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Posts posted by -GateKeeper-

  1. I'm not a nVidia user, but after watching a unrelated YouTube video, you might check your nVidia Control panel (whatever it's called) to see if there are any scaling settings either in general or for SWTOR in particular. (Scaling settings that make the display slightly overscanned so you lose the bottom few lines of the display.)


    No there is no scaling. This issue is still happening. Still need assistance

  2. I'll have to check this later, in-game.

    Meanwhile, what mode are you running in? Fullscreen, Windowed, or Fullscreen (Windowed)?


    LATER - Yes, ctrl-shift-F still works. About the only things I can suggest is that it's a bug, or your installation needs repair, or you're running in some mode - perhaps Windowed - where the window is too big and the fps display is off the bottom of the screen.


    As far as your drop in fps is concerned, that can be the result of many things. It could be your graphics settings are too high. It could be rogue programs running in the background. It could be that your hardware settings are corrupt - try getting into the BIOS/UEFI and selecting "Load Defaults". It could be that your processor is overheating and throttling - clean out the dust and make sure all fans are working properly.

    Hi, I've tried full screen and fullscreen (Windowed) same issue.

    Ctrl-Shift-F still isn't working for me.


    My native and in-game resolutions are both 1920x1080. I'm running a 2070 and 64 gigs of Corsair Dominator DDR4 3200 RAM. Game and OS are both installed to SSDs. Cpu is a i7-7700k OC'd at 4.55 GHz. OS is Windows 10. All my hardware is running sub 38c. CPU specifically bounces between 29 and 43c depending on load but that's well within preferred tolerances for the i7-7700k.


    Last time I played I typically got 140-200+ FPS in warzones, 100-200 on fleet, and around 30-60 in the huge pile fights on Ossus. Now I am getting 20-40 in Warzones and 59-170 in other areas. All my hardware is the same as it was 8-9 months ago when I was getting the aforementioned performance marks so I am confused as well. All that changed was reinstalling the game. I have reinstalled 3 times now and still have the same issue so I don't think its install corruption or anything along those lines. I dont have any differences in performance on anything else I play except for SWTOR.


    Any information is greatly appreciated, Also any advice on getting the In-Game FPS Monitor to show on SWTOR in the bottom left too. Thanks!

  3. Hello, I recently returned to SWTOR. Am running the same hardware as last time I Played but I'm getting half the FPS I used to get. Last time I played was about 8 or 9 months ago. Also I noticed that the FPS counter isn't showing up when I do Shift +Ctrl + F. Did they disable this command? If not then why isn't mine showing up?


  4. Hello, Returning player here.


    I used to main a Lightning Sorc Pre-Hutt Carel. I am sure a lot has changed.


    I am looking for any advice on skill/trait construction, rotation information, build information or guides. General advice or any other constructive information anyone is willing to offer. I have also read a few things about changes being made to Lightning Sorcs in 6.0 that supposedly put the class into the top 3-4 class spec rankings now and would appreciate it if anyone could explain why this is. Also that Lightning Sorcs supposedly get 40% or more damage reduction consistently now.


    Thank you for any information anyone can offer !

  5. Returning player here,


    What is the defensive ability use rotation you all are talking about to achieve this 40-80% damage reduction? "Consistent" do you mean that it has nearly 100% uptime? Any information on this to a returning Sorc player would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Gearing is currently identical for both specs, which is rather nice for the flex players under us.


    Please keep in mind that Earpieces and Implants also count as Enhancements,

    since you can choose which stats are on it.


    It also doesn't matter if you are using new or old augments.

    The 2 stat difference isn't big enough to force a change in gearing.

    You just get a bunch more Power and Endurance.


    248 Hatred and Deception

    In 248 you got 2 options.

    The recommended option is that you go with the higher amount of Alacrity.

    Reasons to go for the lower amount of Alacrity are explained below.




    As for the Lower Alacrity version, there are 2 ways of doing this one.

    One with 1617 crit and one with 1848 crit.

