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Everything posted by Fallensouls

  1. Yea this whole saboteur or loyalist thing they have sucks. I am not interested in the new story after I watched the video about all that. They forced us to choose and now they are forcing us to stay. I am not happy at all with that outcome. plus The new expansion is about going to a ancient planet with old jedi ruins, hmm just like Tython , how JJ Abrams of them to replay tython over again in a new shell. The whole thing smells bad.
  2. I loved the KOTFE and KOTET and was looking forward to fighting more of the old enemies of Zakkul . Now we got to go back to jedi vs sith. The new expansion is about going to a ancient planet with old jedi ruins, hmm just like Tython , how JJ Abrams of Bioware, to replay tython over again in a new shell.Total bull crap. I unsubbed im not paying for what I already did in this game years ago. But the absolute worst part is how Bioware has them just want to give up and crawl back to the Empire or Republic? Are you kidding me?? And how do you put the Outlander back into a conflict that is over theology which you learn in the eternal throne is all wrong? The jedi are wrong, the Sith are wrong, Valkorian , Marr and Satele showed him/ her that the power of the force is not light or dark so how do you go back with the story to fighiing over whether light or dark is better? That is why i totally disagree with him or her returning to the previous factions, your character is beyond them now. That will ruin what is already established for your character. Its making us go back 12 steps from our Ruling the galaxy. And I am not fine with that. Also why the heck would my followers leave? Just because my fleet got magically blown up by a ship that barely worked? No those people left their previous faction because they believed in you there is no way they would return to the factions they left for joining the outlander. Plus why cant you use Iokath to make a whole new fleet just like the Star Forge you would have a new fleet in very little time? That is a huge plot hole and shows not very good writing or thought out very well. The whole thing isn't thought out well and Bioware might have killed the experience for more than a few of us this time. And they blew up my odessen throne which really ticked me off.
  3. The Sith die out and the republic wins why continue that story? Yea I agree obviously Bioware has yet again underestimated how many people really did like the eternal throne stuff and wanted that to continue. They never poll the players in game to get a true measurement and it usually costs them many subs. Bioware keeps listening to a few on the forums over the majority.. Just like year one and that whole fiasco and the other Galactic command debacle, they keep on making big mistakes and its costing them money. I can tell you majority of my guild ( which is a pretty good size guild) hates the ending of Nathema and will be very unhappy if the story continues in this direction. I mean seriously Lucas films is not giving us good Star Wars Stories and most of us look to Bioware to do that, and in the past it was great. Natheman has been a huge let down, especially the ending.
  4. See that is one of the reasons I started this thread. Here you are the savior of the Galaxy and you lost your fleet over night and lost your super weapon. Indo and the whole planet of Zakuul turns on you. No explanation as to why except for the ranting former Knight. Like the whole planet or Indo would forget you stopped Vaylan and Arcann from destroying everyone. The ending everyone turns on your character except a few. That is not realistic at all or even good writing. As if after everything anyone would turn on you after saving them from a terrible fate like that? It is obviously written that way to make your character to have to go beg the former faction for help. Which is pathetic. Basically they turned our story into one of a loser who cant keep his own followers and has to run back to factions who have betrayed him or her trying to steal from you on Iokath. Really I am dreading the new expansion, if it is written like this Nathema stuff it wont be fun.
  5. I agree totally with what you said. Suck is probably too strong of a word, The Eternal Throne story line was the best they had done Since the Revan stuff, and this Nathema story feels really rushed with huge plot holes and just too convenient things added to the story. For example: The Gravestone barely could get one shot much less 2 before its systems shut down because the ship obviously was left in the swamps for thousand years. But amazingly Zilrog can make it shoot multiple times with out anything breaking? And before each shot could destroy maybe a half dozen to a dozen ships but Zilrog makes it destroys hundreds a shot.When writers do this kinda stuff its really annoying to the fans. Then conveniently the troops want to run back to their previous factions because your two biggest weapons are lost. Just too much convenient plots, too soon, and not really good for the story. Honestly if they keep writing like this, I dread the story line from the new expansion.
