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  1. Hey everyone I have a basic idea on the rotation and Utilities but lately have been reading and think i might be in the wrong :/. If you guys could give me an idea or your opinion that would be greatly appreciated also is there a Utility for movement speed? or a dash? i hate feeling slow and i play aggressive. A simple answer would be nice im not MMO savy enough for those real complicated breakdowns of rotations Thanks everyone
  2. i bought the Exhumed Challenger gear but now my acc is down to 91%??, what mods and enhancements do i need to buy? and what gear do i swap them into?
  3. Hey guys and gals lvl 60 marauder Carnage spec i recently just hit lvl 60 and all i want to know is what Exhumed PVP gear (Challenger, Vindicator, Etc) i should buy?. I am really bad at pulling apart my gear and playing with mods to make my stats better and would just prefer a basic idea of what i need, i know i need my accuracy to be 100% or more and have only ever reached about 96% because i am bad at the whole balancing thing i would love if someone could put me in the right direction. Also is there new PVP gear for the expansion? and should i wait to spend my comms? thanks in advance everyone
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