    The lower crit one will provide you with more stable numbers, but is incompatible with PvP for its high accuracy.

    The higher crit one will provide you with higher peak damage in case of generous RNG.







    242 Hatred and Deception


    In 242 you really only have 1 option. You can't reasonably reach the higher Alacrity Threshold.

    And besides that if you're still gearing up I wouldn't worry too much about the Alacrity part.






    Summing it down



    • Stats are listed by order of importance.
      However as explained in lower gear levels Alacrity isn't as big of a deal. Accuracy is, though.
    • Accuracy and Alacrity are here to stay.
      You should get at least some Accuracy and what I give you here is what I recommend.
      For PvP you could opt to drop one Accuracy augment for a Crit one. That's about as far as I'd go down with it.
    • Don't deviate from the Alacrity numbers unless you have a good reason to (Bad ping, not filling GCDs etc)
      The reason for this is that the amount of Alacrity I guide you to puts you past the threshold for a lower GCD.
      Getting any more or less will just hurt you. It either doesn't affect the GCD or it affects it in a negative way.
    • Get your setbonus ASAP. 6x 230 Armorings with set is better than 6x 248 Armorings without set.
    • You get more than enough Power from sources outside of the posted ones. You can't really avoid it in the lower alacrity 248 builds (which is why they are not so great) But you don't need more and you don't want more. Power is massively overrated. Leave it for what it is.




    If you have any further questions I would like to redirect you to the Discord Server in my signature.

    There are currently 150 Assassins and Shadows over there which will gladly help you on your way.


    Returning player here. Which build is this for? Can you recommend any guides for PvP guides for Shadow/Assassin. Looking for rotational info as well. My old sources seem to be out of date or only partially updated.


    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can render !

  7. As far as the upcoming change to Discipline system goes has anyone gotten any information on how viable DPS Sorcs/Sages will become for Ranked Pvp on a level comparative to the "Preferred" classes of current? Personally I don't feel as gimped as others claim to feel, However it is very clear that other classes have more in their favor. At least when faced with equal gear and skill in 1v-- Scenarios.


    It would be nice for Sorc/Sage to feel equally competitive again in both group fights and 1v1 scenarios. When gear and skill are both equal.


    Any information is appreciated!


    Thanks in advance.

  8. Do the ques pop within a minute or two generally there? Also I'm not necessarily looking for a Republic dominant server. I'm happy being outgunned as long as the ques pop fast and reliably.



  9. Returning Republic player. Trying to find out what server has fast que times for Pvp as a Republic player. I'm currently on Pot5 and Imperial characters are getting fast que times but republic takes a lot longer.


    Thanks in advance!

  10. I agree and support as well!

    Suggestion: Maybe since this is the only real set with this issue just make the masks account wide? At least that would provide a partial fix in the meantime.


    Provided its like many other MMO's one would think it could be as simple yet time consuming as the devs changing the masks item code and re-adding it to the cartel market as a totally different item. Which would probably cause issues with the existing masks. Which in turn would mean they would either need to be replaced or changed as well. Which would require a fair amount of time and effort. Which is probably at least partially why its not really been addressed yet if ever. Of course that's completely speculation on my part and without any real information it's hard to say.


    Either way, hopefully at some point down the line it will be a separate collection like the other masks currently are. Lets try to keep this thread going in the hope that we will all at least get a response at some point.

  11. Hi, So I was wondering if anyone could explain somthing to me.


    I was in lowbie Pvp for several matches with a Jug who was level 49 who was pretty consistently hitting 4K to 12K per smash on our entire team which ranged from levels 17 to 47. How is this possible for a level 49 Jug to do?


    I have a level 50 Jug and have seen crits around that (4-5K not 12K) with my 3/4 Battle Master 1/4 War Hero Gear. But never consistent 4000 - 12,000's. It was the most insane damage per hit I think I've ever seen in this game.


