chances by 100 percentage points. (I know that takes it over 100% but that allows you to still crit if there are some sort of negative modifiers affecting you I imagine)

  6. I'm a PVE Seer and have decided to the 4 piece bonus on the normal Force Mystic set (+50 force) is not worth it.

    I was wondering about using PVP gear for a second 2 piece bonus. I was wondering if the -3 seconds to the lockout timer on Force Armor applied to being used on yourself or anyone you use it on.

  7. I do roughly 1 HM FP a day at random (started doing HMs about a week before 1.3) I never did EV before they fixed how you could get social points for it.

    I'm nearly Social X. The system works fine. Yes you can power grind it by doing Esseles/Black Talon, or you can enjoy benefits spread out over time.

  8. I'm interested in developing my Melee DPS. I primarily PVE but I do dabble in PVP (not ranked just pugs).

    I was wondering which is more "satisfying". I've played to about lvl 30 with DPS Guardian and it just feels dry (basic rotation that kind of 1 size fits all it feels like, I don't have to think hard on me feet).

    That said I'm not looking for the most complex rotation in the world; the middle ground...if that makes sense.

    Additionally take into account which is more desirable for groups (maybe not necessarily what is the most "leet"ist just what provides both high damage and maybe some utility.


    Anyone who can provide insight into how either play is greatly appreciated. (Whichever I don't do for Republic I'll probably do for Sith side anyway)

  9. That would make sense, I'm normally OCD about repairing everytime I die but I hadn't repaired in quite a few days.


    Thanks I thought it was a special buff, a little disappointing finding out it's not a special bonus.

  10. Hey all,


    I recently was running False Emperor and noticed a weird armor symbol above my portrait and was wondering where it comes from or what it does, if anything.

    I still had it when I left the instance and switching into partial battlemaster gear caused it to disappear sometimes but never changed percentages.



    You can see where the "buff" is and what text it shows.

    I'm just curious if anyone knows and can explain what it means if anything. Just really odd

  11. I agree. It'd be nice to be able to queue to get into and fill HM and NiM Ops runs and what not and be able to join pug Lost Island without being prepared for complete stress.


    I understand it can take some work (as you don't want people to feel stuck wearing recruit gear as opposed to their orange at the start) but figure it out. Just do it.



    Possibly track which instances they have and haven't done (for example can't do Maelstorm before Taral V, can't do HM KP before SM KP, can't do Lost Island before doing all the Tier 1 HMs, etc.)

  12. Especially when SWTOR goes F2P (I'll likely keep subbing but I like options incase I can't play much during a certain month) I'll stick around.

    That being said I have preordered GW2 and plan on playing it VERY casually (I'm playing it for the sandbox open world feel and more interesting combat I want out of an MMO) and I'll still play SWTOR (for my guild and because it has Star Wars in the name).


    If there were some sort of elusive Star Wars MMO that was set up as a sandbox that'd be the grail for me...now I'm going to not go nostalgia over SWG for an hour. (not trying to talk about SWG just went there accidentally...)

  13. - Add a plastic surgeon's office to the capital worlds and Fleet depots so we can change our appearance after character creation. This should come with some credit cost of course.

    Yes. I can understand maybe changing height a bit unreasonable but no reason I can't hair color or...(for god's sake) change what headpeice my miraluka wears...


    - More Space Combat missions.

    Yes, maybe have some that are REALLY hard, some that maybe only have a weekly with it. I mean you get proton torpedos at level 50...then you have no need (other than cash) to do a mission where you use them. What gives?

    I enjoy space and it sucks the only mission that benefits a level 50 is the boring and long mines mission.


    - Guild Capital Ships.

    I'm in favor of this but it's low on my priority.


    - HUGE expansion of the Legacy System and combine this with a shift to Exp based Legacy Percs rather than buying them with credits. I'll go into details on this topic in a stand-alone post.

    Yes, also more stuff that is bound to legacy and helps the entire legacy, I'd rather have a slightly larger sum to help all my toons than pay for it on each character- I mean what's the point of it even being a legacy ability at that point?


    - More character slots per server. Perhaps even make this a Legacy perk. Perhaps 5 distinct levels and 2 new character slots per level??

    This would be great. Maybe mastering a character gives you an extra one, or every ten legacy levels (I think that's a fair number) just don't make it cost like 5mil credits; I don't want to have to sink millions into a character who will be a credit drain for a long time anyway.


    - Guild Perks.

    Could be cool, not a high priority.


    - An in-depth dye system for coloring and customizing your armor.

    I'd like this but more importantly.

    APPEARANCE TABS!!!!!! I thought I'd hate them but every game I play that has them I love using them to make cool looking characters. Yeah there'll be people who use it to look like a friggin space cowboy or stripper...but you already allowed that. Might as well let people have good stats without all wearing the same looking black hole or pvp gear.


    - 5 more levels and a Chapter 4 that's specific to the Advanced Class not just the arch-type.

    Maybe, I think if they are going to add levels might as well go bigger so they can do it less often and balance the gear around that level (like level 60). Not sure the quests need to be AC specific...I mean for some that's a big difference (Sorcerer versus Assassin for example) but I can't imagine a Vanguard and Commando would have majorly different storylines.


    - More emphasis on Achievements

    No. Less achievements please.


    - Shared bank tab(s) between all your characters. This could also perhaps be another Legacy perk.

    For god's sake yes. THIS is something that could be expensive (no more than 4mil I'd say) and would be worth it.


    - Solo and/or 2-player FPs and Ops with up to 4 players. Reduced quality drops, but running the same exact content, just tuned for the number of players.

    Agreed, I mean Heroics are fun but there's no story or anything really. Some missions that are balanced to you, a buddy, and 2 companions would be fun. Either repeats of old ones or some new ones (maybe even longer and shorter ones).


    Biggest thing for me, make headgear work for miralukas. I love that race by appearance and background, but why can't my smuggler wear sunglases or why can't I wear a hat when all I have is eye coverings yet I can wear a helmet. Go through a better comb and figure out what works with what head-gear. There aren't THAT many skins in this game someone could easily knock that out in an afternoon.

    Also give us the ability to change them; or an option to hide build in headgear when available (like I can choose to turn off my eye coverings so I can wear sunglasses or something so long as the eye spots end up covered).

    That reason is the biggest turn off for a lot of those races, limited headgear options.

  14. Yes please, as it stands right now I want to AT LEAST play through all 8 main storylines, additionally it's hard to get benefit of some of the unlockables (such as race) unless you make all your characters in succession after mastering a class (and then repeating a race you unlocked serves no purpose). etc.


    Additionally since I only have room for 1 of each main class I feel limited in that I won't be able to have a Shadow now or a Sentinel or a Scoundrel, etc.


    It's not worth it to me to add another acount (thus resetting legacy on those toons and paying double a month) for extra character slots ina game like this but it could only help I feel (only thing exploitable is getting more storage space and they can already store stuff in mail and it's annoying transfering stuff between toons anyways)

  15. Yes this. Saves time, makes it easier to do crafting stuff with shared crew skills (I use Underworld for 2 of my crafters but only one has it sucks having to switch toons to grab stuff I forgot to send).

    Even if it's just 1 bay, period (even if someone in the legacy has to give up a bay) I don't care just would be immense helpful.

  16. Out sick from school again found out i'm not the only one throwing up almost passed out in orch but saw another gaging across the room lol Now i'm home at least I get to watch the ega go out i'm 12/3 I put my code in a few days after I got it biggest mistake of my life fingers crossed for today or tomorrow.


    Biggest mistake of your life?

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