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Posts posted by Araxus

  1. 3 year old trolls huh? I was just calling you out on what you said that was wrong. If thats something you cant accept, then thats ok. Thats your choice. Just know that there are many sents that dominate in all aspects, and arent complaining about what they "dont" have.


    Every class cant have everything in the game. If that was the case, there would be no classes. There would be a singular avatar to play, and all would play the same.


    Ill say it again, based on the things you want, you need to play a guardian.


    All classes have their pros and cons. The rest of us weigh the pros and cons, and based on what we find important in the game, we choose a class. Maybe you should do the same. Or at least play something you like, and stick with it through and through. Keep in mind, that the "worst" classes as percieved by the majority of an mmo population, can still dominate, given the right player.


    EDIT: And no player worth his salt plays combat? Once again, speaking with not much knowledge of the class. Combat is a viable option, and chosen by many players because of its ability to perform in pve and pvp.



    Lol. The only part of post that was directly in response to you was the question about the roots. The troll comment was directed at people saying "learn the class" when I'm looking for a player displacement move.


    You quoted the guy below me who wanted everything under the sun, and on a shorter cooldown. Even I think what he wants is unreasonable. Good job.


    So no guy, you were not calling me out. I made the oginal post asking if others would think we would be imba with a PUSH, not a pull, or some other means to stay within melee range.


    I would like a PUSH to either a. save my healer, or b. be able to do what every other class in huttball can do. Our other skills and damage output are fine.


    Nice failjob at trolling though.


    Predit reply; Not much knowledge of the class? 20 days played, battlemaster. Respec twice a week. Leveled as combat all the way to 50. Compared to watchmen and focus, combat is fail.

  2. This entire post to just made my day. This is a result of not understanding ones class, and certainly not understanding the guardian class.


    1. You dont need a push. Youve got slows and roots. The guardian has a push because it has none of these. the push, plus the reset on force leap after use, targets this issue. Sentinels have a much easier time staying on target with the slows, roots, not too mention lowered cd on force leap (if watchmen specced.)


    2. Get rid of dispatch? Are you *********** kidding? Get rid of an execute, that hits like a truck, and is great for finishing off enemies? The reason guardians have an extra throw is because mainly because of focus generation. Yes it adds 3 focus, but guardians also dont have Zealous Strike. Their 6 focus generator is on a 1 min CD. And honestly, do you really think it makes that big of a difference? it doesnt. You use it once at the beginning of a fight in pve (in an ideal situation) and just randomly when you want to slap something in pvp from a distance.


    3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.


    Learn your class man. Lots of focus generation in combat, if you knew the spec.


    Also, is sounds like you want the sentinel to play like a guardian. There is a better option......play a guardian. It has everything you apparently want. So instead of petitioning for the devs to make sentinels exactly like guardians, do what the rest of us what do and roll a guardian.


    Slows and roots? I know of 2 roots if you spec combat, but any sent worth his salt doesn't spec that tree. Am I missing a root(s) somewhere?


    My post wasn't about keeping classes in melee range. Obivously if you PUSH someone away from you, kidna defeating the point of that, no?


    I agree there are way too many kb's in the game as it stands. The problem is, we are the only ones without one. So untill they take some away from classes (which won't happen), I think we need one. I'd even give up some damage for one. It pisses me off how every other class can physically stop a player from scoring in huttball, EXCEPT us. Or how every other class can save a healer by knocking a palyer off with a kb.


    But go ahead, flame away like all 3 year old trolls do and tell me to learn my class. I'm sure if I dig deep enough I will discover a secret knockback that we have had this whole time but my newbiness blinded me to it.

  3. Seriously, closing in on 3 months of release time and we are still the only class/(s) that doesn't have a non-channeled stun or a push/pull mechanic.


    Being the only class in the game without either function (while some classes have BOTH), is pretty frustrating. The one stun we do have is channeled, which means it can be interupted.


    Toss us a bone already.


    Or, if you have no intentions of fixing this issue, say so so we can reroll. Thanks.

  4. Hit battlemaster yesterday, 0/6 so far in the BM bags. To be expected.


    Best part is I still dont have my champion helm. Out of all the bags I have opened from 0 -valor 60, I have never received a helm. 6 offhands, numerous other dupes, compaion wearing 7 pieces of champ, no helm.


    Your system = broke. Please fix it already.

  5. Let's think about this for a second (and before anyone tells me to **** because I haven't played the class, I'm struggling with a sentinel in the MID-TEENS).


    Sentinel = melee DPS role.


    Maybe, acknowledged QoL issues aside, Bioware actually designed the game to be...I dunno, challenging? Even hard?


    Anyway, melee DPS role doesn't exactly scream crowd control to me. Maybe they need more/better ways to shake off BEING controlled, but "we need stuns/holds/more interrupts/etc." screams, to me, "give ALL the classes ALL THE THINGS! All for the sake of game balance!"


