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Posts posted by Stabalicious

  1. Tank on IMP or PUB side LF NIM DF Group. Can Tank 4/5 NIM DF already. Know most of the Brontes encounter but can use some attempts to freshen up. If any groups are looking for a tank, please reply to this post with a contact Imp or Pub. I can also be reached in game under Tie'Kneë. Alt Code 0235
  2. Vessynessy, you seem very nice. Your post was fun to read. On the other hand, it would be nice to get some sort of update on why this is the only server down. :) I woke up early to have alittle fun and now I have to find something else to do. LOL
  3. I pretty much quit playing MMO operations/raid content well before SWTOR.


    Too much drama, too repetitive and boring for me. It was fun for a few years in WoW, but by the time I got to Rift.. I had taken a pass on Operations/raids. Maybe it was the WoW approach that burned me out, or maybe I just finally realized what a silly carrot dangling MMO methodology they were.


    And I know I am not the only MMO veteran that has moved on from Ops/Raids either.


    Every is entitled to an opinion but I must say, I am not sure I agree with the words that are coming out of your mouth Jackie. When you have a group of friends or have the patience for it, MMO style play ops/raids are fun. I will admit that old content seems like they just simply increased difficulty to match our level and that's it. It wasn't tweaked or anything or even given new gear.

    An MMO veteran will always enjoy an mmo if the conditions are right but like before we must put in some work to help meet those conditions. Now can someone get burnt out like you mentioned? yes ofcourse they can but ops and raids will always be an amazing thing. In my opinion, this development team just doesn't have the time, resources or big enough team to create a compelling raid and or raid encounter to keep our interests anymore. I just don't think they view this game as an investment anymore. Maybe more of a let's see how long we can keep making as much money as we can kind of game now.

  4. Imagine going to a target or Walmart or Costco or some other grocery store that is doing really well with management, staffing, customer service and many cashiers to accommodate a busy weekend. You go to check out and 1 employee's sole purpose is to ensure customers do not wait in line long and your checking out experience is flawless and you think to yourself, wow that was a good experience. Well Swtor ingame ticket system is not that. In fact, Walmart or which ever store you went to will literaly probably ignore you. Cashier will be playing on their cellphone knowing you're inline and pretend they don't see you. 2 cashiers and 1000 customers are waiting to get checked out. Both cashiers are probably blind can can't hear. That's how the ingame ticketing system works.


    Now before anyone says something, no this is not a make fun at blind people or people who can't hear. It's simply a idea of how they use their resources and it probably doesn't make much sense.

  5. Devs are NOT forum moderators. If they were, that would be a poor use of resources.


    I do support more staff in Eric's community support team, but I'm not sure that would solve the "demand" for more information about what is going on behind the scenes for new releases as well as bug fixes.


    Like it or not, we get to know.....when they decide it's time to disclose. I see no signs of this changing. Besides, every attempt to be more open with players has backfired badly.... sometimes due to how Bioware handled it AND sometimes due to really bad player behaviors in response to what is disclosed.


    I welcome anyone to reply but how did this become an us vs them post? Look Andryah, I've played since day 1 and I have seen the comments, concerns and decline in active users. If you want this game to survive longer, than you might want to get on the wagon and not on the other side.

  6. I use to play WoW and the forum feedback there is night and day from this. I am not saying I want to play wow again or that wow is better. I am simply saying that someone's job is to help keep correct info flowing on the forums and possibly answer more questions or atleast guide. Forums that are more supported has always been a key feature of a successful game. You support the devs? I mean where does that come from? We simply need more from the other side.
  7. I know that bioware is everyone else is doing their best but the truth is, I rarely see dev replies to many, many, many posts. I know devs can't view all post but the amount of post that do get replies seem so small. Many questions and I'll admit questions that are not simple ones often get passed up and at some point, this is where the gamers that pay for the game are entitled to some sort of answer. People simply feel like their concerns are being noticed and giving replies really feels like we're part of this game as a whole.

    Please hire more or get more involved in this forum community a bit more.

  8. These mounts were never Cartel Market items right? So why should they be added to Collections?

    Cartel Market is for the players, not the developers. The reason cartel market was put into place was to make additional money and to bring players things they would enjoy using. The Korrealis Commander and Korrealis Baron were out before the CM came out and should not be penalized for that reason. They have added things to the CM that were out before so why not do the same with the Korrealis Commander and Korrealis Baron. I see absolutely no reason why this can't be done.

  9. Yes. Here it is. Sarfux's critique of Star Wars: The Old Republic. I bet you never saw this post coming from me. This is going to be constructive criticism and very well thought out about how the game is in my eyes, what needs to happen in order for things to work better and what they should put in, in order to make people happier. Keep in mind this is in no way shape or form saying the game is doomed at all or a negative post. Or anything like that.