    Now as I said before I have a Jug, so I'm not out for blood here, Nor do I think they need to be nerfed into the ground. It's just a different style of class that's all. But is this level 49 hitting constantly this high legitimately or could foul play be at work here? If legitimately could some one please explain to me how? Would be nice to know that I'm missing something. As well as if there's a way to avoid whatever it is he's doing to do so much damage.


    His estimated rotation after intentionally letting him attack me several times to attempt to see what he was doing.


    Force charge ( Jump )

    Force smash

    -Rinse and repeat with choke and strikes mixed in when his smash is on CD but never before- Strikes hit me for about 1100-2000. He's level 49 and I was on my 44 Sorc. I have a mix of purple and green mods for my level with correct stats, 41 expertise crystals in both lightsaber and focus and all to-level gear intentionally geared for end-lowbie pvp. (This was on my sorcerer in case anyone is wondering which class I was playing).


    Just something I wanted to ask the highly skilled Jugs of the forum.

    Also this is again during a war-zone. Don't know if that would really effect it much one way or the other. But on several occasions he did 1 shot a few of our team which is sparked my curiosity.


    EDIT: Friend told me that it's possible to use more than 1 attack during the smash animation. He said the damage is delt before the animation finishes. Is this true? If so could that account for the incredibly high damage I saw?


    Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can offer.

  12. Good post!


    I am amazed at people. Would they behave like this if they couldn't hide behind their keyboard? How would the same people crying around here manage the launch if it was their reputation and their job on the line? They'd probably care less for some crybabies on a forum and play it safe and slow aswell...


    They are definatly planning ahead for a game that are here to stay for a long time! If they keep this kind of mindset, I have no doubt that this game will go a long way!




    First part I would wonder as to this as well. Second part I completely agree. It's a very good stratagem.

  13. I pre ordered on Dec 9th, been spending time with my kid, had a nice dinner with my wife, not sure why so many people are so upset, the game is gonna be there next week, its gonna be here in a year. Calm down and enjoy yourself life is way to short to be getting all wound up over a video game. Ill be skewering all you sith chumps with meh lightsaber :) see you all on the field of battle!


    I can totally see your stand point and I am man enough to say I do not have your kind of restraint. I'm close but not quite there yet lol. Very refreshing response. Thank you. :sul_grin:




    Pre-order and get game access AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and Pre-order now, get early game access




    People are playing SO GAME ACCESS IS POSSIBLE, yet i'm not in, so i did not get what i paid for.


    edit: That is reason why i'm so "ungrateful"...


    Obviously you have not read any of the sales information before the 13th. This does not even warrant a response but I will give one simply so I can point out I will not entertain any further Trolls as it is time consuming.

  15. 1. I agree, they said we may get less than 5 days.


    2 a. Game quality is questionable when I hear from people who got in and couldn't find other players to do grouped content with.

    b. The "you should have preordered earlier" argument has a problem, if many people did preorder sooner then others would be pushed back. The staggered access as it is ensures that X amount of people will not be able to play until day Y.


    3. I agree, except if you mean people who just wanted an idea of when they may get it, those people deserved a clue.


    4. On the 20th pre - orders and everyone else will attempt to jump on at the same time anyway, if they crash then it was all for nothing.


    2: I can see your point and it is valid to a point. However finding players shouldn't really be all that difficult. Friends of mine have got in and have had no problem. In fact quite the opposite. 2B: This is also true to a point but universally not everyone would remember to order sooner hence the statement containing the world "individuals".


    3: Yes I do mean those people. But if they want information and are not in yet then they can search the forum like most responsible users do. They are hopefully not children that need things handed to them. They should be capable of doing something as minor as scrolling through a few pages.


    4: I can agree completely with this however the staggered launch will no doubt help them gain the information concerning server population they need to create the correct sized ques and so on and so forth.

  16. I for one am growing sick and tired of all the complaining. Bioware did NOT falsely advertise. They said "UP TO 5" which means as little as 1 and as great as above 5 for those of you clearly unable to comprehend the meaning of such a blunt and straight forward statement.


