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Posts posted by Hiniba

  1. I know this isn't a new topic, but I think it's an important one.


    Can we please consider making pets and/or vehicles legacy wide unlocks.



    • Encourages alt usage (I won't have to worry about which character I use if I'm doing a op/boss/flashpoint etc. If I'm just doing it for the pet or mount ("I guess I can bring my healer...but my tank is the one who needs the mount...")
    • Give more unity between characters. Right now the only thing that realistically connects my characters in my legacy are legacy titles, a few global unlocks, and my legacy name. It would go from "My sage has a special mount" to "I have this special mount"
    • It could more people to work toward special mounts. For myself I don't care about, for example, I feel less inclined now to finish up the World Bosses I need for the Coral because the vehicle would only be usable by my Sage, or I'd have to do it on all my characters which isn't really appealing



    • People with a rare mount/pet on multiple characters could feel cheated [This could be partially mitigated for vehicles/pets that are normally not bound (such as cartel pack vehicles), by giving the players with extra copies an itemized version to sell or give to a friend]
    • Special vehicles/pets that are rewards for accomplishments/loot would not reflect that CHARACTER's ability to do the appropriate instances/bosses. While I do not view this as a major issue you could potentially not allow the appropriate vehicle/pet to be used until the player has the appropriate codex entry (for example they cannot use the tank mount without a certain Nightmare mode EC codex)
    • Potential problems with very special mounts such as the Nightmare mode EC tank mount (which is very durable which may not be intended for low level usage), this is not a huge issue and could be fixed by now allowing the use of that mount until max level.


    Obviously I focused on vehicles above, mainly because there's a little more exclusivity with those (and it was just easier).

    Also if I missed any (relevant) pros or cons you can think of, of course just post it and I'll add it (if it makes sense).


    And of course on a case by case basis if there's a good reason making certain vehicles (very specific ones) only unlocked for specific characters that'd be okay (for example any pets only usable by one faction etc.)

  2. I hope they don't do this. My former guild, every week we'd run datacrons. It was a nice group content that wasn't combat based (which is VERY rare in this game). It was group because someone led (as many hadn't done it before or forgot) and we'd get the people who were bad at jumping through most stuff by using sages, shadows and vanguards (or having them leap themselves if they had the abilities to).
  3. As others have stated: them putting their character name out there would basically cause no good. They would get spammed with tells to change things (likely things they aren't involved with because that's the way things go), etc. and complaining about changes. Think about how bad it could be if any of them played on pvp servers. I can only imagine (Oh we saw this GM over on Alderaan, let's go make his life heck).


    How do you handle voice chat? I think you would admit that you have a fairly recognizable voice, and if you joined in voice chat on one of my ops runs, I would know it immediately.


    One of the many "I have a headset but don't have a mic" players?

  4. Not a horrid idea the main issue is some fights might be nearly impossible to do or significantly harder (and yes you might be able to micro but it could create a new you need to be able to micromanage your companion because you equipped your M1-4X really well and we need a second tank for tank swapping, or something silly). Basically, they would fall short on a lot of fights

    A. their damage/healing and stuff is not equivalent to a geared player.

    B. raid mechanics. Without tons of finagling with the go passive, attack commands any companion would just die during the last fight in KP without making healers waste tons of energy keeping him/her alive in the tar and what not).

    Think about The Fabricator that's one less person that can work the puzzle potentially. Or the puzzle fight in TfB.


    To make it viable they'd have to balance the fights around having companions in the group which would make them all simple tank and spanks.



    Now allowing them in, in general I don't see the problem with that, but they should never be expected and the raids should never be balanced around the companions doing decently. (IF they count as a group member).



    On a somewhat related note: it could be interesting if they did a system, similar to other MMOs, where companions weren't considered part of the group size for a certain version of the run (social run idk), so basically the group is double sized but half companions (who would be excluded from certain raid mechanics). Not a perfect idea but just something.

  5. No no no no no.

    Older gear should be exclusive and hard to obtain. That makes it more valuable. That's how an MMO economy works. If you have a friend or guildie who has had armor mech since launch you should be able to ask them for some BM gear. Heck you could even check the GTN for it.


    Yeah but about about Champion, Columi, Rakata, Tionese?


    Frankly any set that is being completely removed (and isn't part of a reoccuring holiday or part of the cartel market) should be, at the very least, obtainable as schematics [or some similar means] (even if they are expensive to craft) for the respective crew skill.