    Ah yes. The staple of SWTOR. The gloriousness of every class having their own unique staple storyline that lets you discover the galaxy of Star Wars through the eyes of the attitude of somebody else. Whether it be a Jedi, a Sith, a Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, fighting for the Republic in the military as a Trooper, being sneaky and nimble as an Imperial Agent. It's all there. All you have to do is play it through. It is a beautifully made congregation and set of stories that makes this game unique from others. Level 1-50 that is. There is no more personal story after that. It gets sterile.


    Yes, 50 - 55 Makeb story is wonderful I think, there are at least two faction stories involved with you, but you are always still left wondering "what happened to my Trooper sworn to uphold the Republic? He is doing the same things that a Jedi Knight is doing? That doesn't make any sense...where's the suspense, thrill and "missions" where Havoc goes behind enemy lines without the help of Jedi or the council, etc.." It leaves you wondering "what now". With two separate stories, it can only go so far. There are only so many choices you can make about what is going to happen. There's no "uniqueness" anymore to any of it. It's still a good story, it has no continuation of the class stories which made SWTOR "THE" unique mmorpg in all of the gaming world.


    55 - 60 Shadow of Revan. Ah yes, the infamous Revan. Beloved by millions of fans from around the world. The person that was like a god in The Old Republic Era of storytelling. This is where Revan ends, and you find out a good deal about him. Yet, as good as the story was done I feel that....both sides joining each other wasn't the way to do it. You turned Revan from a beloved, neutral character with being on the light side most of the time of situations, to being cold, heartless and borderline evil and psychotic.


    We had to team up to "vanquish this even bigger evil" from the galaxy. What? Ok. I'll give that a pass since you can do what you want since he's your character. I just think you should have done something differently than both sides working together to kill an even bigger threat. There is no "working with both sides" it's either Republic or Empire. Not both. You should have given us two sides to each faction so we were seeing what is going on here. At least if you don't have the money or time to give us class stories, at LEAST for the game's sake keep it separate faction stories. I think you should, in the future, go back to at least faction vs faction stuff. That's what people want in Star Wars. Good vs. Evil. Right vs. Wrong. Light vs. Dark. Will you be the person that teams up with the dark? Or the person that tries to vanquish the evil. But this handholding stuff has gone a little too far IMO.


    60 - 65. Ah yes, Knights of the Fallen Empire. Great things have happened in this expansion and it's the greatest expansion in the history of this game. Whether or not you agree with level sync, there are other threads for that. This isn't the thread for that. Anyway, this expansion was a pretty good overhaul of the game. For the future of SWTOR and for our classes. As good as the story was in KotFE (and let me tell you, in some places I got chills when Valkorion would talk about things, he's great) it's the problem again with "cross faction handholding". In the story, there is no point of having factions anymore.


    If he has completely wiped out the core of the factions and there is no point to them anymore, then that gives off the impression yet again just like some of it with SoR that you don't care about faction based or class stories anymore. It's not a nice feeling that my Agent, somebody who is disastrous, lacks morales and is all for assassination gets talked to the same way my Jedi Knight, a sworn protector against the Sith Empire and evil, gets talked to. I understand maybe needing to cut costs or you want to take SWTOR in a different direction, but at least do Empire and Republic stories and how Valkorion saw them as a threat. THEN make a faction based story based on that so we have at least a little bit of variation.


    There is no wanting to replay it. After you do it so many times, it stagnates. It gets boring. There's nothing left to see. It's yawn worthy the 4th or 5th time. I'd rather go back and level up on other planets and do daily's and weeklies than deal with that again a 6th time. (Yes, I actually said that) And that is exactly what I do. I enjoy every other aspect of this game. The little stories on the planets, the class stories, all that other stuff except for the part where now you BioWare, are making this into a factionless game. What's next? Are we going to be holding hands united by the force in the next expansion and a Sith and Jedi are going to find "common ground" to unite the galaxy? Maybe then we have a reason to use our fireworks then! :eek::p


    I would suggest moving back to at least dual faction stories. To keep switching it up so there is at least some variety! :)


    Cartel Market


    A cash shop was inevitable for an mmorpg. It seems more and more mmos are relying upon them these days. So why is it that THIS particular in game store can't have more varieties of things. Where are all the decorations? Except the ones that have been there since the day the store launched. Where are all the mounts? Oh you mean 2 pages not even full ones? Where are all the dyes? Where are the pages and pages of different types of armor? You should be adding more decorations, armor pieces, crystals, mounts, fun things all the time. Not just these gambling packs where you take a chance on what you get. You WILL see more money if you add things where people KNOW what they are going to get rather than taking a risk they MIGHT get that certain thing they want.


    Where are all the things to make people excited about the Cartel Market? All I see is the same old 7 pages of decorations that you have had since launch. You need to keep adding more decorations to the market to keep people interested. Where are the customization options? There should be tons of amounts of speeders, animal mounts, cool gear, different variations of juke boxes, lots of different types of crystals and so on and so on.