  6. You would possibly lose companions over the side you pick , Elara Dorne leaves if you side with the Imperials.
  7. It does say that, way before the stun weapon part. Ares tells you he is gathering information not only to see if you are worthy to inherit the planet but also to build droids to combat you. Maybe you did not pick the same conversation choices I did but whatever.. Because obviously you don't know what you are talking about, or are just trying to twist the facts to fit your agenda. The old resources would have been used up by now because it has been ten of thousands of years without anyone bringing resources for the droids and weapons to be built. So how does a planet that is that old have resources to build weapons, droids and star ships? Because there is no way a surplus of anything would be left after so long a time. Droids would have needed repair or replacement , facilities would have needed repair and other structures to keep the planet running. All those resources would have been used up if they were even there to begin with. The only logical conclusion is that those resources are created from the matter from the mass of the dwarf star inside it. If you cant comprehend that then, obviously you have no idea what the star forge or the foundry back stories are.
  8. Not so fast, before you pat yourself on the back for that page and a half measurements of star circumferences, let me tell you it matters not how big a star is. You ever hear of Red and White Dwarf Stars? Obviously not. These stars are approximately a quarter or less the size of our Sun and burn hotter, and have more mass. So even though our Sun is larger, the dwarf stars have a bigger gravitational pull and burn hotter with radiation. So if in fact we relate that to Iokath it does appear to be a White Dwarf star inside the sphere. If that is the case then my whole theory is correct about Iokath being like the Star Forge and can in a relatively short period of time create a fleet or warships and droids to replace the soldiers than ran home to their Mommy in the Sith Empire or the Republic. Also your theory about there being no examples of Iokath making droids or ships quickly is not correct because Ares created droids specifically to defeat the outlander. Those droids were made within hours, or less. Its in the story. so I am correct about Iokath. But Bioware could always back pedal change it to push everything to the new story. They tried that once in Mass Effect 3 people didn't like that too much. But thank you for your input it was a very nice discussion about the size of stars.
  9. Ok so your whole point is pointless. Droids are still being manufactured on Iokath that has been established but nothing is bringing resources to the planet. So how does the planet that has no mining ships bringing materials to it have resources to keep manufacturing droids? In all that measurements of stars and etc you didn't answer that one question and the ONLY logical conclusion is Iokath is like the Star Forge turning energy into matter. Whether it is only power from the star or from the massive planetary power generators. Either way the planet takes energy making material for production. Hence the Eternal fleet could be rebuilt. But also as I have said before I would rather them build ships like the one Arcann had than those ugly eternal fleet ships anyways. His ship had a crew so that would be more realistic to build for the alliance and would be easier because of less automation. They could have a relatively good size fleet in a very short time.
  10. Nice you really went the extra mile on this, but again its all meaningless. We dont know how big the star inside of iokath is. All we can assume is it is large enough to power the whole planet and some. That is why i say its like The Star Forge. It could take matter from the star it was orbiting and Turn that into material and the automation pumped out a massive Fleet for Revan. Iokath own Star inside its dyson sphere that gives it power, matter from that star is then turned into material to create all those droids it keeps making and can also be used to rebuild the Eternal Fleet. Nothing you said in that whole long explanation can refute that because you cant disqualify the stars power because its size and power are unknown. Bioware set that up in Kotor one and again when they created Iokath. You need to talk to them not me, i didnt make it up lol.
  11. Really? Several times its mentioned the star powers the planet that is why it is there. So if it is not like the Star Forge because these aliens seem more advanced than the Rakata, how does it continue to make droids and pump them out so fast? No one is bringing resources to Iokath so where do they come from? The star is where just like the Star Forge.
  12. Good one, I did not even think of that fleet. Another possibility that the writers chose not to include. Besides the obvious fact that Iokath could replace the fleet very quickly.
