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Posts posted by Abye

  1. Liking Inquisitor depends on how much cartoon villainy you can stand while you chew the scenery. Many setpieces go "I have a baaad feeling about this" and still you walk into a trap and get saved by outside means.


    For me it was too goofy.


    Agent is.... an agent story. Unlike Inquisitor, you don't feel stupid for making like side choices but often the empire gets an equally good or even better deal out of it. The choices at the act 1 finale are extremely hard to make if you care what happens to the empire.

  2. Even with the backstab arc being that generous in this game, it would be impossible to play an operative/scoundrel at high level in pvp since you are reliant on maneuvering sideways around your enemy.


    And any baboon can pull off high damage numbers with the right class combo (arsenal merc against oblivious teams anyone ?)

  3. The very high skillcap on Marauders is the issue, which gets emphasized when you surprise them because they might lose track of all the cooldowns they have to watch.


    There are plenty marauders around since they are semi-fotm; I can kill most of them without even using stealth. If I open with hidden strike I wreck them.

    But a few know all their tools and they counter my attempts to control the fights and i have to avoid confronting them at full health.

  4. The non-force-users are way above average people in their power. You are not an average person as any class in this game.


    Story wise the agent one seems to be the best crafted. Good plot twists, personal struggle, an enemy that is puppeteering both republic and empire and you beat him (Since some people complain that there is a lack of scale). Lightside and darkside choices both are thought out and not typical boyscout vs cartoon viallain choices.


    On the agent forum someone complained that he didn't like the story because he was angry about losing control which is funny because it is the sign of a good tale if you emotionally connect to the characters.




    I was *really* angry at the antoganist of act 2 and was relieved when my agent killed him.


    And about the act 3 antagonist:

    I really wanted to kill them throughout the whole act, when he was at his knees before my agent when all was over, there was a weird sympathy

    "Goodbye, and don't let them ever stop you"




    I finished act 1 on my sorcerer. It was full of typical "I have a bad feeling about this" moments and you walk in dumbfoundedly anyway. I wasn't sure if i should laugh because of the attempted humour or cry because of the sillyness of the act finale.


    You are a snarling, scenery chewing cartoon villain. If you play a lighside inquisitor the dialogues are at the breaking point where you notice that the lines are tacked on. "What kind of sith are you ?!"

  5. Arsenal spec mercenary (mirror is gunnery commando I think) by far. You are pretty much a ranged caster, you set up everything with a few casts of tracer missile which is a 1.5 second cast and cash in with a few finishers.


    Some sorcerer specs have the problem that they are build around ground attack targets, they are somewhat finicky in this game which can be a problem for you friends. Besides the ground attack problematic they are also built around few abilities.

  6. So the range of min and max damage on the vibroknife stats, this does not actually affect how much damage I do with Shiv?


    They don't




    Vibroknives also carry a big chunk of tech power, and that does indeed improve the melee attacks.

  7. Lightside Inquisitor often just makes you feel stupid.

    Darkside Inquisitor reaches cartoon villain silliness. It just gave up and it stops trying to be serious.


    Before going to Tattooine during the briefing: "Oh boy a real pirate" *squee*


    After finishing act 1 on my sorc I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry because of the goofyness of what just happened happened.




    And that is supposed to be better than the agent storyline ?

  8. After Rift SWTOR pushes the mmo-class-design back to 2003. Rift's classsystem was an eye-opener. Within my playing group we kept switching between roles as the mood fit. What drove me out was the lackluster endgame content for 5 man groups but the soul system was excellent.
  9. I am not an altoholic but because of the bolstering formula not being perfect and the aquisition of skills I see some classes vastly outperform others.



    Gets his heavy hitter waaaaay to late, is mostly a walking dot. Biggest burst potential seems to be stacking explosive probe and a sniper shot, hoping that it crits.



    By stacking delayed damage skills with an instant as finisher a lowbie merc can produce a nasty burst at the expense of being overheated. But seeing the enemy go boom is satisfying enough. And death from above is always fun, no matter what anyone says.



    Gets mobility, good damage, aoe knockback, absorb shield. Great fun to play. My sorc actually felt weaker when reaching the 30s. This might either be because of my gear lagging or the bolstering formula.



    Seems to lack his toolbox like the operative, leap alone doesn't seem to cut it and surviivability increases way later. Very unfun to play.


    Second hand thoughts:


    Seems to have some nice heavy hitters early bolstering formula benefits them a lot it seems



    Have seen teen assassins wreaking havoc, bolstering formula benefits them a lot aswell it seems

  10. Battlemaster operative here, I like the changes


    - Medalfarming brought out the worst in people

    - On Ahto city reps only showed up at all at tuesday to farm the weekly, else it was player vs box if you wanted to do the ilum daily so good riddance Ilum

    - I myself am roughly at the targeted 25% rate for BM bags so far but the frustration must be enormous for the people with bad luck.


    except one:


    - I could harass a small group of baddies alone that tried to tag an objective, now I have to stay in the fray which makes it a lot more difficult.

  11. I like Huttball the most and play a concealment operative.


    On the offense, it is about providing the ballcarrier extra options. And in a pinch squeez in some heals when he is on the final meters to the goalline. Or Flashbang all the guys at the other side of the grill who are waiting for the ballcarrier to make a desperate rush.


    In a stalemale, an orbital strike will get movement into the line.


    I stay in proximity to the ballcarrier group. On the offense I usually try to move ahead and unstealth when the Ballcarrier has to wait at the grill to provide him with more options. Or I help carving a path into defenders. If the teammate is a warrior even better, he can leap to me.


    In defense I can make things a lot harder for the enemy healers. Healers love to heal steady damage. If I spike the maintarget or attack the healers themselves they are under stress which is very detrimental for their healing.

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