    The Cartel Market has been neglected lately and I feel like you guys have a HUGE opportunity there to take advantage of a situation you have with gamers where they will spend more money on your game if they know what they are getting instead of putting "chance cubes" and going "meh..its not really what I wanted but I'll wear it anyway so I feel like I got my money's worth". That's not right. There needs to be a big semi overhaul to the market. Throw in lots of different full outfits. Different chest pieces. Different gloves, boots, pants, headpieces. It would be great if you guys put in more things in the market. You can really get creative with anything and add features. I don't know why you are not. It would benefit the game greatly!


    Random events


    One of the reasons this game is so great is because of things like that. But you know what? They are random. They aren't spontaneous. They are scheduled so people know what's going to go on and where it's going to happen. We need these things to happen randomly so people feel thrilled and "woah! really?" type of spontaneous events to happen. It makes people feel good and happy. Spontaneousness is the spice of life. When every single thing is planned out, it feels to....on task. It's too planned. Like there is no randomness to anything anymore. Rakghoul events should happen spontaneously where one night a bulletin or news conference pops up when you arrive at fleet and tells you it's on. Although, it is nice having scheduled events so I can plan my days around it :) that is also nice. I have to admit


    There should be invasions of areas of planets you guys can design so players have more things to do. For example, an area of Coruscant that the Sith try to take and you have to repel them. That would be fantastic. An array of events that would spice up the galaxy so we have more to do. When "random events" were announced, it was exciting. When they started being scheduled, it wasn't such a thrill anymore. I suggest you make more things happening at once throughout the galaxy so we have more things going on. It should not feel "oh..it's this event that's planned again -_- " Make them more random in the future :) But planned are also fun. Not saying they are bad!




    Make more strongholds on more planets! These are glorious!! :) I cannot tell how much I use this feature. I have every single thing in my stronghold that I ever need except when I need to get the weeklies from the fleet or just go there for something else. More decorations are needed to go with the market though! I LOVE this feature, don't have too much constructive criticism for this except add tropical get a ways and more unique ones! :D




    What is going on here? Why can't you make more? What's the deal here with this? There needs to be some leeway into deciding what goes into these. I don't do operations myself, but it would be nice to finally get some new ones for the game. What happened to the people that are making them? Why don't we get an update that focuses on at least bringing 1 or 2 new operations each every other update. Why is it so hard to do? I would suggest to focus on adding more operations in due time so the PvE aspect could have more variation instead of just doing the same operations and runs over and over. It gets tiresome Please, add some more operations in the future. It cannot stay stagnant. You have great great stories in these things, use them to your potential.




    Now here is an area where it is fun. Even me, as a hardcore roleplay, it's fun. I enjoy sometimes going into these things and either healing my whole group, menacing killing blows with one of my many operatives or mind screwing people with my other consular. Or tanking with my Guardian. It's a whole lot of fun. It is showing that there is a struggle. Republic vs Empire. Who will win the match? But, you need more of these to keep coming. There needs to be a way you can pick and choose which warzone you want. I would never, ever do arenas ever because they are boring and I would deselect those. Do a thing like RIFT has where you can choose which warzone you want to go into so YOU can have fun! BioWare, the future possibilities with warzones is great. You need to have more. This one warzone every 2 years isn't cuttin it for the fans of warzones. You need more. Make it so. Even though they are fun now :)




    What happened? This was touted as being fantastic before the game released. There was SO MUCH stuff to do you guys said. Don't worry! more is coming you said! WAIT!, you said. Well we have been waiting and waiting and all you did was remove pvp things and make this an rp/pve centric game. MMORPGS need to have a good balance between all 3 so more people are happy with the direction of the game. Star Wars especially should have PvP because I want to kick the crap out of some Sith with my Trooper when I see him trying to do the quest IM ON FIRST! :mad: Oh it's on now! Things like that. What happened to the spunk? You remove ranked 8v8 in order to force people into the small little arenas which, by the way, are boring. There I said it. Arena's are boring and I DREAD going into one and when I see the loading screen I say to myself "not again..." while letting out a gigantic sigh. That's all you have for PvP in this game? Warzones? Cmon, give the PvP fans something else. They have been waiting this whole time. It's not "all or nothing" BioWare. Have a balance ya know?


    People want to PvP the face out of people in the open worlds. They want to fight people that are stealing their quest, or their chest, or their credits. Wherever they are. They don't want to have to go into an instanced area to PvP to kill that Sith. I would suggest making open world PvP incentives. Perhaps like crystals (commendations) you get in warzones, make "world" crystals that you only get when defeating another player in the open world. On the PvP servers, everything should be that way. People need incentives to open world pvp. Make fun new quests. Things like "hunt and destroy 8 players" or "track down and spy on 15 players" then those quests can lead to other things.