    No thanks.


    I will admit to being unable to bypass one silver PvE NPC in a class quest because it hits like a truck and I'm bad at the class. That's not "give me a stun" or "I need a heal." It's a personal L2P comment.


    But it still seems to me, given what I've read AND acknowledging that you can't have all the talents in all the trees, that sentinels DO get a (small? maybe) number of ways to enhance their own survivability. CDs aside, that makes perfect sense to me, given that their role is damage, not damage and tank.


    But maybe I'm just too willing to think that Bioware knows what they're doing.


    When you are done leveling out your teens, you will realize this isn't a "every class should have the same abilities" thread, but rather a "sentinels need what every other class already has" thread.

    Thanks for playing.

  6. It's not the fact that Sentinels can't take down healers, it's just the fact that it takes marginally too long. They have loads of escapes, stuns and roots to be able to simply spam their healing moves to delay their death by some time. One mistake in the sentinel rotation puts you almost back at square one, while plenty of bad sorcerers can take a long while to go down.


    Tbh since I got some expertise gear I'm not as concerned as I was about sentinel DPS, I'm more concerned about the prevalence of CC in every other class. Every other class has some sort of displacement move and some sort of hard CC, we only really have one hard CC and it's one of the worst in the game (can be interrupted and requires us to do nothing during the move). I'd love if we had some sort of reduced CC move, even if it only reduced incoming CC duration by 20% for 5 seconds or something. It's terribly annoying being the focus of all CC just because you have two shiny lightsabers.


    Couldn't agree more. I love the epeen guys who come in this thread and say Sent's are fine, and don't need to do more damage. I never once said we need to do more damage, its our cc and displacement capability (none). Other classes have those and do damage, we do damage. Balanced? I think not.

  7. I'm glad I can make you laugh :) Not sure about your comment about sents doing 300k+ in a warzone because I agree with you on that point. I play on Iron Citadel. It's a high population server (which the Imps crashed when patch 1.1 came out) so I'm guessing it's competitive.


    You are just another QQer that doesn't know how to play the class. You prove this by complaining about healers.


    Yea guy, 17 days played on my Sent, valor rank 58, and I have nfc how to play the class.


    Or maybe I have played it too much, trying all 3 trees multiple times. Maybe I have played other classes as well, so I have a direct comparison as to where our strong and weak points are.


    So keep on telling people they are qq'ing all you want, if thats what you have to do to feel etough.


    I'm just simply looking for the smallest amount of class balance.

  8. I agree. ProfessorWalsh must be part of a very small amount of Sents/Maras who have issues with healers. Watchman is phenomenal against healers with both of your points...a 6 sec cd on kick and a no range FL. I don't comprehend how Statis can be viewed negatively as an interrupt for healers...it does decent damage and it's an interrupt. As Focus my Stasis is ridiculous, not just because of it's base damage and interrupt, but because of what happens when I'm done with it...ZL then a nice FS. I have had 0 trouble with a healer of any class and any level.


    The game changer of being a Sent is we need to use our brains more actively. If you can't do this another class is better suited for you. Don't ruin this class for everyone else who enjoys it.


    Your posts crack me up. You must play on some backwater server where the pvp isn't very competitive.


    The only way sents are doing 300k+ in a warzone, is if the other team is udner geared and you have a healer. Otherwise be happy if you get 150-200K.


    I'm in full Champ and if I'm fighting a healer in full champ, he's not dying regardless of what rotation you use.


    Besides, this is all happeneing in warzones. The chances of every single cooldown you mentioned being available and finding a healer 1 on 1 are slim to none. Someone is going to get mad you are messing with their heals and their are going to knock you away/stun/melt your face.


    The problem with our class is lack of utility. If Bioware gives us what every other class has, then things will be better. Push/pull, and a real stun, not something thats channeled.

  9. Hey Araxus, you were in one of the videos Dox posted from Ilum from Thursday, and you looked pretty darn useful jumping on people, drawing fire, going invulnerable and lol'ing as they stood in our AoE's trying feebly to kill you.


    My basic Ilum rotation is Jump -> smack, smack, smack -> get focused -> pop GbtF as I get low -> stealth and transcend out back to my group to get healed... rinse and repeat.


    It works wonders as a disruption to the enemy formation and you can frustrate the healers while you're there, drop an awe if you can jump to their rear lines, generally you will cause a little bit of panic if someone else jumps in with you or unstealths as you jump in. It's good fun.


    Thats basically all I do, every minute or 2 when my cooldowns are up, while I'm watching everyone else there aoe their butts off.


    Have a link to said video?

  10. What DO you have?


    Instead of focusing on the DON'T, focus on the DO.



    Force Exhaustion - slow with a DOT and an explode at the end of it.

    Precision Slash - 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds.

