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Everything posted by Toogeloo

  1. No... they said 40% quit because the game had a monthly fee, and many would consider coming back if the game was free to play. Many is a subjective term since many people could be a hundred people. And these people would only consider coming back, not actually come back. It's all PR mumbo jumbo that makes the kool-aid taste better.
  2. I kind of want to attempt a Lord Scourge Juggernaut.
  3. WIth what dev team? All the current system model abilities are in place. The resources they have are for developing content to fit within the model. They have no teams to work on new models and incorporate them into the game, so it will probably be a long wait if you expect this change to the current model.
  4. Actually, the whole thing is fluffed. When you quit your Sub, they ask you for what reasons with a [check all that apply]. The reason is a very simplified response of "I can't continue paying for the game," or something along those lines, hidden within about a dozen other reasons. So the real question is, how many people ONLY checked that option? It should be assumed that everyone else that checked that option and any other option, would still be unwilling to play TOR for the other reasons checked as well. But on top of this... 40% stated they quit because it cost a monthly fee... they reported that "many of which said they would return if the game was free to play." This means not all 40% are gonna come back even when it's F2P... and who knows how much "many of which," actually encompasses... It could be a couple thousand people for all we know. It's all PR to make it look better than it is. The largest influx of people we will see when the game goes F2P will be Gold Sellers and anyone looking to play a cheap game where they can wave around a Lightsaber.
  5. My Vette Clone ... including the name.
  6. There are only 500k active paying subscriptions NOW, no way that lasts til the end of the year. Especially since quite a few active subscriptions are still from 6 month subscribers (or two 3 Monthers). As I mentioned earlier, the vast majority of my old guild that disbanded in May quit the game still leaving their 6 month subscription with play time going. They likely cancelled their subs, but these subscriptions still count towards active subs since they still have time on the clock. There were at least 20 people out of the 50ish people in my old guild that had 6 month subs and just up and quit in May to go on to Diablo and Beta Test Guild Wars. Many of them are now back to playing WoW again, despite still having the ability to log in to this game.
  7. You forgot to post the statistics: ♦ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (37.3%) ♦ Call of Duty 2 (20.6%) ♦ Battlefield 3 (6.5%)
  8. I can just see it now... 1 to 50 is free to play. Everything at 50 requires a paid subscription, thus they haven't lied to us. You can do Warzones, Flashpoints, and Space Missions up to 50. At 50, you must have a Subscription to continue playing that character. So there you are... doing your class story... and you ding 50 on Corellia, so you have to pay 15 bucks to finish the story.
  9. Free to Play Races: Gungan And they said that you would be able to play 1-50 and experience the class stories... but they never said you would have sound. Free to Play has No Access to Sound or Subtitles in the game.
  10. They provided no carrot on a stick at the end of the game. Just a big cake that everyone jumped into and then didn't know what to do after that. They gave away gear like candy on halloween, and in 1.3 they made it even more accessible by allowing groups of 4 to get some of the best gear in the game without ever stepping into an Operation. You can even completely Black Hole out a fresh level 50 alt by buying the gear on your main and shipping it to them via Legacy Armor. It's harder to get good PvP gear in this game than it is to get PvE, which is why most people spend their time doing Warzones.
  11. Most of my old guild still has active subscriptions even though they quit the game months ago. Most of subbed for 6 months, or did two 3 Month subs, so our subs all run out near the end of August. Of course, these subs are still counted though I haven't seen about 90% of my old friends log on since May.
  12. In all seriousness... in a couple months this game is simply going to be an online single player PvE game. Anyone who pays 15 dollars a month to do a couple raids a week and PvP more than what you are allotted for free is a sucker.
  13. Hope I can play my Twi'lek Trooper if I go Free to Play. Oh... it's not one of the accessible Race Class combos, guess not.
  14. They wont be able to raid at all first of all. And you over-exaggerate some of your stance... First off, if they can't Raid, they aren't going to have gear that needs repair that exceeds even a couple thousand credits, nor is there any reason to buy expensive things. People who are F2P don't care about that stuff anyways. But at the end of it all, no where does it state there will be a limitation on both character slots or credits earnable, just on content provided. Making money in the game is not hard at all, and even people with limited access have the means to do it easily (doing daily missions, gathering slicing boxes, etc...). The only two things worth doing at level 50 are Operations and Warzones... that's it. If you think there is a ton of people queuing for Flashpoints, there is something wrong... But they are allowing Flashpoint access, so people can still get the same gear out of a Flashpoint if they want to (granted at a slower pace) that they can from a story mode operation. So really, unless BW reworks the way you earn things or alters their access for Free to Play, subscribers pay 15 bucks a month for access to Rakata/Campaign gear and play the Operations. Free to Play will still be able to get Columi, Black Hole, Battle Master, and War Hero gear, and if they are doing things that get that stuff, they are also making money to repair it, or don't even need to repair it at all (WZs).
  15. Looking at the features, most people don't run a lot of Flashpoints or Space Missions, so I don't think limiting them for Free players is really going to matter much. So at the end of it all, people will be paying 15 bucks a month to run an Operation or three a week (depending on how hardcore they are), and to play in Warzones when they aren't raiding. I really don't see this working out myself.
  16. So it looks like it's a lateral swap. 11-13 damage per second difference on only the heavy Madness side of the DPS doesn't seem like it's really worth PvPing for a week and a half to obtain.
  17. My entire first post was discussing that it's current version would be a bit op for tanking, but that the idea of the ability seems to fit better for tanking than as a defensive ability for dps.