    Quality of Life


    I think you need to focus more on how the player interacts with your game. Why are there no chat bubbles in a mainly big rp/pve game?? O.o Why are there no bank accounts where YOU personally without the need to spend money on a guild bank to put your credits in, exist? Out of all these fantastic features you have for legacy, why is there no shared Legacy Bank where you can store your credits? If you are worried about people exploiting the credit cap, then put a limit for free to players, preferred, and full access to subs. Exactly how it is now. We need something like that. Guild Wars 2 has account wide everything. You don't have to make it ACCOUNT wide, just Legacy would be very, very useful.


    Collections needs to have a search bar. I'm sick and tired of having to guess which pack this cool armor set came in so I can equip it as an outfit. It's not NEEDED but it sure would be useful! Maybe you are working on it for the future! Collections was a great fantastic idea! But you need to do more cross legacy features. More legacy decorations, more subscriber only perks, more xp boost things. We need credits to be legacy wide.


    Also on this quality of life. Where are the chat bubbles in this game? Why isn't there a toggle for them by now? Put them in and let the PERSON decide if they want them if it slows down their computer or not, not have the company decide. Remember, people like customization and control. There should be a way to make chat bubbles a reality after nearly 5 years now of the game being out. Why isn't this implemented? Is there some type of issue with the client? HeroEngine? If so, I would strongly suggest putting a couple people brainstorming on this to see how it could be implemented because a AAA title in an mmorpg, without chat bubbles to me is unacceptable. There I said it. It's not right. Even indie mmos that are games without even an anti aliasing or anything has chat bubbles. You need to really discover who is playing this game and make that change to get the chat bubbles in here as soon as you can. It would be fantastic. You don't like the chat bubbles? Even better. Make a toggle in order to turn them off. BOOM! no chat bubbles on your screen :D


    I DO appreciate however that you guys added the ability to mount up while moving. I can't tell you how much I like little things like that added. Quality of Life things are always good and it seems you are making little strides further along. But you can always add more!

    Galactic Starfighter


    Neglected, forgotten, not worked on. Whatever word you want to say about it. It's disgraceful. Which is a shame because it is a fantastic game mode that is lots and lots of fun. Why aren't there more game modes in the works? More ship types, more things in the market with it's own tab for "starfighter" so you can get new laser modes, weapons, missile skins, thrusters etc? Why has it been completely stagnant for years now? We were promised this thing that was the super secret space project and it's FANTASTIC but you guys don't have your priorities in gear and stuck with it. You abandoned to poor thing :( It is something unique that is in this game. Star Wars with land AND space combat are you kidding me? You need to start to add more maps, ships, game types on GS because it has stagnated, just like warzones have. For the future of this game feature, put more concepts out for it. Brainstorm more so starfighter can be revitalized and not just a dusty book on the shelf. Make it be a book people want to check out!



    There are loads of great things about this game. The music, the setting, the artstyle, the ability to edit our layout, importing our keybinds (finally!) but I feel as though there could be many, many more things done in order to please the people that play this fantastic game! Sometimes guys, I know it's hard to hold out hope. I know it's hard to see something good come out of things. But in the end you are still here, still supporting the game and love it. Even though frustrations build, we all love the game! :)


    I know I have seemed like blind follower and zealot of BioWare and I do not mean to come across as rude to some of you with different opinions. I know you guys just want to see good things come to the game and have it managed better. I however do not apologize to hold my own opinions and defend this game. I love it very, very much. That is an honest assessment of this game at this time. It is gaining lots of steam and getting lots of great things but they could really shape and polish this game. Things they could add to spice it up even more.


    I love the level sync and I love the weeklies! I can level and do w/e on any planet I want. I have always wanted to do that in this game. This game is my home. It is home to many of us, regardless of how we feel, argue, bicker and act immature sometimes. I will continue defending this game and the positivity that flows between posters.



    My honest assessment of your assessment of the game. Here goes. "Attention Seeker"

  10. I think the devs, forum team or who ever else gets involved with forums is doing a good job but the truth is, I often feel that only a very very small portion of the forum traffic gets a reply to them. Granted, I know you can't reply to all of them but the ones that do get a reply are just such a very small percentage that I think more forum support would be helpful.
  11. I do understand why people would wonder who in the world would deactivate a flagship to pick up decorations and also, why in the world would bio tech support need to know who paid for it unless they are not even able to see any transactions regarding said ship. I honestly thought that by now, bio tech support is probably done by someone in the middle east. They never even reply to my ingame tickets.
  12. Improve options to the VIP lounge in general but also make it a way so there's a vendor or a way to distinguish yourself as someone who bought the collectors edition and someone who played since day one. I know there are a few things but that is just so outdated.
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