    Even Battlemaster, while craftable is still limited to crafters who were there before the newer players (creating a larger division between older and newer players isn't really good for anyone; they're already behind on credits, materials, improved schematics, etc. why limit them more by giving NO means of learning battlemaster)

  6. You could also just do it the way games like SWG did it (and yes I hate to reference that game as much as I loved that game this isn't swg2 blah blah).

    Certain things in PvP (specifically kills) gains you a bounty which the killed player can increase significantly out of his/her own pocket if they choose. (otherwise it goes up some small amount by itself). Then the bounty hunter (although it shouldn't just be bounty hunter characters as that sucks for republic characters) can take out the bounty, hunt down the player (using various tracking methods), and kill them to claim the bounty.


    It's simple, does not involve loans or credit exploiting (since the amount of credits added to the bounty is quite small unless players pay out of pocket). The hunting player stands to gain some money, and it only affects PvPers. The people who don't do PvP won't get bounties nor have to take them.


    I don't know if this belongs in this game (especially since there's so many areas where you can't go based on faction, how much time is spent in instances [you'd be perfectly safe in your ship which I know is like the problems SWG had but that doesn't make it better] and most BH players would be like "Only bounty hunters should be able to do this" which is fine but kind of a slap in the face of troopers (Why play trooper when you can play the mirror class and have MORE things to do).

  7. Let's put it this way. I'm a guy who does not put any emphasis on my hair (I go to the barber every couple weeks and get the same cut, nice and simple).

    Generally speaking, for a big MMORPG like this, if over the course of more than a year my character's hair changes less than mine does that's a problem. (I can understand restricting gender/race changes [although I suppose those] etc. even body type changes if they wanted although that's a bit much...but come on my character's had the same stubble since December 2011 can he shave already?)

  8. I think they are trying to encourage it as a skill based ability (use it right before a big attack or something) not just a spammed defensive cooldown when you are taking damage (although not a bad time to use it).
  9. Not bad logic but the purpose, at the end of the day, of Achievements is inflate gameplay time for certain groups of players. If you can double dip on that that's less time, ideally for them, you'd be playing (Why even do storymode then...from a purely achievement perspective)


    I get your point but I doubt they'll change it.

  10. Ok first I would hate cathar as a PS because of all the Thunder cat jokes(Like make your self look like Liono and give yourself the Cathar honor sword(a.k.a The sword of Omens)


    They already said that Cathar were coming...granted they said before the end of 2012 but they've gone out of their way to say Cathar are coming (and it may be a self fulfilling prophecy but I noticed on Makeb there are a lot more Cathar NPCs so that might allude to them coming out soon...or nothing at all.)



    On an unrelated note. (someone mentioned it earlier)

    I would love to see Beastmaster done right. I do agree it would take a lot of work to balance it in ops and what not but I think it's doable (I think it could easily be done in a way similar to WoW or Guild Wars where the pet is basically just an extension of you mechanically, where together you equal a full character).

    The main issues I would see is: what should the character his/herself be like? Would they be a Jedi (like that girl NPC on the Republic landing area of Makeb who is a Sentinel Beastmaster) or a tech user.

    Also companions plus pets could make the character a bit much to control or too easy to play solo (Where about 66-75% of the work isn't really being done by you).



    IF they did it I think the way to do it I don't know how they would work the base class but I think one advanced class would be a droid commander and another a beast-master. Alternatively you could do one as a Jedi/Sith type and another as Tech of some flavor. The specifics of all of that I think are left up to developers (yes it's fun coming up with ideas but at the end of the day if the do implement something like that they won't want to be basing the entire class off a forum post but maybe the main idea).

  11. I was hoping more ADVANCED classes. There is so much you could do with Jedi alone. Asajj Ventress's linksabers for example, that would be an amazing advanced class weapon. Or a Jedi Knight that is able to use a double bladed lightsaber.

    Even different lightsaber combat STYLES would go a long way. Seeing everybody do the same thing gets extremely tiring, I want to see something new. I know there are different stances, why doesn't BW arrange the animations with the different stances? I mean, the Ataru lightsaber form is a more acrobatic approach to saber combat, as Soresu is a more balanced and controlled style, why not utilize things like that!? Make the lightsaber combat INTERESTING! That's part of what makes the Star Wars universe so amazing.

