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Everything posted by Hiniba

  1. In their defense, adding achievements for that stuff really encourages this behavior (and not having any of it be retroactive). Granted it better to use a relevant level toon but it's not always possible or efficient. As an example I really wanted to get the Tython achievements done (I'm one of those players) but I already have a Shadow, Sage, Sentinel and Guardian of moderate level so there's no real reason to create a new players PLUS these kills will count toward the companion kill progress. I did my best to not steal kills from other players but the fact of the matter is I'm going to step on a few toes now and again with so many players around. This is where a GW2 level adjustment system is great but that's not for this thread. Frankly them adding in pvp achievements for killing on every planet where it can happen is going to make low levels awful I imagine on pvp servers (since killing a level 20, to my knowledge, with a level 55 is a kill; since to my knowledge there is no "honorable kill" system)
  2. Frankly I play a Rodian because I can hide behind stuff better than as a wookiee. Plus Type 2 rodians have that Kim Kardashian body.
  3. Please don't talk about PTS testers like they are doing some sort of service to all players in this game. It's good they are doing it but nearly everyone does PTS to see the new content and things like that earlier. They aren't doing it because of some altruistic service to their fellow man. If they gave early access to everyone who does PTS guess what everyone would do...download the PTS. Defeating the purpose of the early access.
  4. First off, if you position yourself correctly your flamethrower shouldn't be a problem (be ahead of where the tank is taking the enemy and what not; yes it's not as easy but good communication can make it easier). Second off, don't complain about being a hybrid class. Except Gunslingers and Sentinels, everyone is a hybrid class
  5. I'll agree that I think they went overboard (I respend the prices going up but paying 4k for a repair from a single death on my level 25 I was a bit annoyed) That being said, they do need things like this to keep the credits in the system down. It's not particularly fun I suppose but it's a problem most mmos have. If you don't have these constant (important here, constant), then people's money inflates way more than it already is and it creates too large of a disconnect between newer players and veterans and stuff like that.
  6. They're trying to cut down on inflation (a problem the majority of mmos have). They have to do stuff like this to take money out of the system (otherwise the only money leaving the economy is from people not playing the game anymore. It sucks that it's expensive but it's there for a good reason.
  7. This. Very much agreed. I like that there's a lot in that window but it's so clunky to go through. It would be pretty easy to have the default, when you open the window, all sub categories are minimized then you open the relevant ones. Simple as that.
  8. I will mostly speak to Tumult for Sages and Opprotunity STrike (or whatever it's called) for Sentinels. I rather liked Tumult. I worked well for helping clear trash (especially on my seer so I wasn't dps speced) I could run in project a rock then tumult to kill a single non-strong quickly. On the other hand I hated opprotunity strike for sentinels (the equivalent). I never could find a good spot for it (since I'm DPS I don't have a seperate area for damage abilities...it's all damage abilities mostly) it has to be used quickly so it needs to be somewhere accessable (since the time to do it is usually small) but for pvp it's useless so it can't be taking up a good spot. (Plus there's also the attack that can only be used on snared targets to complicate things more). They are great abilities when they work well but the problem I have with them is it's more toolbar clutter that's conditionally useable (so I have this high dps ability that I can't use on bosses or players but I should be using otherwise but even then can only be used when the enemy meets certain restrictions). I understand why people miss them (I miss tumult, but I'm glad the sentinel ones are gone because I'm not pressured to use these really conditional abilities now; I'll take the good with the bad) And some say "if you don't like them don't use them" but if we played everything the way we wanted to instead of the way we should we probably wouldn't have combat roles that are so min-maxed.
  9. Then have him level a 50....or you could buy it and trade it to him... Don't expect the game to cater to people who haven't paid at all and won't for the foreseeable future (1-2 years is about the lifetime of the game so far). Also if he wants to level a different class, doesn't like the characters he chose for his 2, he can just create a new account. It's free.
  10. I prefer that stuff honestly. I'm sure if you have all your alts at level 40+ it's a bit disappointing but it's nice getting to really twink out characters in the 30s or teens (although I do wish the custom ones hada chance of being in there)
  11. Been suggested many times and hopefully it eventually happens. Wouldn't be too hard maybe make it smaller, heck make it a purchase for the cartel market (hate to encourage that but it's purely a convenience thing). Wouldn't be too hard use similar coding as the Guild Bank (as for what type of items can be allowed) but also allow bind to Legacy items. Either make it a special tab on the normal bank or create a special bank for it. Whatever works. That would be really great for crafting (it's so tedious having to search for which alt has the metals I need then mail them over etc, just a lot of hassle that mostly encourages me not to craft even more).
