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Everything posted by allexj

  1. if it only dose 360 damage oever 15 secs dose that mean damage will go up if i add a extrah 6 secs too it or will it be the same
  2. i thank vose would be a grate place for endgame pvp tbh
  3. well it was going to be a poll but i dont see the putton for it so plesze post yes or no AS PVPER WE MOST LET OUR BIOWARE KNOW WHAT WE WANT PLEZE POST YES OR NO 12 NO AS OF 1/11/2012 TIME 8:06pm EST 3 YES AS OF 1/11/2012 TIME 8:06pm EST
  4. ROFL, well that explain why they alsways gank me
  5. i can agree there, but full chap gear + 5 pice + gaurd=5% damage bonuse
  6. ok my next thing is Force pull along with my other taunts can hold the boss even it dose not pull it still taunts
  7. not saying that im saying how would this build detter people from useing me
  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rRrokrskzZZfosRb0z.1 <<<<<is current setup what am i missing to not want to be wanted in those type of flashpoints? i mean jeaze why would this setup not be wanted i might need to be healed a bit more by the healer compared to full specs but i can kill alot faster explain
  9. ok im set with the 25/0/16 tank setup for shadow and i got my first 2 pieces of my champ amour but inorder to get the results i need i have to change a mod. if i change the mod in one of the amours will it still count for the 5 pice set? also is there a mod out there with accuracy rating and absorption rating for pvp lvl/raiting gear?
  10. i dont see the big deal with harness's shadows u at my current health i get 1k healing for every stak of 3 for every time i use the thro in pve i can see that in pvp no it takes too long and dose way to little damage compared to project, and slow time kinda worthless 5% is whole lot of nothing, imo
  11. im really going for pvp/pve tank with a bit of elevated damage that what i really want
  12. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rcbckdskZZfocRdbz.1 yes or no?
  13. well that sux i havent upgradeed his amour or anything scnace i got him LOL
  14. mp im just talking about standign there waiting before u kill him, cuz i have tried every thaing agaist this craftmen leader and he just rips right thro me
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