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Everything posted by ancksunamur

  1. 1 piece 10% loss? LMAO. He does know that the straight stat WH relics are BIS right? Now no offense we all have our opinion oh whats good dps, but I would want to know what your actually trying to raid and their role b4 I would pass judgement on letting some one with full WH in. Most raids I wouldn't care, and FP's are easy enough to carry regardless of which one your doing
  2. Same answers as always "were looking into it". Reset the server! That's what fixed it last time, but we had to wait till server maintenance. Here's an idea, fix it, and fix it with in the reset time, its annoying that in 3 weeks we only get to kill it once when he was an easy kill every week. Seriously I don't complain to forums of my discontent but this is unacceptable that for the 2nd time in 3 weeks the game won't allow me to fight the little content that is out there. Fix the stone, and don't give me oh were looking into it crap, so I shut up about it till next Tuesday. I swear I will spam tickets till Tuesday if I have to along with post whenever and where ever I can. Fix the stone!
  3. How come both times that servers were not down for maintenance, Nightmare Pilgrim has bugged so the stone is there just unclickable (the bastion). That means he can't be summoned again. Last time we were told you were looking into it, obviously you did nothing. Please fix this preferably this week
  4. How come both times that servers were not down for maintenance, Nightmare Pilgrim has bugged so the stone is there just unclickable (the bastion). That means he can't be summoned again. Last time we were told you were looking into it, obviously you did nothing. Please fix this preferably this week
  5. i would be happy if i could by crafting materials or companion gifts with them
  6. Please the point of a World Boss is that you can lose it due to "griefers". Here's an idea play on a PVE server then u don't have that much to worry about. Our guild will absolutely camp a guild making attempts if were going there to kill him. And if they are the same faction were there to steal it from them, or have a good laugh while watching from the cliff. Seriously you get 3 fails in my book before I'll ask you to move as side. And we have patience to camp your raid for 4 hours till your buff wears off and you rage leave. Don't like the possibility of someone coming in to "grief" then go do an actual raid, Its just boots and recipes anyways
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