  12. Also helps it get a smoother launch. Despite how good the servers have become if there was no early access and the expansion went live on say Tuesday for everyone A. If there's an issue that turns the servers off for extended time (very likely) EVEN MORE people would be mad than just the people who had early access. B. A long queue is quite possible then (I know at this point it seems unlikely but if everyone and their mother who plays the game wants to play on the same day as the expansion release it causes huge issues for server; as opposed to about half the people getting in early and the rest getting in later. Finally, as others pointed out, less people in the same area (granted instancing the planets the way they do covers a lot of this but it definitely helps). Yeah it sucks not being level 53-55 with your friends for like half a week but it's liveable. I didn't preorder early enough which sucks today, but I can still gain experience for my next level so I'm not entirely behind (basically get a free level Sunday), and what not.
  13. (slight necro but not huge) I totally agree with this. Because most people have a main. I have lots of pets and vehicles and such on my main guy, and I know how much work some of those take which means I have no intention of doing that on all my characters (especially for a game that very much encourages being an altoholic). At least for me not having mounts and such on my alts does not encourage me to spend more time on getting those it just encourages me to give them less attention (more likely to run my main in EC HM to maybe get the vehicle instead of trying to get it on an alt). Basically it would give me more reason to collect pets and stuff because I'll know I can use them all the time (or at least most of the time) instead of only when I'm on the relevant toons.
  14. I'm sure this isn't new but I just want to formalize my thoughts on achievements and what I would like to see changed. First off let me say, love the system, I know it's nothing new to MMOs and it's not perfect (especially for some of the retroactive stuff but hey I'll take what I can get). Frankly if anything got me to resub recently for the expansion it's this. New content is great and all but achievements are what keep me playing (which I know isn't the best way to play games but I'm the reason these games have achievements, artificial extension of playtime). Anyway let me get down to the meat of this. First off: PvP achievements in the location section. I get why the gets kills thing is where it is for each planet but this causes a few problems. 1 promotes ganking (especially on pvp servers) because, to my knowledge, this game doesn't have any form of "honorable kill" system for that. (so killing a level 20 on Tatooine with your level 50 is the same as killing another level 50). I could be mistaken but that's not great. I'm glad they are encouraging open world PvP but add in something like "only kills within 5 levels below you count" or something. Additionally, please move that to the PvP section of the achievements. I know it really doesn't make a difference where it is, but from my standpoint, it is ascetically pleasing to get a 100% on a planet and as someone who doesn't do much PvP it kind of sucks knowing I'll likely never have that. It wouldn't be too hard to move it and I don't think anyone would complain (just add "Planetary kills" or something like that. Second the overarching outfit achievement. Please consider having a separate achievement for getting all the currently available outfits and for getting all the outfits including temporary ones (unless they will guaranteed be back in the near future). Again like before, it sucks knowing I cannot get 100% completion on something I can get really close on, and it sucks seeing the main achievement on outfits unavailable because I did not have an imperial toon of appropriate level back in March or April (or whenever the first event was). I appreciate rewarding people for getting the outfits, but don't please separate those achievements (maybe have a separate one for event outfits as an example). Finally, simple thing that tons of people have complained about. Just make sure all the stuff is available. It is annoying that without a CSR forcing it I cannot get Terentatek on Tython achievement because it was added into the codex to be somewhere (like the crystal cave for councilors or something) but wasn't added into the full game. Either remove those parts of the achievement, or make sure they are available in game (and plenty of people out there have compiled lists of which codex entries are broken). Again, I love what you guys have done just want to see this be something that keeps my interest instead of "well I can't complete that, so what's the point" (It's not going to ruin everyone's experience but I can speak for myself and some of my friends when I say how annoying and disheartening it is)
  15. Why does this matter? We aren't trying to improve other games they are trying to improve this one. I'm not saying trash mobs need to go, but just because it's been done for years doesn't make it good. Maybe people want some ops where it's just 4-5 bosses and nothing inbetween.
  16. Which weaponmaster set? [Elite] War Hero, Battlemaster, Tionese/Columi/Rakata, Black Hole/Dread Guard?
  17. Question: Where do the appropriate Matrix cubes fit into this? (Curious if they are still worth using, I've been using one since hitting 50 and been upgrading the other matrix slot appropriately) [Accounting for the fact it offers main stats like Willpower instead of just Power]
  18. I haven't parsed but with top end gear they seem to come pretty close in damage to the other two trees (I IMAGINE it's slightly less but I doubt the differences are huge). Very nice for fights with adds and stuff that can be AOE'd since otherwise sentinels are a bit lacking in that department. I know people view it as a PVP tree and an AOE tree but there's still nice DOT damage from it's top tier ability, even not hitting a group sweep still does lots of damage, shii cho ignores 30% of armor, masterstrike and abilities like that are improved a lot. I would say one of the biggest advantages is how quickly I can recycle focus (since you can instantly refill with Zen and then use the same focus to get half of your 30 stack back quickly). I feel, compared to Combat or Watchman I pop zen way more often (plus after the last update Watchman's zen lost some use and I've always felt slow on my 30 stack with combat but I might not do it perfectly).
