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Everything posted by Jerba

  1. As an update, gameplay is mostly possible as long as you avoid the bugged instances (which result in the 60% loading screen bug). Dxun, Onderon and Republic fleet appear to be fine. To the devs: Please restart the Imperial fleet instance, like you did for the Kai Zykken hotfix. Even if you cannot fix the whole server problems at the moment, just resetting the fleet instance will go a long way toward resolving the problems. After all, fleet is the main communications hub and many players have logged out their characters there. Even if some other bugged instances remain, some gameplay is possible as long as fleet is working.
  2. Republic fleet and Onderon are fine, cannot speak about Imperial side.
  3. Yep, as of 7:31pm UTC the issue is resolved. Let's hope we won't get another disconnect.
  4. As of 7:24pm UTC most players with issues were able to reconnect but some players just had another disconnect at 7:27pm UTC.
  5. As of 7:09pm UTC, the issue appeared to be resolved. We were able to log into Onderon and all other areas. But now at 7:14pm UTC, many players were once again disconnected from the server. I'm still in-game; it appears to be random who is kicked from the server.
  6. A few guildies were able to reconnect to server but are now stuck at 60% in the Onderon loading screen. Looks like the same issues as before. Some other guildies were able to log into Republic fleet but player numbers are lower than normal.
  7. Our guild just had another disconnect at 7:00pm UTC, and is now stuck in loading screen when trying to reconnect to server.
  8. I've organized multiple Dxun PuG runs since 6.0 and it has been wildly successful. My thinking is that without experienced players like me PuGing the new operation, no raiding community will build up and a couple months later, we are in the same spot as with Gods or Queen where no one wants to PuG it. Yes, the operation is not a walk in the park but it is doable. You need an experienced raid leader who knows the ins and outs of the operation, specifically how to deal with the bugs (bosses not giving loot, bosses resetting mid-fight, a bugged instance requiring a reset) and the main tank and at least one healer should have 306 gear. Voice comms is a must obviously; I don't take players along that won't join our Teamspeak server. They don't need to have a mic, they just need to be able to listen so I don't have to type in chat. 8-man is easier than 16-man but I've ran both multiple times. I prefer 16-man because I can teach the operation to more players but players prefer 8-man due to less lag and because it's not as hectic. Yesterday, Dxun was in Group Finder and while I've been doing a 16-man PuG group, I've seen a couple players organizing Dxun GF runs. There were over 15 Dxun instances open yesterday but not sure how many of those were SM or VM. So, at least speaking for my server Tulak Hord, I cannot echo the sentiment of this thread. Don't complain about the situation, be proactive and do something about it!
  9. I have just received my reply from Customer Support, and unfortunately, they were not informed, or at least the German CSR agents. In the response, the agent wrote that characters must have reached at least 50k points to receive the rewards, and linked an old forums post from October 17: @Musco: Please reach out to Customer Support and let them know that characters that made between 15k and 50k points are also eligible for the conquest rewards.
  10. Thanks for the update, Keith! I too have been enjoying the expansion so far, with my main char already best-in-slot save for some amplifiers, and I'm currently working on getting all 8 classes to rank 100 for the legacy title. I really like the gearing. My raid group is progressing through Dxun VM, and I've organized over ten PuG runs through Dxun SM to teach the boss fights to other players. The flurry of bugs, requiring a phase reset multiple times each run, is very annoying though. I do have to say that my enjoyment has been diminished quite a bit because of all the small bugs, which shows me there's been a lack of attention to detail, specifically: Quick Travel points that cannot be unlocked Gathering nodes that are stuck inside a wall or tree and cannot be clicked Mek-Sha achievements that cannot be completed Mek-Sha world boss that grants no loot or achievement Various bugs in the Dxun operation Various typos and inconsistencies in the German translation - something that has never happened before I am sure everyone at the studio is giving their best but these bugs show that the expansion was rushed. I wouldn't have wanted to see another delay but please schedule better for future Game Updates so bugs like this don't happen again. It is especially frustrating when half of the things mentioned in the 6.0a patch notes turned out to not be fixed after all, so I hope they (and some of the remaining issues) will get fixed next week.
  11. For anyone needing to contact Customer Service, here's a template. Feel free to adapt as needed.
  12. The fleet restart to remove the schematics from Kai Zykken also fixed the Republic fleet instance. So at least those issues are gone for now. Let's hope the other issues will be gone after the hardware replacement later tonight.
  13. Thanks for the update! I've been in contact with various players but no updates to report for now. The Republic fleet instance continues to have major issues (no guild tags showing, no Bounty Hunting event, no access to legacy bank, no travel to strongholds, cannot invite to group or leave group, cannot accept Group Finder invite, cannot see conquest panel or conquest leaderboard). Most of the other instances appear to be fine, except for a handful of other instances I reported earlier.
