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  1. I'm talking about PvP in general...whether the players are F2P or payed (because there are bad players on both sides), who make PvP not enjoyable. I can accept a loss if your team tried but was just out-performed by a better group. I think the frustration is when you enter a match and individuals are not listening, not wanting to learn, ....and this is happening time after time even after giving instructions. These players are going to remain bad, as they level up because they are content to do their own thing, their own way. Thats fine until you have a group depending on you. Lowbie PvP is for learning - assuming that players actually learn. How many players that hit 50 haven't learned anything even after playing alot. Players need to take it upon themselves to read up on PvP - in terms of each WZ and the objectives, gear etc. This goes for both F2P and Paying players.
  2. The same is with the Light sabers as well. Would be nice to have the dual weild available for classes that can dual weild them. Hope this gets adjusted.
  3. Getting this as well. is this a known bug, I get to the purchase page, but after it goes to process the error message comes up.
  4. This weekend PvP was exceptionally bugged: 1. Novare Coast - Empty Zones which also cause other issues when you left the zone about not being able to group etc. 2. Still problems with Backfill in groups. Had a few 6-8 ..oh of course until the last 30 seconds when the group finally filled up. 3. Having the group finder put you back at the character select menu. Where you would keep getting punted to the menu after trying to join a WZ. I know many of these "issues" have been ongoing, and reported but seriously - if this were happening with the subscription mechanics that subtract my cash payment at the end of the month or now with the new the cartel coins these would already be fixed. Your hot team of techs would have these issues resolved in an instant. Get you act together EA its' coming up to a 1 year anniversary, and your game looks like Jedi Temple after it was ravaged by the Sith in the cinematic story video. I was going to post it in the PvP section, but I know that the devs don't PvP - or much less play this game, so I thought I would post it here.
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