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Everything posted by Pizzill

  1. I don't know if this is where I should post this but I hope someone can help me out. I play a sorc on Keller's Void which is a PvE server so the only real pvp I deal with is warzones. I hit level 50 yesterday and from what I can recall I have had this same problem with my character since level 40. I swear my character is broken. I have the full level 40 pvp items from the pvp vendor which includes the 42 dark promise lightsaber and the full dark promise gear. I since then have the champion force mystic robe and boots and I made a lvl 41 purple focus off hand weapon with artifce. My total will power is 1002 with the mark of power on. My force stats are: Bonus damage 414.6 Bonus healing 316.5 accuracy 102.0% crit chance 26.83% crit multiple 63.81% regen 8.0 activation 5.55% My problem is I have never EVER hit anyone with an attack that was more than 1.1k critical. My average hit is usually 200-700. Depending on the skill I use to attack. My average heal is 600-800 Dark heal. 1200-1600 Dark infusion. Depending on who I hit with it sometimes its lower. My force lightening has hit for 145 before. My dark heal has hit for 312 before. Sometimes my character gets stuck in the middle of casting and the global cooldown never returns and I am stuck in the cast position until I die. Other times I get stuck and it goes off many seconds after the time I see that my cast is done. Due to the low effect of my spells usually the player dies and the spell defaults onto me or someone else. Other times nothing happens at all it just takes my force away. I have been critically hit by level 13's for 3.9k. A jedi knight level 16 once 3 shoted me. Bounty hunters have killed me through walls with blaster fire. I was stunned by a single player for 13 seconds once. I seen no debuff on my characters bar I just stood slumped over until I was killed by a passer by. This one time a level 50 trooper (the one with the heavy gun) was afk in civil war warzone. I ran out of force trying to kill him and only had him to 65% health. I used the consumption to gain some force and continued attacking he came back from afk, Healed himself with 2 skills to full HP, then used a rapid fire skill that shot a bunch of blaster shots that hit me for 1.3k each and killed me in less than 6 seconds. I tried to run away he was at least 40 meters from me still hitting me with blaster shots. He was prolly geared to the teeth but still. I am not a PvP expert I really don't know much about it to be honest but I feel like my character isn't competing up to par. I always find myself unable to kill players and unable to heal people. I know some might say its because I suck... however I disagree. I feel like something isn't right with the system or something bugged my character. My skills say they do one thing however when I use that skill it is not doing what it says it does. Dark Heal rank 7 claims to heal for 1129-1273 I have never hit that normally for more than 890. My crit heals r sometimes around that much maybe 1300-1500. Normally... never more than 900. Sometimes 600ish. Infusion 2257-2402 never.. usually 1500-1600 crits r around 2500 or lower. Usually lower and the rest of my spells same thing. My tree spec ability is a channeled heal Innervate 525 and then 525 per second for 3 seconds, sometimes that hits for 150 per second. I have never healed anyone for the ammount it says. I have spec abilities that claim to raise my healing and my crit chance and everything else. Yet I cant even cast a spell that comes close to what the skill says it does? That isn't becasue I suck, it has to do with the mechanics or something isn't right. Any help by the player base or anyone would be much appreciated. If you can give me some advice or insight here or by a message I would appreciate that as well. Thanks.
  2. I am a healer and this issue is annoying. I have noticed that sometimes when I cast my big heal it gets stuck and doesn't even go off because of this issue. Alot of dps just run around smashing saber strike and my heal that says it goes off in 2.45 seconds and doesnt really take effect until 2.95 or 3.15 or doesnt even go off at all and my character is stuck in the casting position and dps pump out 2.3k per second. This is a issue that is making or breaking my choice to stay here.
  3. I came here for exactly this topic, I am a sith sorc healer. My rewards r considerably low compared to some of the other players on my team. Also I noticed I never get protection points, I use static barrier ALL THE TIME, which absorbs damage does that not qualify under the protection definition? If that was factored in I would prolly get more points, I do dps as my healer and I usually end up 3-7 on the top players of the game.
  4. Ya I dunno if the honey BBQ sauce is going to take away the basil completely or not. I do rather enjoy the balance of the two.
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