  14. Thanks for the update but can we please get more transparency? With enough staffing and proper procedures, it should not take four days to find the root cause. Specifically, what are your plans for the weekend? Will you have staff monitoring the servers 24/7 or are we screwed till Monday?
  15. As an update, in addition to Republic fleet, the Jedi Knight player ship instance (Defender) is now also bugged.
  16. Tatooine PvP instance is also bugged and showing the same symptoms as the other bugged instances. Edit: Please disregard this post; both Tatooine instances have no issues. Republic fleet continues to have issues.
  17. Going by player reports, the following instances are currently bugged: Republic fleet Onderon instance 5 Nar Shaddaa PvP instance Balmorra Ossus
  18. After the disconnect, I could log in again. However, now all the Bounty Hunting stuff has disappeared from the Republic fleet as well (previously, it only disappeared from Nar Shaddaa). Please fix! Edit: The Republic fleet is now showing the same symptoms as Imperial fleet was showing since yesterday evening: Cannot access Legacy Bank, cannot travel to stronghold, cannot invite players to group or guild, missing guild tags, etc. I was able to exit fleet by using Legacy Transport to my starship. Other Republic-side instances appear to be fine (even Nar Shaddaa is working again since the disconnect); only Republic fleet is bugged. Edit 2: Also, Onderon instance 5 is showing the same issues as fleet (cannot queue for group finder).
  19. Another disconnect incoming at 11:22am UTC...
  20. I agree with the other posters that it feels like the server can't handle all the returning players, especially because it happens only at prime time. Please increase the resources ASAP. If the returning players don't stick around, the health of the server community will suffer throughout the whole 6.X cycle. I especially feel bad for players who purchased one month of subscription to try out 6.0, and are now unable to play for nearly a whole week of that month. If the issues continue to persist into next week, you'll need to start talking about compensation options. Note that the issues are not resolved. While I could play some flashpoints on Republic side without issues for the past two hours, I hear that many problems continue to persist on Imperial side (group finder not working, cannot access bank, laggy gameplay). In addition, the Nar Shaddaa instance is completely broken for both factions. You cannot complete any of the conquest objectives there, and the NPC "Otheros" from the Bounty Hunting event has despawned so you cannot do any bounty contracts on Nar Shaddaa. Previously, the Onderon instances have seen various issues, with players not seeing the conquest leaderboard and in general very laggy gameplay. But from what I heard, those problems are gone now and Onderon is in a playable state again.
  21. I think this is old news since half the server had another disconnect a couple minutes before you posted this? Anyway, I am now able to connect again but with these connection issues, it is difficult to impossible to commit to any group content this week.
  22. Just had another disconnect, others from the guild are still connected though. Prior to that, I was able to play normally for nearly a whole hour.
  23. The first players can now once again connect to the server and log back in. Some other guildies are still unable to connect to the server or are stuck in loading screen.
  24. Server issues are back. Everyone was kicked from the server and can now no longer connect.
  25. I can confirm issues with personal loot in Dxun 16-man SM on Tulak Hord; so looks like this is a general problem. In our case, not everyone would get loot from the final boss in Dxun (Apex Vanguard). In one run, I counted 10 players getting personal loot, with the other 6 not getting anything. I didn't count the loot in chat on the other runs but some players were definitely not getting loot. This definitely happened post-6.0.0a; not sure if it also happened in the 6.0 release week. Also, I'm not yet sure if the missing loot is given to other players instead, or completely gone. It seems very RNG how many gear pieces you get (2 to 5?) and I feel that is not intended. It doesn't help that we get so much gear pieces that it's easy to lose track over the items in the inventory. We didn't notice any issues with the first boss in Dxun, or at least nobody complained that he didn't get loot. Yes, Dxun's second boss encounter does not give loot in 8-man and 16-man SM (VM loot works fine) because the encounter does not end correctly. That's also why you stay in combat after the fight and do not get a lockout for the boss. This type of bug is inexcusable and speaks to the overworked/underpaid devs and generally low quality of Onslaught in general. But what can we do; we play this game in the knowledge it won't get the funding it deserves and have to put up with those bugs. Also, you didn't mention it but the Dxun 16-man SM phase is completely bugged after defeating the third boss encounter. The quest progress tracker shows "Defeat Apex Vanguard" when it should show "Find a spare power module" (or similar) so everyone needs to exit area and the group leader needs to reset phase before you can continue advancing to the 4th boss encounter.
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