  18. One of the reasons I made a Twi'lek in the first place was because they can't wear hoods.
  19. Not just a Sentinel ability, but Guardians as well? It might require a little fine tuning since if in it's current version were to be given to Guardians, it would be slightly powerful (20% DR every 60 seconds for 30 seconds is a bit much for tanks)... or just give Sentinels a passive that changes it's functionality to how it is now, but keeps it slightly weakened on Guardians (like how Sages, Commandos, and Gunslingers all gain 30(+) meters on abilities that were previously 10). To me, Rebuke seems like the perfect ability to have for Guardian Tanking, and in endgame, Rebuke is near useless in PvE for Sentinels. I feel like it's almost wasted on Sentinels and just begging to be a tanking ability.
  20. I've been using the standard 4 piece DPS Set Bonuses for PvE (2 less Force on Lightning and chance at 5% Alacrity), but I have been heavily considering PvPing for a bit and getting 4 Piece of Stalker PvP gear. The 2 Piece is nothing to write home about, just 5 more meters on our stun (so 35m), but the 4 piece has me slightly intrigued... 1 additional charge of Recklessness and reducing it's cooldown by 15 seconds. It's hard to say whether this is just a lateral change losing 5% alacrity every 15ish seconds and not having to sac health for force a little less frequently might still be equivalent damage to gaining one extra Recklessness charge even on the reduction of cooldown, so I just wanted to get some opinions from you folks.
  21. Going against the grain, I will agree with the OP. I leveled as Watchman to 20, got Overload Saber, and kept grinning that the fight was usually over before even half the dots ran their course. I switch to Combat at 21 and have been leveling as Combat ever since (only level 37 currently). The speed of killing seems a bit faster since Ataru form procs somewhat frequently, and my Blade Storm hits like a truck since it always crits. Focus seems to be less of an issue as well since Combat Trance comes early. It is true though that Watchman gets Overload Saber before Combat gets Precision Strike, but the damage from Overload Saber is more or less equivalent to any procs from Ataru form (gained at the same level), and Ataru doesn't cost any extra Focus to use. Ataru procs frequently on any multi hit ability like Ravage, Strike, and Slash, so I see those extra hits a lot. I feel like my Zen pops up faster in Combat than it does in Watchman as well, which allows me to melt things faster with faster GCD attacks. I for one do not regret leveling as Combat, and I think it works just fine, and though I haven't been a Watchman since level 20, I think the mobs die faster than if I had dots rolling on them.
  22. I disagree. I found the Trooper story to be fairly entertaining. If you dislike the military and all the "yes'sirs" then you will probably get annoyed with it, but that would be the only reason to dislike it. The overall story, looking past the military aspect of it, is actually really good. The thing that makes the Trooper story better than Consular is that Trooper engages you right away. From the moment you leave Ord Mantell, you are interested in seeing where the story is going, and so it hooks you better. Consular on the other hand is a struggle to stay awake through Tython, the story is just plain dull. I have played 7 and a half class stories too (Knight is in the middle of Act 2 and the last story for me to finish). If I were to rank them, I would say something like this: BEST Agent Warrior Knight Trooper Smuggler Hunter Inquisitor Consular WORST
  23. Judging from my own experience, Tanks are in ridiculous quantities. I've never seen so many people want to tank in any MMO. We have 6 in our guild alone. The problem with this is regardless of if you do 8 man or 16 man content, you only need 2. If you have an abundance of tanks, it is sometimes easier to run multiple 8 mans or convince a few of them to roll dps. In my experience, it's probably better to have your excess Vanguards and Shadows as DPS if they wouldn't mind over the Guardians who have less place as DPS, but at the same time, I think you don't want the same type of tanks as both tanks. Healers on the other hand... Healers seem to be really rare. In WZs, it's a rare blessing to even get one on my random team. In our Ops, we have exactly 4, and we abuse them like crazy. Generally speaking, even tanks end up waiting for those rare Healers to queue for PUG LFG Queue. If you still haven't decided on a class... I would roll a Sage as the above poster suggested. It's ranged dps and can heal. But more importantly, it's dummy healing... it's by and far the easiest healer to play in the game if you have to, and to make it even better, it's probably the strongest overall raid healer in the game as well doing all aspects of healing very well. If you don't need to heal, it's still a very faceroll dps ranged class with tons of utility. It's also ridiculously easy to level.
  24. Raiding, you almost always want a Sentinel. On top of bringing massive amounts of DPS, Inspiration and Zen healing really assist the overall raid as well. My second pick would be Gunslinger for also bringing a large amount of DPS as well as their damage reduction Raid Shield. I'd probably rank it as such: Sentinel (high dps, utility, inspiration) Gunslinger (high dps, aoe shield, ranged) Shadow (high-ish dps, strong burst, off-taunt + resilience, stealth + CC) Sage (high-ish dps, bubbles, rescue, ranged, CC) Commando (high-ish dps, defense reduction, ranged, CC) Vanguard (high dps, off-taunt) Scoundrel (high burst dps, average sustained dps, stealth + CC, capable of two CCs sometimes) Guardian (probably the most average dps, off-taunt, armor debuff) I really, really like Guardian DPS myself personally, but I sadly have to admit they bring absolutely nothing to the table that can't be performed by another more prevalent class, or better by most other classes. If I were building a raid and picking dps, I would go by the above preference list, though some spots are inter-changable at times (sometimes I would rank Commando a bit lower since Vanguard DPS is generally higher).
  25. I'd go Vengeance or Focus with Quinn for the least stressful leveling experience. If you want to go Immortal, definitely stick with Vette or Jaesa (Vette is my pick, I think she does more damage than Jaesa personally).
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