  13. Oh I read the codex entry about the resource wars in the last paragraph about the Eternal Thrones defeat it basically says the Republic and the Empire are desperate for resources to rebuild. Not a thing is said about the Eternal Throne needing resources and I already told you IOKATH is just like the Star Forge it uses the energy from the star to create the resources needed to assemble Ships Droids and weapons, no resources needed. So stop twisting the truth to fit your agenda. The other stuff on the alliance i have not seen at all. IT doesnt matter though the fleet can be easily replaced by Iokath. All this was put into play by Bioware for the new expansion sure but the way it is done makes me wonder if the new expansion is rushed Like Nathema will it be worth sticking around for, will it be worth sticking around for that the Alliance is weak and your returning to be commanded by inferior Force users. Sounds like a fun story alright (sarcastic) You know what would been a better story and brought back many subscribers if they had the yuuzhan vong attack instead of going back to the same ole Sith vs Jedi.
  14. You know what I have not seen any of those codex on any of my characters so i have no idea about resources, but I will say this as many planets that are in the Eternal empire there is no way resources would be hard to find. I smell another bioware writers with out imagination cop out to make us have to crawl back to the previous factions like a punk. Im going by what was said in the story line and the whole thing smells like a dead rat. Are you even sure the codex states that the entire empire of hundreds of planets doesnt have any metals? because that would be nearly impossible. Also the IOKATH planet creates material with the massive power of the small star it has like the STAR FORGE did IT DOES NOT REQUIRE RESOURCES TO BUILD. And Im Sure the current Bioware writers are like Doh!! we didnt think of that ooooops. So your whole arguments about lack of resources doesnt apply to IOKATH. So stop beating a dead horse.
  15. This whole story line was poorly written and thought out. Theron Shan's whole story of going rouge was not fleshed out well and it has no real build up to the end. But the absolute worst part is how you have them just want to give up and crawl back to the Empire or Republic? Are you kidding me?? You think America crawled back to Brittan for help after Japan blew the crap out of most of the American Fleet in Pearl Harbor? Nope, it made the Americans just want to fight that much harder and they ended up fighting 2 wars at the same time, when we took on the Germans at the same time. What the heck is up with them giving up? Zakkuul going independant ? for real? No way the Outlander would allow that because they could become a threat in the future. Again poorly written and thought out. Obviously who ever wrote this does not know anything about history or politics at all. They still have Iokath technology, it would be easy for them to replace the fleet. Some body needs to hire some good writers, because BIoware story telling has gone into the trash bin lately.
  16. You dont know what you are talking about. Everyting I said is in the story. Go back and play the game.
  17. And how do you put the Outlander back into a conflict that is over theology which you learn in the eternal throne is all wrong? The jedi are wrong, the Sith are wrong, Valkorian showed him/ her that the power of the force is not light or dark so how do you go back with the story to fighiing over whether light or dark is better? That is why i totally disagree with him or her returning to the previous factions, your character is beyond them now. That will ruin what is already established for your character. If people want to play the jedi versus sith then make a new character and start the story all over and work your way back up to greatness.
  18. Another Pvper with no real brain. The pvp crowd does not carry this game its the Pve that is keeping this game alive. I enjoy pvp but if it wasn't for the Pve and the story this game would have died because frankly the pvp part has caused alot of issues for raids and in the game in the past years. Also the biggest servers are always the Roleplay servers and the servers that died where the pvp servers, so if pvp was such such a huge factor your servers would not have died first. Pvp is just a side quest in this game.
  19. Iokath can create droids as fast as the Foundry yes, and if that is the case I dont see why it would not work for ships too. I dont see why Bioware doesnt create another faction that is stronger than all three, and make that the real threat of the Galaxy and they could be like the Rakata darkside users whose tech runs off the darkside. OR bring Darth Malgus back, who has found the secret to Valkorians power of draining worlds and intends to do the same. There are so many possibilities. FYI Bioware Im for hire since your current writers suck for ideas.
  20. You mean you are worried about how upset people are at this Nathema story line Fiasco you got ? You are right might be safer to do it online, lots of people are mad at it. Unfortunate but, its always best to be on the safe side. Also in the furture if you give fans what they want less crazies come out, fans are happy,and you make more money. Just a FYI.
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