    Secondly I was a November PO and I am not complaining because I know that due to the staggered launch server stability and game quality will be at a premium no other MMO has achieved more than likely due to this staggered launch. True it is irritating to get in behind the crowed. But the that is OUR fault as individuals for not per-ordering sooner. The gain's out weight the negatives by a vast majority here.


    Thirdly to those who are complaining about not getting responses to their questions and creating hate and rage posts due to not getting an answer think about this. Bioware is very busy working on making sure the servers are working fine and who knows what else for all of us. It is not the player bases job to answer your questions but a good number of us try to to the best of our ability. So if you are not being answered by the player base on the forum you may just want to try and search for a post with the answers you are looking for like a responsible member of the forum community.


    Lastly to all of those complaining about a few short days of wait time instead of complaining you should be thanking Bioware for coming up with the staggered launch solution to create stable servers. It would be much easier for them to just throw us all in at once to avoid all of the childish accusations and complaining but they put up with it because they are trying to do what is best for all of us the customer. It is just pure and utter ungratefulness. The logic of staggered launch speaks for itself.


    That is my whole ten, twenty and thirty cents on all of the blatantly uncalled for complaining. If you would like to share your frustration with the people constantly complaining without flaming them in their posts please feel free to show your support in this thread.

  17. As far as the many and highly used acronyms go, I am sure at some point some one will make a post with a complete list. It is only a matter of time. MY guess would be whenever it does happen it will be in the New Player Help forum. So keep an eye out there if your wondering whats what when it comes the the abbreviations.


    I hope this helps !

  18. Are they still doing that series. Watched it for a bit and then just lost interest.


    Not to derail the thread here but I just thought I'd mention the following to ReiperX without spoilers.



    Jeremiah is about a man named Jeremiah and a man he meets in the first episode and their various adventures in a post apocalyptic world that was caused by an outbreak of a plague.


    Jericho centers around a man and the town he grew up in after unexplained explosion goes off in the next town over.


    The Walking Dead is about a Cop from Georgia and a group of survivors during a zombie apocalypses he is trying to help.



    Now back on topic: Still hopping between SG1 and reading the forums.

  19. Greetings and welcome to the MMO community from one member to another. Here is a detailed description of server types from a reasonably seasoned MMOers experiences.

    SWTOR has Pvp, Pve, RP servers. The meanings of each are broken down below.


    Pvp: Player Versus Player.

    A player versus player server is generally a server type in which you are permanently flagged as a pvp target. There are some zones that are safe however. These consist of I believe Capital City's and Cantina. These servers are generally populated by people who prefer the pvp aspect of any MMO and are generally more experienced in terms of fighting other players in some cases which is why people who prefer Pvp tend to gravitate towards this type of server but not in all cases.


    PvE: Player Vs Environment.

    A player versus environment server is a server type that is primarily based around the standard Non-Pvp related features of a game. Such as questing, fighting anything AI controlled and of course main storyline. PvE servers can however have Pvp but in most cases you need to flag yourself as active thereby assuring you will not be able to attack or be attacked without wishing so. There are also the battlefield ques. These servers have a mixed population of all sorts of players and preferences.


    RP: Role Playing.

    A role playing server is generally for the most part made up of people who enjoy getting a little more into their character. Whether it be mildly or majorly. There are also players on RP servers who just prefer the crowd over the other server types. Just because RP is a role playing server does not mean the player base on them are any less skilled than other server types. It is just a different sort of crowd usually.



    Also as a previous poster mentioned if you do intend on joining a Pvp server or really any server for that matter a Guild is generally a pretty good way to get a feel for the game as well as a good easily accessible source for information. I would like to extend you an invitation to MECG. A guild on a Pvp realm who are willing to share our past experience with MMO's and do whatever we can to help one another level through and enjoy as much of TOR and its many aspects as we can. If you are interested please feel free to let me know via forum mail or simply post a response.



    Lastly if there is any further information you would like to find out about TOR and are looking for something specific Goshee's Guide: Newcomers may be helpful to you. It defiantly answered a few of my previously unanswered questions concerning TOR such as where the Auction House is located. Here is a link to it.



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