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Posts posted by Stabalicious

  1. It is perfectly logical not to add a vendor obtained mount to the collections interface, even if that mount is no longer able to be purchased. The same goes for mounts obtained via drops.



    The collections interface is primarily reserved for CM items. There are a few exceptions, such as promotional items.


    To the best of my knowledge, the collections interface does not apply to ANY vendor items or drop items. There is NOTHING wrong with this. This is perfectly logical.


    You may not like it EMOTIONALLY, but it IS logical.

    And so it starts

  2. And this game is exactly the same. If you buy a speeder for real money (for the cartel market or via packs) then you can pay to unlock it for all your characters.

    We should not start allowing unlocks for non-cm items. If items can be bought from vendors or are drops (no matter how rare) then they should not be added to collections.

    I've been trying to come up with any logical reason as to why I should side with your thoughts on not wanting non CM mounts to be unlockable for other characters and I can't simply find anything logical. The cartel market was implemented not at launch but some time after. It was design for various reasons, one of which was to increase revenue. Mounts acquired prior to CM implementation should not be punished for they had nothing to do with this the reasoning behind the need for a CM. Players are at an unfair advantage. Now with that said, I have seen many things added to the cartel market that were not sold by the cartel market initially so this should not be a problem what so ever.

  3. I agree with the rarity of things. I'm not asking for bioware to bring it back, I am asking for those mounts to be added to collections for people who have already gotten them. At the time when they were available and the game being so new, I wasn't a cake walk to get them. Money was not easy to come by nor was light or dark ranks. Adding them to collections only gives players who have them, the option to enjoy them on their other characters.
  4. Please add them or tell us why or when. Please Reply.

    People reading this, if you have the korrealis baron or the korrealis commander or if you get them in the future, would you like the option to add them to collections so you can enjoy them on your alts as well?

  5. Update, I was able to log into The Shadowlands at 10:35am CST finally. So far looks fine. I will update again if that changes.


    Another update at 12:47pm CST, got booted and it seems to be taking longer for the launcher to sing in. Took about 20 seconds. Normally takes 2 to 3 seconds tops. I proceeded to hit play and launch the game. It actually pulled up my server The Shadowlands and logged me in but the time it took for the launcher tells me there is something going on.

  6. I suddenly started having the same issue on "The Shadowlands". It booted me from the server around 9:45am CST and having been able to log back into The Shadowlands. The log in is taking alittle longer then normal and I can get into others servers but The Shadowlands keeps giving me different errors. 4001, 1003. So in summary:

    1. launcher is a little slower

    2. The Shadowlands is not letting me log into that server.

  7. Well, I PvP for fun and do not expect rewards. PvP in this game is reward enough and a joy to play.




    This serves absolutely no help to anyone. Having said that, I too enjoy pvp for the sake of pvp but I also enjoy having nice rewards. With that in mind, the ability to even play and rank is not there. I should say availability is not there. Out of the few that enjoy true ranked pvp, too many of the few, set it up to where they play certain groups and sit on their rank. This system is not balanced, fair and rewarding true pvp players. Currently a lot of the players being rewarded are sneaky people who are abusing the system. Ofcourse many will disagree which is fine but from what I see, experience and hear from 98% of the community, it all points to the same damn thing. The way to resolve this is :

    Remove ranked pvp

    1 pvp que system

    cross realm que

    solo que only

    rating decay if you don't play regularly "plz don't reply with, what if I am in the service and can't log in all the time" or something similar.

    rewards should be from a vendor so people know what they are fighting for.

    Season 2 rewards, Season 2 rating curve, Season 2 period just came short of something cool.

  8. Although things like this happen, you are not giving the entire story. True some players really don't care to contribute to a win or just are too lazy to even consider it. I am sure some players are like this. The part you are leaving out is, most player enter a warzone to win and if they are loosing, then yes they might just help the loss come faster by camping or not doing anything. This does not justify removing rewards from loosing or dailies. That just makes absolutely no sense. You can't punish the majority for a fraction of the population and when you fail to state your complaint correctly.
  9. This goes out to all you PvPers that have at one time or another, proceeded to, and successfully capped an objective at the last possible second to get a win, despite the not-so-good odds you and your team face.


    I know it's hard to brag, which is why I wanted to recognize that there are indeed instances and occurrences where a single, individual player truly does mean the difference between a win or a loose. I, along with the many other PvPers of all levels and classes salute you and your tenacity, to cap your enemy's Pylon in a Hypergate match mere seconds before the discharged, or maybe you capped a node on an Alderaan Civil War match therefore increasing the damage done to the enemy's ship and giving your team just enough time to recover and eventually win. I again, salute you and have the greatest respect for your determination and the last second adjustments to your tactics and strategy.


    May you receive many more MVP votes for your heroic and ultimately most crucial actions that can, much of the time, be ignored.


    Happy Hunting! :D

    Long Live PvP


    At first I wasn't sure if this post is sarcasm or if you meant it on a way to respect people who do it or just making fun of them in a way that implies they are cheap players.

    I honestly see no reason for this post for any other reason than show respect. I personally think it's extremely challenging to stealth cap, cap at the last second. It takes skill to do it right. But to think a stealth class would have to justify why they play the way they play is silly. That is what stealth classes are for? What is the implication on the reverse side of things? Only cap when you have 1,2, 3 or so enemies in front of you protecting? never cap if the timer is below 20 seconds? We can talk about warriors, inquisitors or bounty hunters and their abilities and play styles but I am not sure what we are posting here for? I don't see the point. Classes are performing as intended. With some balance exceptions ofcourse but as intended. In WoW similar classes are played the same and in other games similar classes are played the same.

  10. End of season rewards should be based of non ranked pvp. Ranked is just not something that can be properly evaluated under these current conditions on certain servers.

    1. Inconsistent que

    2. Unbalanced groups

    3. Ranked rating being use to reward players in solo que when there is no such thing as solo pvp. It's team pvp with solo que. How is that even evaluated?

    4. No basic gear requirement

    5. Dependancy on bolster which helps but it also hurts.

    6. It hurst to even try to come up with more.


    I really enjoy this game and the pvp but I do not enjoy how in order to be rewarded you have to get lucky, lucky and lucky. What percent of it is based off true skill?

  11. I can't speak for all 3 specs but I will try to touch on 2 specs, Medicine and Concealment. As medicine, you will rarely ever see the character display it's weapon in an animation as you would Concealment. For concealment operatives, doesn't it make a lot more sense to use Daggers of some sort. When you apply Acid Blade it gives a quick animation as if you're coating a dagger of some sort, but we never really do range with a few minor exceptions. To keep it short, we are a melee stealthy class that really needs a weapon and animation to reflect that. I can't imagine someone else not bringing this up and I feel this is just something that was overlooked or put to the back burner. Don't get me wrong, a blaster rifle can look cool, even a bowcaster but that is not a concealment operative's wpn of choice.
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