    Just some food for thought :)


    Not a bad idea but I think this could be better done by offering more specializations and giving classes the option to use more than one weapon choice. (Like Sentinels could use double bladed sabers OR two light sabers, but depending on their spec one might be more effective than the other [as you lose access to some abilities like say Zealous Strike for quick Focus gain but gain access to say some other similar ability for some other bonus])

    Then they can vary up classes without having to completely add new builds and stuff, people don't have to regrind a third version of Jedi Knight of whatever, and people have a deeper level of customization (like maybe Watchman works with either weapon set choice, but maybe it's more sustained damage with double blades and more spike with double blade....or some other balance that someone more clever than me can figure out)

  12. Let me just say this. I queued up for a random operation today on my Sentinel. I got a pug for EC with roughly 4-5 members of the group never having done EC (at least past Firebrand and Stormcaller).


    I was thinking we MIGHT get through the minefield and wipe on kephess enough to get people to quit. I was going to give them their chance and I took the reigns on explaining fights and what not (no one was formal lead though)


    We wiped quite a number of times in the minefield, always for cheap deaths (some were my own I regret to say. Especially when I forget the minefield is one square longer than I think). But we got it. Pretty clean when we did.

    Still not thinking it's possible this pug will do Kephess (and yes I know he's been toned down from where he used to but but without voice and stuff that's a miserable fight to explain and communicate during).


    AFter much frustration and the roughly 10 minutes or what felt like forever of me explaining that fight (since one of the tanks hadn't done it before it took especially long), we began. Few silly deaths (me dying because heals were ready on me whne I went up with the bomb and another for being in junk). Came back someone dropped and people are like "I'll give it x number more wipes" (still really good first attempt though we got the droid to like 40% down a dps or two every time. Not great but really good for a first attempt).


    We knock it out of the park. I think someone might have died I'm not sure but it just went so great.

    I'll tell ya that felt great. I had no expectations of that succeeding. It was on par with how I felt the first time I killed Kephess way back. I understand they've eased up the difficulty in storymode and what not but still).


    There really isn't much point to this threat I suppose beyond sharing my pride in a random people who stuck through to the end, so let this sink to the bottom if you want but just wanted to share that.

  13. No thanks. I don't want to be forced to go with pet X or use speeder Y because of some stat bonus. I pick those (or on some occasions, pick NONE) because it FITS MY CHARACTER.. People have suggested the exact same garbage for titles in the past, to give each title some unique bonus stat or ability.



    WoW with it's horrible "Must Wear Fugly Tabbard X During Content Y" is thadaway.


    This. It's fun that different items do different things but I prefer things being equal so I can use what I want instead of what's best. (That's why we like modable gear so we can wear what we want instead of specific clothing items that are better)

  14. Yeah. It's like that for outfit achivements as well. to complete the full overarching achievement you needed to get the 3 outs for the two events so far (from two factions mind you) otherwise you can't be Sharp Dressed.


    On vehicles at least the kept the LD-1 achievement worth no points (although frankly I don't care if it awards meaningless points as long as it doesn't stop me from getting a 100% completion), and isn't part of the gear head achievement.

  15. Not true. Jump to Lightspeed in SWG contained content for any level. Any of WoW's expansions contain low level content. I'm hoping TOR's next expansion contains a new race (Aren't we due for Cathar??) or something.


    Yes and it was also added during a time when there wasn't really levels and it was adding something that they said would be in the game from the start (but they had to remove because it wasn't quite fit for purpose and what not yet).


    And yes "Cathar's should in the game before the end of the year" or something like that...of course that quote was in 2012.

  16. Idk about the female voice actors being better necessarily (I'm not saying they are bad but I really enjoy Nolan North and the Jedi Knight voice actor).


    It basically comes down to what you want out of the game. If you want to roleplay a specific character and that character design you have is female, then so is the character. If you want to project yourself onto your avatar then being the same gender makes sense.


    If you're playing this game for the game mechanics (I'm just here to run raids with my friends or pvp or whatever, or just see a story, or play wow with better graphics, or whatever) then they'll probably play whatever looks appealing or cool or fun or funny or completely randomized.


    In the words of Joe Dirt's dad "Hey! How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does a sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does. "

  17. Yeah. This isn't Deus Ex or Dishonored sadly on that front. Maybe for class specific quests it could work (a non violent approach) but frankly it's already too easy for my scoundrel to level up from flashpoints and warzones enough to make up for what he'd get on the planet then I just go in and stealth through everything I can. Basically everything is easier for me because I'm not tripping over mobs so I don't expect the game to reward that.
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