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  1. When a full tionese set is given to you the second you hit 50, getting gear from fp bosses becomes a waste of time. Most people are there for daily black hole commendations. The only real gear upgrade comes from the last boss of each FP which drop columi. Therefore, the faster you get there, the better.
  2. There are other ways to make money on the GTN than selling items that you craft. Being poor in this game is a choice. You can choose to play smart, send you companions out, and play the GTN to your favor by buying low and selling high. Or you can choose to do nothing and be poor.
  3. We are not talking about "a lot of things." We are talking about a LFG tool that benefits everyone and hurts no one.
  4. There is nothing that PREVENTS you from building your own group with like minded people. You can still do that even with a LFG tool in place. A LFG tool simply matches people together for flashpoints/operations. You don't have to use that if you don't want; it is not mandatory. The only thing LFG tool does is make assembling a group less painful and more expedient. Have you ever tried to put together a group at 3 am when virtually everyone is asleep? Or what about after an hour of spamming, "LF 1 TANK or HEALER then GTG" you simply give up because you have gotten NO replies? Can you understand the frustration that comes with that? As for those who say "find some friends or guildies," well guess what, not all of them are available anytime you need them. They are real people with real lives too. And I shouldn't have to depend on them every time I want to get a group going to knock out foundry for example.
  5. Right, because EVERYONE should play the same way you do, regardless of circumstances.
  6. Thanks guys, really good insight there.
  7. Hi all, I'm a new tank trying to optimize stats. I know we are suppose to stack defense to around 400, then work on shield and absorb after that. However, is accuracy really important? Do I need to cap it, or can I ignore it for now and just focus on the other three stats first? I'm a juggernaut tank, if that makes a difference.
  8. Pretty good guide. Everything is spot on. I just want to point out one thing though, and that is power actually outpaces willpower when it comes to bonus healing and damage. I've noticed that my bonus healing actually went down when I exchanged, say 40 power for 40 willpower.
  9. Malgus. It only takes one to bring down Thanaton.
  10. I agree. Dark ward is pretty tedious to have to reapply on cooldown.
  11. Personally I use resolve, for the higher damage. Khem can absorb hits pretty well. If you find your health low, there are a number of cooldowns we can use, like deflection. There is also force cloak that will get you out of harms way.
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