    Zealous Leap - gap closer.

    Rebuke - damage mitigation.

    Leg Slash - a second slow.

    Crippling Throw - mortal strike (-20% healing for 15 seconds).

    Transcendence - 10 second party +50% move speed (a second gap closer).

    Pacify - -90% accuracy for 6 seconds to target.

    Force Camoflauge - +30% movement speed for 4 seconds.

    Guarded by the Force - -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.


    Awe - 6 second disorient.

    Dispatch - a nice damage execute.

    Force Kick - interrupt on a short CD.

    Force Leap - short CD leap that also stuns and interrupts.

    Force Stasis - channeled stun that does nice damage.

    Force Sweep - we've all seen the video of this skill in action .......

    Opportune Strike - does great damage to Slowed/Immobilized targets.

    Saber Ward - 12 second damage mitigation.

    Shii-Cho Form - +3% damage given -3% damage taken.


    Now, you don't look so bad off. As a Gunslinger, I'm locked down due to Cover. Instead of crying about what I DON'T have, I instead learn what I DO have and how best to enter/exit Cover.


    Did you mean to post this in my thread? Did you even read it/understand it?

  11. So, now are we not only useless in Huttball, but we are also useless on Ilum (thanks!). So what is our role on Ilum when its zerg vs zerg? Aoe fodder?


    We(Marauders included), are the only class without a pull or knockback, so while we have to be the victim of all sorts of uncontrolled character movement, we cannot do this to other people. Fun.


    Our endgame pvp armor looks horrid, and even then, we share it with another class (guardians). Even Juggs and Maras have different armor.


    Leveling up sucked, diddn't get our healing companion till the late 30s.


    The only way we can truly fulfill our role of face metlers is if we have a pocket healer, and even then, any class can rack up high dps numbers if they have a premade.


    Am I the only one that feels this way?

  12. Ah! If only I had a pocket healer like Tidus. Anethia is his btw. I have healers that usually WZ with me but they aren't leashed to me like Tidus's healers are to him. Certainly no battlemaster healers. He doesn't melt my face, he tickles. He melts Sages, but that's what Assassins are built for. I can't really kill him with his pocket healer 1v2, but the few times I've gotten him alone it has been a very close fight. When he was still DPS spec'ed I ripped him apart in a Huttball where we got a fair 1v1, but as tank spec I have no interest in killing him so I just ignore him and attack who he's guarding. He can't kill me and I can't kill him is how it usually goes when we meet. I just got a nice premade vs. premade with him this morning with his Battlemaster Sorc group and we won a very lively Alderaan 150-0 or so.


    But he can't reach Sentinel/Marauder DPS levels. If he rolled with a Marauder like Akashe, for example, it would become quite clear that Assassins don't measure up to Marauders in pure DPS. They have other tools that make them great to have on a team, but pure DPS is not it.


    But enough with the Jung Ma gossip,


    I do solo queue warzones, or queue with no healer, and my experience is much the same. I have so much survivability it hurts me much less than it hurts a Scoundrel or Gunslinger or Shadow, for sure. I was using that as an example of how Sentinel stacks up against other classes when played by equally skilled players.


    You're not a bad player if you're the same Araxus from Jung Ma, so don't give into this "make Sentinels the same as the other classes" BS. Learn to use the toolset you have to the fullest extent and embrace the niche we occupy... or roll a class that better suits what you expect.


    I am the same Araxus from Jung Ma. And I do not think our class is complete trash either. I leveled up as Combat (big mistake), switched to Watchmen and had fun with it, and recently went to Focus and discovered that it is the true tree for pvp.


    As Watchmen I noticed that while I can top 300k damage, people just were not dying if they had a healer. As Focus, while it is not as high sustained dps, it has a hell of alot more burst to drop people low on life. Flus it's easier to keep people in melee range with the 2nd leap and exhaustion.


    The change I want to the class is a pull or knockback, just as every other class has. Since we mash more hotkeys than anyone else, we will see the greatest improvement once the ability lag gets fixed. However I would like a tad more utility/versatility in the terms of cc of what not to, in my opinion, help balance us out.

  13. So thats why you think Sents are fine as is, cause you roll in a premade with healing support.


    Newsflash: any class can faceroll in a premade with pocket healers. Just because you are successful in this way doesn't mean everybody is.


    Spend a day queing solo in wazones, with no premade support, and tell me the class is fine as is and doesn't need any cc (when EVERY other class has it).


    And yea, Warzones are not geared towards the solo player, its a team based map, etc. We get it it. But by doing so, you see how naked the class really is, and where we are lacking compared to other class.


    Take Tidus (Assain) for example. I bet he melts your face 1v1. And guess what, he can go spec to tank if he wants, he can do ranged dps, he has stealth, and more cc(including a knockback!)! So he does what you do, to a better extent, plus 10 other things.

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