  19. I think it depends on what you are doing. For tanking obviously sentinel is out. I find guardians make a better personal defender while shadows make a better defending someone without being in your face...if that makes sense. For Novare Coast and Alderaan I think Shadows are the best for solo defending a node, Sentinels and Guardians are better for rolling with the group; and I think Sentinels and Shadows make the best Rambos. For Voidstar all 3 are great. Obviously shadows' stealth is amazing here and CAN be a game winner (although sometimes stealth falls flat on its face); sentinels have a nice open area to fight in along with guardians where people are usually all over enough there's always a close target if they are trying to kite you. For the new one truthfully I don't know tactics there well enough (I understand how it works but I don't know good strategies beyond the obvious) so I won't comment on that. For Huttball they are again, all great, but I'd say Guardian and Shadow are ahead. Both can be tanks and that's great for ball carrying, Guardians are one of, if not, the best ball carrier in the game. Shadows can stealth, sprint and have good defensive CDs making them great receivers. Additionally both have a knockback (with pros and cons to each) which is great there. Sentinels have lots of little utilities that help there (a leap, a short stealth, and good defensives and a ops speed boost) that are nice but to me I enjoy huttball more on the other two compared to sentinel which is my main.
  20. The above poster explains it very well. With the exception of changing spec, you nearly always will be in whatever technique is appropriate for your spec and have little reason to change it. It is very comparable to Stances (Juyo, Shien, Aturu, Soresu and Shii Cho) for Knights/Warriors, Cell/Cylinders (Plasma, High Energy, Ion, Armor Piercing, and Combat Support) for Troopers/BHs). Many classes/advanced classes have these techniques/stances/cells that enhance their role (such as the Combat Technique increases armor value and threat generated, great for tanking); they are also in place to encourage focusing on a single tree and limit min/maxing (it doesn't always do that but the idea is there, for example for my Sentinel I could make solid build mixing Focus and Combat specs, but because of the requirements to be in a specific stance to make most of the effects work it isn't viable). That's also why changing your form usually is a hassle (for you it costs 100 Force, for troopers it takes a while to change cells and for knights it drains your focus bar)
  21. Man Bioware is really just worthless, huh? I mean a typo...in a quest item...for a bonus mission...only played by a single class...they really need to get their act together...more than a year ago. Also, *Typos
  22. I like and hate this idea. I like the idea because when I'm in the mood for huttball I get disappointed with everything else....but I'd hate that because I feel like that'd be more games of half the team being juggies and guardians.
  23. I'm sure this already got addressed in the many posts I didn't read but... First off learn what "bug" means. There is no bug here. They didn't design the outfit one way then it accidentally changed it's appearance. Also, Revan could easily have worn many different outfits in fact I bet he did. My father has a Peyton Manning shirt from when he played for the Colts...that doesn't mean people wearing the Bronco's version are "bugged.
  24. Frankly I hope they remove the VIP requirement to get up there (I know many people will be butthurt but I'd rather feel slightly less exclusive than have people spend a million credits on disappointment); and then just put more real vendors up there (and sure throw a vendor up there that opens up the cartel market). I'm thinking a vendor that has "deals" either by offering 'random' cartel market items [that change daily/weekly] for credits for pretty high credit prices (and I know the GTN is an option but not EVERYONE knows you'll get a better deal there). I'm also thinking that could be a decent place for a collection of crafting specific vendors. What I mean is an Artifice Vendor that sells all those schematics that take dailies or warzone comms to buy, and similar for other crafting types (basically any crafting schematic you can buy from an npc with credits would be there, and maybe some of the purchasable mats that are common for your type). These are hardly concrete ideas I just hope that they remove the VIPness (I preordered but that area's only purpose for me is jumping off of when bored), and kind of making it into a mini-hub within the hub of the fleet.
  25. Agreed. Right now in pve I feel like there's time where the cleanse is REALLY important (Writhing horror for example) or it's completely useless (most of all content). Basically I'd want it the way a lot of other games do it where most fights you can live without cleansing but the mark of a good healer, tactically not gear wise, is how effectively they cleanse. Basically right now there's plenty of debuffs going around but a large portion cannot be cleansed or don't make enough impact to be relevant. Flip side is when cleansing is important it is sometimes too important. I'm fine with some fights having a cleanse or die mechanic or cleanse or you'll be spending a lot more time healing them sort of things, it helps medics practice that skill more and distinguishes the good medics from the bad ones once they know the mechanics (well at least can help you decide). But what I'd really like to see if more debuffs that are cleans-able in a sort of "I don't need to cleanse him but he'll probably be easier to keep up if that dot and that reduce armor were gone" Not so much that it simply becomes cleanse then heal but instead moves to analyzing should I cleanse him first or heal now?
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